begin require 'gherkin' rescue LoadError require 'rubygems' require 'gherkin' end require 'optparse' require 'cucumber' require 'logger' require 'cucumber/cli/configuration' module Cucumber module Cli class Main class << self def execute(args) new(args).execute! end end def initialize(args, _=nil, out=STDOUT, err=STDERR, kernel=Kernel) @args = args @out = out @err = err @kernel = kernel end def execute!(existing_runtime = nil) trap_interrupt runtime = if existing_runtime existing_runtime.configure(configuration) existing_runtime else end! runtime.write_stepdefs_json failure = runtime.results.failure? || Cucumber.wants_to_quit @kernel.exit(failure ? 1 : 0) rescue FileNotFoundException => e @err.puts(e.message) @err.puts("Couldn't open #{e.path}") @kernel.exit(1) rescue FeatureFolderNotFoundException => e @err.puts(e.message + ". Please create a #{e.path} directory to get started.") @kernel.exit(1) rescue ProfilesNotDefinedError, YmlLoadError, ProfileNotFound => e @err.puts(e.message) @kernel.exit(1) rescue SystemExit => e @kernel.exit(e.status) rescue Errno::EACCES, Errno::ENOENT => e @err.puts("#{e.message} (#{e.class})") @kernel.exit(1) rescue Exception => e @err.puts("#{e.message} (#{e.class})") @err.puts(e.backtrace.join("\n")) @kernel.exit(1) end def configuration @configuration ||=, @err).tap do |configuration| configuration.parse!(@args) Cucumber.logger = configuration.log end end private def trap_interrupt trap('INT') do exit!(1) if Cucumber.wants_to_quit Cucumber.wants_to_quit = true STDERR.puts "\nExiting... Interrupt again to exit immediately." end end end end end