# # Copyright 2012 Mortar Data Inc. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. # require 'spec_helper' require 'fakefs/spec_helpers' require 'mortar/command/projects' require 'launchy' require 'mortar/api' module Mortar::Command describe Projects do before(:each) do stub_core @git = Mortar::Git::Git.new end before("create") do @tmpdir = Dir.mktmpdir Dir.chdir(@tmpdir) end project1 = {'name' => "Project1", 'status' => Mortar::API::Projects::STATUS_ACTIVE, 'project_id' => 'abcd1234', 'git_url' => "git@github.com:mortarcode-dev/Project1"} project2 = {'name' => "Project2", 'status' => Mortar::API::Projects::STATUS_ACTIVE, 'project_id' => 'defg5678', 'git_url' => "git@github.com:mortarcode-dev/Project2"} context("index") do it "shows appropriate message when user has no projects" do mock(Mortar::Auth.api).get_projects().returns(Excon::Response.new(:body => {"projects" => []})) stderr, stdout = execute("projects") stdout.should == <<-STDOUT You have no projects. STDOUT end it "shows appropriate message when user has multiple projects" do mock(Mortar::Auth.api).get_projects().returns(Excon::Response.new(:body => {"projects" => [project1, project2]})) stderr, stdout = execute("projects") stdout.should == <<-STDOUT === projects Project1 Project2 STDOUT end end context("delete") do it "shows error message when user doesn't include project name" do stderr, stdout = execute("projects:delete") stderr.should == <<-STDERR ! Usage: mortar projects:delete PROJECTNAME ! Must specify PROJECTNAME. STDERR end it "deletes project" do project_id = "abcd1234" mock(Mortar::Auth.api).get_projects().returns(Excon::Response.new(:body => {"projects" => [project1, project2]})) mock(Mortar::Auth.api).delete_project(project_id).returns(Excon::Response.new(:body => {}, :status => 200 )) stderr, stdout = execute("projects:delete Project1") stdout.should == <<-STDOUT Sending request to delete project: Project1... done Your project has been deleted. STDOUT end end context("create") do it "tries to create a project with pending github_team_state" do task_id = "1a2b3c4d5e" user_id = "abcdef" project_name = "some_new_project" mock(Mortar::Auth.api).get_projects().returns(Excon::Response.new(:body => {"projects" => [project1, project2]})) mock(Mortar::Auth.api).get_user().times(2) {Excon::Response.new(:body => {"user_id" => user_id, "user_email" => "foo@foo.com", "github_team_state" => "pending"})} mock(Mortar::Auth.api).update_user(user_id,{"github_team_state" => true}) {Excon::Response.new(:body => {"task_id" => task_id})} mock(Mortar::Auth.api).get_task(task_id).returns(Excon::Response.new(:body => {"task_id" => task_id, "status_code" => "SUCCESS"})).ordered stderr, stdout = execute("projects:create #{project_name}", nil, @git) stdout.should == <<-STDOUT \r\e[0KVerifying GitHub username: Done! STDOUT end it "registers and generates a project" do task_id = "1a2b3c4d5e" user_id = "abcdef" mock(Mortar::Auth.api).get_user().times(2) {Excon::Response.new(:body => {"user_id" => user_id, "user_email" => "foo@foo.com", "github_team_state" => "active"})} mock(Mortar::Auth.api).update_user(user_id,{"github_team_state" => true}) {Excon::Response.new(:body => {"task_id" => task_id})} mock(Mortar::Auth.api).get_task(task_id).returns(Excon::Response.new(:body => {"task_id" => task_id, "status_code" => "QUEUED"})).ordered mock(Mortar::Auth.api).get_task(task_id).returns(Excon::Response.new(:body => {"task_id" => task_id, "status_code" => "PROGRESS"})).ordered mock(Mortar::Auth.api).get_task(task_id).returns(Excon::Response.new(:body => {"task_id" => task_id, "status_code" => "SUCCESS"})).ordered mock(Mortar::Auth.api).get_projects().returns(Excon::Response.new(:body => {"projects" => [project1, project2]})) mock(Mortar::Auth.api).get_projects().returns(Excon::Response.new(:body => {"projects" => [project1, project2]})) project_id = "1234abcd1234abcd1234" project_name = "some_new_project" project_git_url = "git@github.com:mortarcode-dev/#{project_name}" mock(Mortar::Auth.api).post_project("some_new_project", true) {Excon::Response.new(:body => {"project_id" => project_id})} mock(Mortar::Auth.api).get_project(project_id).returns(Excon::Response.new(:body => {"status" => Mortar::API::Projects::STATUS_ACTIVE, "git_url" => project_git_url})).ordered mock(@git).remotes.with_any_args.returns({}) mock(@git).remote_add("mortar", project_git_url) # if the git stuff doesn't work, the registration will fail, so we can pretend it does work here mock(@git).git("add .").returns(true) mock(@git).git("commit -m \"Mortar project scaffolding\"").returns(true) mock(@git).push_master stderr, stdout = execute("projects:create #{project_name}", nil, @git) Dir.pwd.end_with?("some_new_project").should be_true File.exists?("macros").should be_true File.exists?("pigscripts").should be_true File.exists?("udfs").should be_true File.exists?("project.properties").should be_true File.exists?("project.manifest").should be_true File.exists?("requirements.txt").should be_true File.exists?("README.md").should be_true File.exists?("Gemfile").should be_false File.exists?("macros/.gitkeep").should be_true File.exists?("pigscripts/some_new_project.pig").should be_true File.exists?("udfs/python/some_new_project.py").should be_true File.exists?