= rufus-scheduler This gem was formerly known as 'openwferu-scheduler'. It has been repackaged as 'rufus-scheduler'. Old 'require' paths have been kept for backward compatibility (no need to update your code). The new license is MIT (not much of a change, the previous license was BSD). == getting it sudo gem install rufus-scheduler or at http://rubyforge.org/frs/?group_id=4812 == usage some examples : require 'rubygems' require 'rufus/scheduler' scheduler = Rufus::Scheduler.start_new scheduler.in("3d") do regenerate_monthly_report() end # # will call the regenerate_monthly_report method # in 3 days from now scheduler.every "10m10s" do check_score(favourite_team) # every 10 minutes and 10 seconds end scheduler.cron "0 22 * * 1-5" do log.info "activating security system..." activate_security_system() end job_id = scheduler.at "Sun Oct 07 14:24:01 +0900 2009" do init_self_destruction_sequence() end For all the scheduling related information, see the Rufus::Scheduler class rdoc itself (http://rufus.rubyforge.org/rufus-scheduler/classes/Rufus/Scheduler.html) or the original OpenWFEru scheduler documentation at http://openwferu.rubyforge.org/scheduler.html Apart from scheduling, There are also two interesting methods in this gem, they are named parse_time_string and to_time_string : require 'rubygems' require 'rufus/otime' # gem 'rufus_scheduler' Rufus.parse_time_string "500" # => 0.5 Rufus.parse_time_string "1000" # => 1.0 Rufus.parse_time_string "1h" # => 3600.0 Rufus.parse_time_string "1h10s" # => 3610.0 Rufus.parse_time_string "1w2d" # => 777600.0 Rufus.to_time_string 60 # => '1m' Rufus.to_time_string 3661 # => '1h1m1s' Rufus.to_time_string 7 * 24 * 3600 # => '1w' == dependencies None. == mailing list On the rufus-ruby list[http://groups.google.com/group/rufus-ruby] : http://groups.google.com/group/rufus-ruby == issue tracker http://rubyforge.org/tracker/?atid=18584&group_id=4812&func=browse == irc irc.freenode.net #ruote == source http://github.com/jmettraux/rufus-scheduler git clone git://github.com/jmettraux/rufus-scheduler.git == author John Mettraux, jmettraux@gmail.com http://jmettraux.wordpress.com == the rest of Rufus http://rufus.rubyforge.org == license MIT