require File.expand_path('../../spec_helper', __FILE__) describe "Make Exportable" do before(:each) do clean_database! end describe MakeExportable do # For simply having MakeExportable loaded as a gem/plugin describe "mattr_accessor :exportable_classes" do it "should be a hash" do MakeExportable.exportable_classes.class.should == Hash end it "should be readable and writable" do MakeExportable.exportable_classes[:testkey] = 'testvalue' MakeExportable.exportable_classes[:testkey].should == 'testvalue' MakeExportable.exportable_classes.delete(:testkey) end end describe "mattr_accessor :exportable_formats" do it "should be a hash" do MakeExportable.exportable_classes.class.should == Hash end it "should be readable and writable" do MakeExportable.exportable_formats[:testkey] = 'testvalue' MakeExportable.exportable_formats[:testkey].should == 'testvalue' MakeExportable.exportable_formats.delete(:testkey) end it "should contain keys for the supported format types" do MakeExportable.exportable_formats.should_not be_nil MakeExportable.exportable_formats.key?(:csv ).should be_true MakeExportable.exportable_formats.key?(:xls ).should be_true MakeExportable.exportable_formats.key?(:html).should be_true MakeExportable.exportable_formats.key?(:json).should be_true MakeExportable.exportable_formats.key?(:tsv ).should be_true MakeExportable.exportable_formats.key?(:xml ).should be_true end it "should have the correct format class as a value for each key" do MakeExportable.exportable_formats[:csv ].should == MakeExportable::CSV MakeExportable.exportable_formats[:xls ].should == MakeExportable::Excel MakeExportable.exportable_formats[:html].should == MakeExportable::HTML MakeExportable.exportable_formats[:json].should == MakeExportable::JSON MakeExportable.exportable_formats[:tsv ].should == MakeExportable::TSV MakeExportable.exportable_formats[:xml ].should == MakeExportable::XML end end describe "extenstions to ActiveRecord's class methods" do it "should include MakeExportable's ActiveRecordBaseMethods" do if ActiveRecord::VERSION::MAJOR >= 3 ActiveRecord::Base.methods.include?(:exportable?).should be_true ActiveRecord::Base.methods.include?(:make_exportable).should be_true else ActiveRecord::Base.methods.include?('exportable?').should be_true ActiveRecord::Base.methods.include?('make_exportable').should be_true end end end # Once classes add MakeExportable's functionality describe "classes declaring make_exportable" do before(:each) do class User make_exportable end end it "should be included in MakeExportable.exportable_tables" do MakeExportable.exportable_classes['User'].should == User end it "should have MakeExportable's ClassMethods" do if ActiveRecord::VERSION::MAJOR >= 3 User.methods.include?(:exportable?).should be_true User.methods.include?(:to_export).should be_true User.methods.include?(:get_export_data).should be_true User.methods.include?(:create_report).should be_true else User.methods.include?("exportable?").should be_true User.methods.include?("to_export").should be_true User.methods.include?("get_export_data").should be_true User.methods.include?("create_report").should be_true end end it "should not expose MakeExportable's ClassMethods which are private" do if ActiveRecord::VERSION::MAJOR >= 3 User.methods.include?(:find_export_data).should be_false User.methods.include?(:map_export_data).should be_false User.methods.include?(:validate_export_format).should be_false User.methods.include?(:validate_export_data_lengths).should be_false else User.methods.include?("find_export_data").should be_false User.methods.include?("map_export_data").should be_false User.methods.include?("validate_export_format").should be_false User.methods.include?("validate_export_data_lengths").should be_false end end it "should have MakeExportable's InstanceMethods" do if ActiveRecord::VERSION::MAJOR >= 3 User.instance_methods.include?(:export_attribute).should be_true else User.instance_methods.include?("export_attribute").should be_true end end it "should have an inheritable class accessor for exportable_options" do if ActiveRecord::VERSION::MAJOR >= 3 User.instance_methods.include?(:exportable_options).should be_true else User.instance_methods.include?("exportable_options").should be_true end end describe "dynamically-named methods" do describe 'create_#{format}_report' do do |format, v| it "should define the method create_#{format}_report" do User.should_receive(:create_report).with(format.to_s) User.send("create_#{format}_report") end end it "should return NoMethodError if the format is not supported" do lambda do User.create_xyz_report end.should raise_error(NoMethodError) end end describe 'to_#{format}_export' do do |format, v| it "should define the method to_#{format}_export" do User.should_receive(:to_export).with(format.to_s) User.class_eval("to_#{format}_export") end end it "should return NoMethodError if the format is not supported" do lambda do User.to_xyz_export end.should raise_error(NoMethodError) end end end describe "not passing in options" do it "should set default values for key options" do == ["columns", "formats", "scopes"] end it "should set :columns to all database columns" do User.exportable_options[:columns].should == [:id, :first_name, :last_name, :password, :email, :is_admin, :created_at, :updated_at] end it "should set :formats to all supported formats" do User.exportable_options[:formats].map(&:to_s).sort.should == ["csv", "html", "json", "tsv", "xls", "xml"] end it "should set :scopes to an empty array" do User.exportable_options[:scopes].should == [] end end describe "passing in options" do it "should toss out invalid options" do class Post < ActiveRecord::Base make_exportable :nonsense => "this should not be included", :offset => 20 end # valid_options = [:as, :only, :except, :scopes, :conditions, :order, :include, # :group, :having, :limit, :offset, :joins] Post.exportable_options.include?