Capistrano::Configuration.instance.load do #require 'FileUtils' # ========================================================================= # These variables MUST be set in the client capfiles. If they are not set, # the deploy will fail with an error. # ========================================================================= _cset(:db_type) { abort "Please specify the Drupal database type (:db_type)." } _cset(:db_name) { abort "Please specify the Drupal database name (:db_name)." } _cset(:db_username) { abort "Please specify the Drupal database username (:db_username)." } _cset(:db_password) { abort "Please specify the Drupal database password (:db_password)." } _cset(:db_prefix) { abort "Please specify the Drupal database prefix (:db_prefix)." } _cset(:profile) { abort "Please specify the Drupal install profile (:profile)." } _cset(:site) { abort "Please specify the Drupal site (:site)." } _cset(:sitemail) { abort "Please specify the Drupal site mail (:sitemail)." } _cset(:adminpass) { abort "Please specify the Drupal admin password (:adminpass)." } _cset(:baseline) { abort "Please specify the Baseline feature (:baseline)." } # ========================================================================= # These variables may be set in the client capfile if their default values # are not sufficient. # ========================================================================= set :scm, :git set :deploy_via, :copy set :drupal_version, '7' set :keep_releases, 5 set :use_sudo, false set :domain, 'default' set :db_host, 'localhost' set :drupal_path, 'drupal' set :srv_usr, 'www-data' set :enable_robots, false set :no_disable, true set :local_database, nil set :backup_database, true set :push_dump_enabled, false set :make_install_profile, false set :make_file, '' set :use_private_files, false set :stage, 'production' set :copy_exclude, ['.git'] set :copy_dir, File.expand_path("~/.capistrano/#{application}") set :copy_cache, "#{copy_dir}/#{stage}" set :assets_path, 'assets' set :theme, '' set :theme_path, '' ssh_options[:forward_agent] = true #ssh_options[:verbose] = :debug #FIXME # ========================================================================= # These variables should NOT be changed unless you are very confident in # what you are doing. Make sure you understand all the implications of your # changes if you do decide to muck with these! # ========================================================================= _cset :settings, 'settings.php' _cset :files, 'files' _cset :private_files, 'private' _cset :dbbackups, 'db_backups' _cset :drush_path, '' _cset(:shared_settings) { convert_domain().map { |d| File.join(shared_path, d, settings) } } _cset(:shared_files) { convert_domain().map { |d| File.join(shared_path, d, files) } } _cset(:shared_private_files) { convert_domain().map { |d| File.join(shared_path, d, private_files) } } _cset(:dbbackups_path) { convert_domain().map { |d| File.join(deploy_to, dbbackups, d) } } _cset(:drush) { "drush -r #{current_path}" + (domain == 'default' ? '' : " -l #{domain}") } # FIXME: not in use? # these variables are still in rails-less deploy gem # but have been updated in the latest capistrano gem # we use set to override them instead of _cset # see # and # for background set(:releases) { capture("ls -x #{releases_path}", :except => {:no_release => true}).split.sort } set(:current_revision) { capture("cat #{current_path}/REVISION", :except => {:no_release => true}).chomp } set(:latest_revision) { capture("cat #{current_release}/REVISION", :except => {:no_release => true}).chomp } set(:previous_revision) { capture("cat #{previous_release}/REVISION", :except => {:no_release => true}).chomp if previous_release } # end fix _cset(:release_settings) { convert_domain().map { |d| File.join(release_path, drupal_path, 'sites', d, settings) } } _cset(:release_files) { convert_domain().map { |d| File.join(release_path, drupal_path, 'sites', d, files) } } _cset(:release_private_files) { convert_domain().map { |d| File.join(release_path, drupal_path, 'sites', d, private_files) } } _cset(:release_domain) { convert_domain().map { |d| File.join(release_path, drupal_path, 'sites', d) } } _cset(:previous_release_settings) { releases.length > 1 ? convert_domain().map { |d| File.join(previous_release, drupal_path, 'sites', d, settings) } : nil } _cset(:previous_release_files) { releases.length > 1 ? convert_domain().map { |d| File.join(previous_release, drupal_path, 'sites', d, files) } : nil } _cset(:previous_release_private_files) { releases.length > 1 ? convert_domain().map { |d| File.join(previous_release, drupal_path, 'sites', d, private_files) } : nil } _cset(:previous_release_domain) { releases.length > 1 ? convert_domain().map { |d| File.join(previous_release, drupal_path, 'sites', d) } : nil } _cset(:is_multisite) { convert_domain().size > 1 } # ========================================================================= # Extra dependency checks # ========================================================================= depend :local, :command, "drush" depend :remote, :command, "#{drush_path}drush" # ========================================================================= # Overwrites to the DEPLOY tasks in the capistrano library. # ========================================================================= namespace :deploy do desc <<-DESC Deploys your Drupal site, runs drush:update. It supposes that the Setup task was already executed. This overrides the default Capistrano Deploy task to handle database operations and backups, all of them via Drush. DESC task :default do update manage.dbdump_previous cleanup end after "deploy", "drush:update" desc "Setup a drupal site from scratch" task :cold do transaction do setup update end end after "deploy:cold", "drush:si" desc "Deploys latest code and rebuild the database" task :rebuild do update manage.dbdump_previous cleanup end after "deploy:rebuild", "drush:si" desc <<-DESC Prepares one or more servers for deployment. Creates the necessary file structure and the shared Drupal settings file. DESC task :setup, :except => {:no_release => true} do #Create shared directories # FIXME: chown / chmod require user to be member of dirs = [deploy_to, releases_path, shared_path, dbbackups_path, shared_files] dirs += convert_domain().map { |d| File.join(shared_path, d) } run <<-CMD mkdir -p #{dirs.join(' ')} && #{try_sudo} chown #{user}:#{srv_usr} #{shared_files.join(' ')} && #{try_sudo} chmod g+w #{shared_files.join(' ')} CMD # Generate private files when enabled. if use_private_files run <<-CMD mkdir -p #{shared_private_files} && #{try_sudo} chown #{user}:#{srv_usr} #{shared_private_files.join(' ')} && #{try_sudo} chmod g+w #{shared_private_files.join(' ')} CMD end #create drupal config file convert_domain().each_with_index do |d, i| configuration = drupal_settings(drupal_version, d) put configuration, shared_settings[i] end end desc "[internal] Fixing release permissions." task :fix_permissions, :except => {:no_release => false} do run "cd #{current_release}/../../ && chmod -R 775 releases/" end desc "[internal] Rebuild files and settings symlinks" task :finalize_update, :except => {:no_release => true} do if make_install_profile run "cd #{current_release} && drush make #{make_file} #{drupal_path}" end # Specifies an on_rollback hook for the currently executing task. If this # or any subsequent task then fails, and a transaction is active, this # hook will be executed. on_rollback do if previous_release #FIXME: won't work on mulitsite config run ["ln -nfs #{shared_files} #{previous_release_files}", "ln -nfs #{shared_settings} #{previous_release_settings}"].join("; ") if use_private_files run "ln -nfs #{shared_private_files} #{previous_release_private_files}" end else logger.important "no previous release to rollback to, rollback of drupal shared data skipped." end end release_domain.each do |rd| run "if [ ! -d #{rd} ]; then mkdir #{rd}; fi" # in case the default folder is not versioned end shared_files.each_with_index do |sf, i| run <<-CMD ln -nfs #{sf} #{release_files[i]} && ln -nfs #{shared_settings[i]} #{release_settings[i]} CMD end if use_private_files shared_private_files.each_with_index do |sf, i| run <<-CMD ln -nfs #{sf} #{release_private_files[i]} CMD end end end after "deploy:finalize_update", "deploy:fix_permissions" desc "[internal] cleanup old symlinks, must run after deploy:symlink" task :cleanup_shared_symlinks, :except => {:no_release => true} do if previous_release previous_release_domain.each_with_index do |prd, i| run "if [ -d #{prd} ]; then chmod 777 #{prd}; fi" # if drupal changed the permissions of the folder run <<-CMD rm -f #{previous_release_settings[i]} && rm -rf #{previous_release_files[i]} CMD if use_private_files run <<-CMD rm -rf #{previous_release_private_files[i]} CMD end end end end after "deploy:symlink", "deploy:cleanup_shared_symlinks" desc <<-DESC Removes old releases and corresponding DB backups. DESC task :cleanup, :except => {:no_release => true} do count = fetch(:keep_releases, 5).to_i if count >= releases.length logger.important "No old releases to clean up" else "keeping #{count} of #{releases.length} deployed releases" old_releases = (releases - releases.last(count)) directories = { |release| File.join(releases_path, release) }.join(" ") databases = dbbackups_path.product( { |release| "#{release}.sql" }).map { |p| File.join(p) }.join(" ") if backup_database run "rm -rf #{directories} #{databases}" end end namespace :rollback do desc <<-DESC go back to the previous release (code and database) DESC task :default do revision #db_rollback if domain.to_a.size == 1 # FIXME: not supported in multisite configuration, does not work cleanup end desc <<-DESC [internal] Removes the most recently deployed release. This is called by the rollback sequence, and should rarely (if ever) need to be called directly. DESC task :cleanup, :except => {:no_release => true} do # FIXME: this doesn't cleanup dbbackups run "if [ `readlink #{current_path}` != #{current_release} ]; then rm -rf #{current_release}; fi" end desc <<-DESC [internal] Points the current, files, and settings symlinks at the previous revision. DESC task :revision, :except => {:no_release => true} do if previous_release run <<-CMD rm #{current_path}; ln -s #{previous_release} #{current_path}; CMD shared_files.each_with_index do |sf, i| run <<-CMD ln -nfs #{sf} #{previous_release_files[i]} && ln -nfs #{shared_settings[i]} #{previous_release_settings[i]} CMD end if use_private_files shared_private_files.each_with_index do |sf, i| run <<-CMD ln -nfs #{sf} #{previous_release_private_files[i]} CMD end end else abort "could not rollback the code because there is no prior release" end end desc <<-DESC [internal] If a database backup from the previous release is found, dump the current database and import the backup. This task should NEVER be called standalone. DESC task :db_rollback, :except => {:no_release => true} do #FIXME: does not work if previous_release "Dumping current database and importing previous one (If one is found)." previous_db = File.join(dbbackups_path, "#{releases[-2]}.sql") import_cmd = "cd #{previous_release}/#{drupal_path} && drush sql-drop -y && drush sql-cli < #{previous_db} && rm #{previous_db}" run "if [ -e #{previous_db} ]; then #{import_cmd}; fi" else abort "could not rollback the database because there is no prior release db backups" end end end namespace :web do desc "Makes the application web-accessible again." task :enable do drush.ensite end desc "Present a maintenance page to visitors." task :disable do drush.dissite end end end # ========================= # Drush namespace tasks # ========================= namespace :drush do desc "Trigger the environment switch." task :env_switch do domain.each do |d| run "cd #{current_path}/#{drupal_path} && #{drush_path}drush" + (d == 'default' ? '' : " -l #{d}") + " env-switch --force #{stage}" end end desc "Execute all migrations." task :migrate do domain.each do |d| run "cd #{current_path}/#{drupal_path} && #{drush_path}drush" + (d == 'default' ? '' : " -l #{d}") + " migrate-import --all" end end desc "Import translations." task :l10n_update do domain.each do |d| run "cd #{current_path}/#{drupal_path} && #{drush_path}drush" + (d == 'default' ? '' : " -l #{d}") + " l10n-update" end end desc "Rebuild baseline." task :baseline_build do domain.each do |d| run "cd #{current_path}/#{drupal_path} && #{drush_path}drush" + (d == 'default' ? '' : " -l #{d}") + " baseline --yes" end end desc "Clear the Drupal site cache" task :cc do convert_domain().each do |d| run "cd #{current_path}/#{drupal_path} && #{drush_path}drush" + (d == 'default' ? '' : " -l #{d}") + " cache-clear all" end end desc "Show features diff status" task :fd do convert_domain().each do |d| run "cd #{current_path}/#{drupal_path} && #{drush_path}drush" + (d == 'default' ? '' : " -l #{d}") + " features-diff" end end desc "Revert all enabled feature modules on your site" task :fra do convert_domain().each do |d| run "cd #{current_path}/#{drupal_path} && #{drush_path}drush" + (d == 'default' ? '' : " -l #{d}") + " features-revert-all -y" end end desc "Force revert all enabled feature modules on your site" task :fraforce do convert_domain().each do |d| run "cd #{current_path}/#{drupal_path} && #{drush_path}drush" + (d == 'default' ? '' : " -l #{d}") + " features-revert-all --force -y" end end desc "Install Drupal along with modules/themes/configuration using the specified install profile" task :si do convert_domain().each do |d| dburl = "#{db_type}://#{db_username}:#{db_password}@#{db_host}/#{db_name.gsub("%domain", d)}" run "cd #{current_path}/#{drupal_path} && #{drush_path}drush site-install #{profile} --db-url=#{dburl} --sites-subdir=#{d} --account-name=admin --account-pass=#{adminpass} --account-mail=#{sitemail} --site-mail='#{sitemail}' --site-name='#{site.gsub("%domain", d)}' -y" end bl end desc "[internal] Enable the baseline feature" task :bl do convert_domain().each do |d| #baseline.to_a.each do |bl_item| convert_baseline().each do |bl_item| run "cd #{current_path}/#{drupal_path} && #{drush_path}drush" + (d == 'default' ? '' : " -l #{d}") + " pm-enable #{bl_item.gsub("%domain", d)} -y" end end cc end desc "[internal] Enable the simpletest feature" task :enst do run "cd #{current_path}/#{drupal_path} && #{drush_path}drush pm-enable simpletest -y" cc end desc "[internal] Disable maintenance mode, enabling the site" task :ensite do if drupal_version == 6 run "cd #{current_path}/#{drupal_path} && #{drush_path}drush vset --always-set site_offline 0" else convert_domain().each do |d| run "cd #{current_path}/#{drupal_path} && #{drush_path}drush" + (d == 'default' ? '' : " -l #{d}") + " vset --always-set maintenance_mode 0" end end end desc "[internal] Enable maintenance mode, disabling the site" task :dissite do if drupal_version == 6 run "cd #{current_path}/#{drupal_path} && #{drush_path}drush vset --always-set site_offline 1" else convert_domain().each do |d| run "cd #{current_path}/#{drupal_path} && #{drush_path}drush" + (d == 'default' ? '' : " -l #{d}") + " vset --always-set maintenance_mode 1" end end end desc "Apply any database updates required (as with running update.php)" task :updb do convert_domain().each do |d| run "cd #{current_path}/#{drupal_path} && #{drush_path}drush" + (d == 'default' ? '' : " -l #{d}") + " updatedb -y" end end desc "Update via drush, runs fra, updb and cc" task :update do dissite unless no_disable updb # database updates (also handles modules that have been moved around) cc # fix for user_permissions constraint (install new modules) fra # reverts all features cc # clear cache (required for new menu items, hook_menu) ensite unless no_disable manage.block_robots unless enable_robots end end namespace :grunt do task :default do current_host = capture("echo $CAPISTRANO:HOST$").strip run_locally "cd #{copy_cache}/#{theme_path} && bundle exec grunt" run_locally "rsync -av #{copy_cache}/#{theme_path}/#{assets_path}/ #{user}@#{current_host}:#{current_path}/#{theme_path}/#{assets_path}/;" end end # ========================= # Tests methods # ========================= namespace :tests do desc "Test php lint" task :php_lint_test do errors = [] test_files = Dir.glob(File.join(drupal_path, 'sites', '**', '*.