module MoneyRails module ActiveModel class MoneyValidator < ::ActiveModel::Validations::NumericalityValidator def validate_each(record, attr, _value) reset_memoized_variables! @record = record @attr = attr subunit_attr = @record.class.monetized_attributes[@attr.to_s] # WARNING: Currently this is only defined in ActiveRecord extension! before_type_cast = :"#{@attr}_money_before_type_cast" @raw_value = @record.try(before_type_cast) # If raw value is nil and changed subunit is nil, then # nil is a assigned value, else we should treat the # subunit value as the one assigned. if @raw_value.nil? && @record.public_send(subunit_attr) subunit_value = @record.public_send(subunit_attr) @raw_value = subunit_value.to_f / currency.subunit_to_unit end return if options[:allow_nil] && @raw_value.nil? # Set this before we modify @raw_value below. stringy = @raw_value.present? && !@raw_value.is_a?(Numeric) && !@raw_value.is_a?(Money) if stringy # remove currency symbol @raw_value = @raw_value.to_s.gsub(symbol, "") end normalize_raw_value! super(@record, @attr, @raw_value) if stringy and record_does_not_have_error? add_error if value_has_too_many_decimal_points or thousand_separator_after_decimal_mark or invalid_thousands_separation end end private def record_does_not_have_error? return true unless @record.errors.has_key?(@attr) !@record.errors.added?(@attr, :not_a_number) end def reset_memoized_variables! [:currency, :decimal_mark, :thousands_separator, :symbol, :abs_raw_value, :decimal_pieces, :pieces_array].each do |var_name| ivar_name = :"@_#{var_name}" remove_instance_variable(ivar_name) if instance_variable_defined?(ivar_name) end end def currency @_currency ||= @record.public_send("currency_for_#{@attr}") end def decimal_mark character = currency.decimal_mark || '.' @_decimal_mark ||= Money.use_i18n ? I18n.t('number.currency.format.separator', default: character) : character end def thousands_separator character = currency.thousands_separator || ',' @_thousands_separator ||= Money.use_i18n ? I18n.t('number.currency.format.delimiter', default: character) : character end def symbol @_symbol ||= Money.use_i18n ? I18n.t('number.currency.format.unit', default: currency.symbol) : currency.symbol end def abs_raw_value @_abs_raw_value ||= @raw_value.to_s.sub(/^\s*-/, "").strip end def add_error attr_name ='.', '_').humanize attr_name = @record.class.human_attribute_name(@attr, default: attr_name) @record.errors.add(@attr, :invalid_currency, { thousands: thousands_separator, decimal: decimal_mark, currency: abs_raw_value, attribute: attr_name }) end def decimal_pieces @_decimal_pieces ||= abs_raw_value.split(decimal_mark) end def value_has_too_many_decimal_points ![1, 2].include?(decimal_pieces.length) end def pieces_array @_pieces_array ||= decimal_pieces[0].split(thousands_separator.presence) end def thousand_separator_after_decimal_mark thousands_separator.present? && decimal_pieces.length == 2 && decimal_pieces[1].include?(thousands_separator) end def invalid_thousands_separation return false if pieces_array.length <= 1 return true if pieces_array[0].length > 3 pieces_array[1..-1].any? do |thousands_group| thousands_group.length != 3 end end # Remove thousands separators, normalize decimal mark, # remove whitespaces and _ (E.g. 99 999 999 or 12_300_200.20) def normalize_raw_value! # Cache abs_raw_value before normalizing because it's used in # many places and relies on the original @raw_value. abs_raw_value @raw_value = @raw_value.to_s .gsub(thousands_separator, '') .gsub(decimal_mark, '.') .gsub(/[\s_]/, '') end end end end # Compatibility with ActiveModel validates method which matches option keys to their validator class ActiveModel::Validations::MoneyValidator = MoneyRails::ActiveModel::MoneyValidator