(:nonsense).should be_false Post.exportable_options.include?(:offset).should be_true end describe ":only/:except options" do it "should not appear in exportable_options" do # these get removed and converted into :columns class Post < ActiveRecord::Base make_exportable :only => [:this, :that, :another], :except => [:title] end Post.exportable_options.include?(:only).should be_false Post.exportable_options.include?(:except).should be_false end it "should allow column names to be either strings or symbols" do class Post < ActiveRecord::Base make_exportable :only => ["full_name", :symbol_method] end Post.exportable_options[:columns].should == [:full_name, :symbol_method] end it "should allow a single column name or an array of names" do class Post < ActiveRecord::Base make_exportable :only => "full_name" end Post.exportable_options[:columns].should == [:full_name] end # unique for :only option it "should allow attributes/methods which are not database columns" do class Post < ActiveRecord::Base make_exportable :only => ["a_method_name", "another_method"] end Post.exportable_options[:columns].should == [:a_method_name, :another_method] end it "should replace the default columns saved in exportable_options[:columns]" do class Post < ActiveRecord::Base make_exportable :only => ["a_method_name", "another_method"] end Post.exportable_options[:columns].should == [:a_method_name, :another_method] end # unless we add a check for this it "should not try to catch bogus attribute/method names" do class Post < ActiveRecord::Base make_exportable :only => ["full_name", "another_method"] end Post.exportable_options[:columns].should == [:full_name, :another_method] end # unique for :except option it "should subtract from the default columns saved in exportable_options[:columns]" do class Post < ActiveRecord::Base make_exportable :except => [:created_at, :updated_at] end Post.exportable_options[:columns].should == [:id, :title, :content, :approved] end it "should ignore bogus attribute/method names" do class Post < ActiveRecord::Base make_exportable :except => [:created_at, :updated_at, :bogus] end Post.exportable_options[:columns].should == [:id, :title, :content, :approved] end end describe ":as option" do it "should not appear in exportable_options" do class Post < ActiveRecord::Base make_exportable :as => [:csv, "xml"] end Post.exportable_options.include?(:as).should be_false end it "should allow format names to be either strings or symbols" do class Post < ActiveRecord::Base make_exportable :as => [:csv, "xml"] end Post.exportable_options[:formats].map(&:to_s).sort.should == ["csv", "xml"] end it "should allow a single format name or an array of names" do class Post < ActiveRecord::Base make_exportable :as => :json end Post.exportable_options[:formats].should == [:json] end it "should ignore formats not in the supported formats" do class Post < ActiveRecord::Base make_exportable :as => [:csv, "unsupported"] end Post.exportable_options[:formats].should == [:csv] end it "should raise an error if only unsupported formats are passed in" do lambda do class Post < ActiveRecord::Base make_exportable :as => "unsupported" end end.should raise_error(MakeExportable::FormatNotFound) end end describe ":scopes option" do it "should be saved unchanged in exportable_options[:scopes]" do Post.class_eval("make_exportable :scopes => [:scope1, :scope2]") Post.exportable_options[:scopes].should == [:scope1, :scope2] end end describe "finder options" do [:conditions, :order, :include, :group, :having, :limit, :offset, :joins].each do |opt| it "should save :#{opt} unchanged in exportable_options[:#{opt}]" do Post.class_eval("make_exportable :#{opt} => 'accepts anything trusting the user'") Post.exportable_options[opt].should == "accepts anything trusting the user" end end end end end describe "MakeExportable::ClassMethods" do before(:each) do class User make_exportable end clean_database! User.create(:first_name => "user_1", :last_name => "Doe", :created_at =>, :updated_at => User.create(:first_name => "user_2", :last_name => "Doe", :created_at =>, :updated_at => end describe "exportable?" do it "should be false for regular ActiveRecord classes" do Unexportable.exportable?.should be_false end it "should be true for classes that call make_exportable" do User.exportable?.should be_true end it "should be true when the argument value is an allowed format for this class" do User.exportable?("csv").should be_true end it "should be false when the argument value is not an allowed format for this class" do User.exportable?