{engine,inc,info,install,make,module,php,profile,test,theme,tpl,xtmpl}')) if test_files.any? test_files.each do |test_file| begin fail unless system("php -l '#{test_file}' > /dev/null") rescue errors << test_file end end end puts "Commit tests failed on files:\n" + errors.join("\n") unless errors.empty? exit 1 unless errors.empty? end desc "Core hack detection" task :checksum_core_test do end desc 'Runs unit tests for given site' task :unit do run "mkdir -p #{current_path}/build/simpletest" test_files = Dir.glob(File.join(drupal_path, 'sites', '**', '*.test'))! { |f| f.sub!(drupal_path + "/", "") } if test_files.any? test_files.each do |test_file| run "cd #{current_path}/#{drupal_path} && php scripts/ --url http://#{site} --xml '../build/simpletest' --file '#{test_file}'" unless test_file.include?('/contrib/') end end run "cd #{current_path}/build && tar czf simpletest.tgz simpletest" system "if [ ! -d build ]; then mkdir build; fi" # create build folder locally if needed download "#{current_path}/build/simpletest.tgz", "build/", :once => true, :via => :scp system "tar xzf build/simpletest.tgz -C build" end before "tests:unit", "drush:enst" desc 'Runs all unit tests for given site' task :unit_all do run "mkdir -p #{current_path}/build/simpletest" run "cd #{current_path}/#{drupal_path} && php scripts/ --url http://#{site} --xml '../build/simpletest' --all" run "cd #{current_path}/build && tar czf simpletest.tgz simpletest" system "if [ ! -d build ]; then mkdir build; fi" # create build folder locally if needed download "#{current_path}/build/simpletest.tgz", "build/", :once => true, :via => :scp system "tar xzf build/simpletest.tgz -C build" end before "tests:unit_all", "drush:enst" end # ========================= # Manage methods # ========================= namespace :manage do desc "Block bots via robots.txt" task :block_robots do put "User-agent: *\nDisallow: /", "#{current_path}/#{drupal_path}/robots.txt" end task :dbdump_previous do #Backup the previous release's database if previous_release && backup_database convert_domain().each_with_index do |d, i| run "cd #{current_path}/#{drupal_path} && #{drush_path}drush" + (d == 'default' ? '' : " -l #{d}") + " sql-dump > #{ File.join(dbbackups_path[i], "#{releases[-2]}.sql") }" end end end desc 'Dump remote database and restore locally' task :pull_dump do abort("ERROR: multisite not supported") if is_multisite abort("NO LOCAL DATABASE FOUND, set :local_database in the config file..") unless local_database set(:runit, Capistrano::CLI.ui.ask("WARNING!! will overwrite this local database: '#{local_database}', type 'yes' to continue: ")) if runit == 'yes' sql_file = File.join(dbbackups_path, "#{releases.last}-pull.sql") # dump & gzip remote file run "cd #{current_path}/#{drupal_path} && #{drush_path}drush sql-dump > #{sql_file} && gzip -f #{sql_file}" # copy to local system "if [ ! -d build ]; then mkdir build; fi" # create build folder locally if needed download "#{sql_file}.gz", "build/", :once => true, :via => :scp run "rm #{sql_file}.gz" # extract and restore system "gunzip -f build/#{File.basename(sql_file)}.gz && echo \"DROP DATABASE #{local_database};CREATE DATABASE #{local_database}\" | mysql && mysql #{local_database} < build/#{File.basename(sql_file)}" if local_database # check if file sanitation sql file exists if File.exists?("config/sql/#{stage}.sql") puts " * executing \"config/sql/#{stage}.sql\"" system "mysql #{local_database} < config/sql/#{stage}.sql" end end end desc 'Dump local database and restore remote' task :push_dump do abort("ERROR: multisite not supported") if is_multisite abort("NO LOCAL DATABASE FOUND, set :local_database in the config file..") unless local_database abort("THIS STAGE: #{stage} DOES NOT SUPPORT manage:push_dump") unless push_dump_enabled set(:runit, Capistrano::CLI.ui.ask("WARNING!! will overwrite this REMOTE database: '#{db_name}', type 'yes' to continue: ")) if runit == 'yes' sql_file = "#{}.sql" system "if [ ! -d build ]; then mkdir build; fi" # create build folder locally if needed # dump & gzip local file system "cd #{drupal_path} && drush sql-dump > ../build/#{sql_file} && gzip ../build/#{sql_file}" # copy to remote upload "build/#{sql_file}.gz", File.join(dbbackups_path, "#{sql_file}.gz"), :once => true, :via => :scp system "rm build/#{sql_file}.gz" # extract and restore run "gunzip -f #{File.join(dbbackups_path, "#{sql_file}.gz")} && cd #{current_path}/#{drupal_path} && #{drush_path}drush sql-cli < #{File.join(dbbackups_path, "#{sql_file}")}" run "rm #{File.join(dbbackups_path, "#{sql_file}")}" end end desc 'Download files and extract locally' task :pull_files do abort("ERROR: multisite not supported") if is_multisite set(:runit, Capistrano::CLI.ui.ask("Do you want to download the files? type 'yes' to continue: ")) if runit == 'yes' run "if [ ! -d #{deploy_to}/tmp ]; then mkdir #{deploy_to}/tmp; fi" # create tmp folder if needed # pack and remote file file = "#{deploy_to}/tmp/#{releases.last}.tar.gz" run "cd #{current_path}/#{drupal_path}/sites/default && tar -zcvf #{file} files/*" # copy to local system "if [ ! -d build ]; then mkdir build; fi" # create build folder locally if needed download "#{file}", "build/", :once => true, :via => :scp run "rm #{file}" set(:extract, Capistrano::CLI.ui.ask("Do you want to extract #{File.basename(file)}? type 'yes' to continue: ")) if extract == 'yes' # extract the files set(:where, Capistrano::CLI.ui.ask("Where? (default: build): ")) dest = where == '' ? "build" : "#{where}" system "tar -zxvf build/#{File.basename(file)} -C #{dest}" end end end end # ========================= # Helper methods # ========================= # Builds initial contents of the Drupal website's settings file def convert_domain() temp_dom = fetch(:domain) if temp_dom.kind_of?(String) temp_arr = [temp_dom] return temp_arr end return temp_dom end def convert_baseline() temp_bl = fetch(:baseline) if temp_bl.kind_of?(String) temp_arr = [temp_bl] return temp_arr end return temp_bl end def drupal_settings(version, domain) db_domain_name = db_name.gsub("%domain", domain) if version.to_s == '6' settings = <<-STRING <?php $db_url = "#{db_type}://#{db_username}:#{db_password}@#{db_host}/#{db_domain_name}"; ini_set('arg_separator.output', '&'); ini_set('magic_quotes_runtime', 0); ini_set('magic_quotes_sybase', 0); ini_set('session.cache_expire', 200000); ini_set('session.cache_limiter', 'none'); ini_set('session.cookie_lifetime', 2000000); ini_set('session.gc_probability', 1); ini_set('session.gc_maxlifetime', 200000); ini_set('session.save_handler', 'user'); ini_set('session.use_cookies', 1); ini_set('session.use_only_cookies', 1); ini_set('session.use_trans_sid', 0); ini_set('url_rewriter.tags', ''); STRING elsif version == '7' settings = <<-STRING <?php $databases = array ('default' => array ('default' => array ( 'database' => '#{db_domain_name}', 'username' => '#{db_username}', 'password' => '#{db_password}', 'host' => '#{db_host}', 'port' => '', 'driver' => '#{db_type}', 'prefix' => '#{db_prefix}', ))); ini_set('session.gc_probability', 1); ini_set('session.gc_divisor', 100); ini_set('session.gc_maxlifetime', 200000); ini_set('session.cookie_lifetime', 2000000); // Allow local env to override settings by creating a local.settings.php. $path = str_replace('settings.php', 'local.settings.php', __FILE__); if (file_exists($path)) { include_once($path); } STRING else abort "Unsupported Drupal version #{version}." end end end # Capistrano::Configuration.instance.load