("unsupported").should be_false end end describe "to_export" do it "should use default headers if no :header option is sent" it "should use :headers option for headers if sent" it "should use no headers if :headers is false" end describe "get_export_data" do context "scopes and find options" do # Test how :scopes and find options are merged and applied # (testing the private method :find_export_data) it "should chainable on named_scopes" do User.a_limiter.get_export_data(:only => [:first_name, :last_name]).should == [["first_name", "last_name"],["user_1", "Doe"]] end it "should allow a scope to be sent" do User.get_export_data(:only => [:first_name, :last_name], :scopes => ['a_limiter']).should == [["first_name", "last_name"], ["user_1", "Doe"]] end it "should allow multiple scopes to be sent" do User.get_export_data(:only =>[:first_name, :last_name], :scopes => ['a_limiter', "order_by"]).should == [["first_name", "last_name"], ["user_2", "Doe"]] end it "should find records using :conditions option" do if ActiveRecord::VERSION::MAJOR < 3 User.get_export_data(:only => [:first_name, :last_name], :conditions => {:first_name => "user_1"} ).should == [["first_name", "last_name"], ["user_1", "Doe"]] end end it "should sort records using :order option" do if ActiveRecord::VERSION::MAJOR < 3 User.get_export_data(:only => [:first_name, :last_name], :order => "id DESC").should == [["first_name", "last_name"], ["user_2", "Doe"], ["user_1", "Doe"]] end end it "should limit records using :limit option" do if ActiveRecord::VERSION::MAJOR < 3 User.get_export_data(:only => [:first_name, :last_name], :limit => 1, :order => "id ASC" ).should == [["first_name", "last_name"], ["user_1", "Doe"]] end end # TODO: Test how :scopes and find options get merged when there are default options end context "column selection" do # Test how :only/:except are merged and selected # (testing the private method :map_export_data) it "should export the default columns by default" do time = User.first.created_at.to_s User.get_export_data().should == [["id", "first_name", "last_name", "password", "email", "is_admin", "created_at", "updated_at"], ["1", "user_1", "Doe", "", "", "false",,], ["2", "user_2", "Doe", "", "", "false",,]] end it "should export only the columns given by :only" do User.get_export_data(:only => [:first_name, :last_name]).should == [["first_name", "last_name"], ["user_1", "Doe"], ["user_2", "Doe"]] end it "should export the default columns minus those given by :except" do User.get_export_data(:except => [:id, :created_at, :updated_at, :password, :is_admin]).should == [["first_name", "last_name", "email"], ["user_1", "Doe", ""], ["user_2", "Doe", ""]] end it "should raise an error if no columns are passed" do lambda do User.nothing.get_export_data(:except =>["id", "first_name", "last_name", "password", "email", "is_admin", "created_at", "updated_at"]) end.should raise_error(MakeExportable::ExportFault) end # TODO: Test how :only/:except get merged when there are default options end end describe "create_report" do it "should raise an FormatNotFound if the format is not supported" do lambda do User.create_report("NONSUPPORTED", "") end.should raise_error(MakeExportable::FormatNotFound) end it 'should export an array of header and array of arrays of rows in the specified format' do User.create_report("csv", [[ "data", 'lovely data'],["", "more lovely data"]], :headers => ["Title", "Another Title"]).should == ["Title,Another Title\ndata,lovely data\n\"\",more lovely data\n", "text/csv; charset=utf-8; header=present"] end it 'should export array of arrays of rows in the specified format if header is set to true with header set as present' do User.create_report("csv", [["Title", "Another Title"],[ "data", 'lovely data'],["", "more lovely data"]], :headers => true).should == ["Title,Another Title\ndata,lovely data\n\"\",more lovely data\n", "text/csv; charset=utf-8; header=present"] end it 'should export array of arrays of rows in the specified format if header is set to false' do User.create_report("csv", [[ "data", 'lovely data'],["", "more lovely data"]], :headers => false).should == ["data,lovely data\n\"\",more lovely data\n", "text/csv; charset=utf-8; header=absent"] end it "should raise an ExportFault if the datasets are not all the same size" do lambda do User.create_report("xml", [[ "data", 'lovely data'],["more lovely data"]], :headers =>["Title", "Another Title"]) end.should raise_error(MakeExportable::ExportFault) end end end describe "MakeExportable::InstanceMethods" do describe "#export_attribute" do before(:each) do class User make_exportable end @user = User.create(:first_name => "Carl", :last_name => "Joans") end it "should return attribute values" do @user.export_attribute('is_admin').should == "false" end it 'should allow #{method}_export to override the original method' do class User < ActiveRecord::Base def is_admin_export return "I'm not an Admin I'm a monkey" end end @user.export_attribute('is_admin').should == "I'm not an Admin I'm a monkey" end # TODO: Would it be better behavior to raise an error? it "should return an empty string if the attribute doesn't exist" do @user.export_attribute('ful_name').should == "" end it "should be able to call methods as attributes during exporting" do @user.export_attribute('full_name').should == "Carl Joans" end end end end end