("luigiscripts/README").should be_true File.exists?("lib/README").should be_true File.exists?("params/README").should be_true File.read("pigscripts/some_new_project.pig").each_line { |line| line.match(/<%.*%>/).should be_nil } stdout.should == <<-STDOUT \r\e[0KVerifying GitHub username: /\r\e[0KVerifying GitHub username: -\r\e[0KVerifying GitHub username: Done! Sending request to register project: some_new_project... done \e[1;32m create\e[0m \e[1;32m create\e[0m README.md \e[1;32m create\e[0m project.properties \e[1;32m create\e[0m project.manifest \e[1;32m create\e[0m requirements.txt \e[1;32m create\e[0m .gitignore \e[1;32m create\e[0m pigscripts \e[1;32m create\e[0m pigscripts/some_new_project.pig \e[1;32m create\e[0m macros \e[1;32m create\e[0m macros/.gitkeep \e[1;32m create\e[0m udfs \e[1;32m create\e[0m udfs/python \e[1;32m create\e[0m udfs/python/some_new_project.py \e[1;32m create\e[0m udfs/jython \e[1;32m create\e[0m udfs/jython/.gitkeep \e[1;32m create\e[0m udfs/java \e[1;32m create\e[0m udfs/java/.gitkeep \e[1;32m create\e[0m luigiscripts \e[1;32m create\e[0m luigiscripts/README \e[1;32m create\e[0m lib \e[1;32m create\e[0m lib/README \e[1;32m create\e[0m params \e[1;32m create\e[0m params/README \n\r\e[0KStatus: ACTIVE \n\nYour project is ready for use. Type 'mortar help' to see the commands you can perform on the project.\n NOTE: You'll need to change to the new directory to use your project: cd some_new_project STDOUT end it "generates and registers an embedded project" do mock(Mortar::Auth.api).get_projects().returns(Excon::Response.new(:body => {"projects" => [project1, project2]})) mock(Mortar::Auth.api).get_projects().returns(Excon::Response.new(:body => {"projects" => [project1, project2]})) task_id = "1a2b3c4d5e" user_id = "abcdef" mock(Mortar::Auth.api).get_user().times(2) {Excon::Response.new(:body => {"user_id" => user_id, "user_email" => "foo@foo.com", "github_team_state" => "active"})} mock(Mortar::Auth.api).update_user(user_id,{"github_team_state" => true}) {Excon::Response.new(:body => {"task_id" => task_id})} mock(Mortar::Auth.api).get_task(task_id).returns(Excon::Response.new(:body => {"task_id" => task_id, "status_code" => "SUCCESS"})).ordered project_id = "1234abcd1234abcd1234" project_name = "some_new_project" project_git_url = "git@github.com:mortarcode-dev/#{project_name}" mock(Mortar::Auth.api).post_project("some_new_project", true) {Excon::Response.new(:body => {"project_id" => project_id})} mock(Mortar::Auth.api).get_project(project_id).returns(Excon::Response.new(:body => {"status" => Mortar::API::Projects::STATUS_ACTIVE, "git_url" => project_git_url})).ordered # test that sync_embedded_project is called. the method itself is tested in git_spec. mock(@git).sync_embedded_project.with_any_args.times(1) { true } stderr, stdout = execute("projects:create #{project_name} --embedded", nil, @git) Dir.pwd.end_with?("some_new_project").should be_true File.exists?(".mortar-project-remote").should be_true File.exists?("macros").should be_true File.exists?("pigscripts").should be_true File.exists?("udfs").should be_true File.exists?("README.md").should be_true File.exists?("Gemfile").should be_false File.exists?("macros/.gitkeep").should be_true File.exists?("pigscripts/some_new_project.pig").should be_true File.exists?("udfs/python/some_new_project.py").should be_true File.read("pigscripts/some_new_project.pig").each_line { |line| line.match(/<%.*%>/).should be_nil } end end context("register") do it "show appropriate error message when user doesn't include project name" do stderr, stdout = execute("projects:register") stderr.should == <<-STDERR ! Usage: mortar projects:register PROJECT ! Must specify PROJECT. STDERR end it "tells you to cd to the directory if one exists with the project name" do with_no_git_directory do # create the project, but a level down from current directory project_name = "existing_project_one_level_down" FileUtils.mkdir_p(File.join(Dir.pwd, project_name)) stderr, stdout = execute("projects:register #{project_name}") stderr.should == <<-STDERR ! mortar projects:register must be run from within the project directory. ! Please "cd existing_project_one_level_down" and rerun this command. STDERR end end it "tells you to create the git project in directory that doesn't have a git repository" do with_no_git_directory do stderr, stdout = execute("projects:register some_new_project") stderr.should == <<-STDERR ! No git repository found in the current directory. ! To register a project that is not its own git repository, use the --embedded option. ! If you do want this project to be its own git repository, please initialize git in this directory, and then rerun the register command. ! To initialize your project in git, use: ! ! git init ! git add . ! git commit -a -m "first commit" STDERR end end it "errors when a project already exists with the name requested" do mock(Mortar::Auth.api).get_projects().returns(Excon::Response.new(:body => {"projects" => [project1, project2]})) with_git_initialized_project do |p| stderr, stdout = execute("projects:register Project1 --embedded", nil, @git) stderr.should == <<-STDERR ! Your account already contains a project named Project1. ! Please choose a different name for your new project, or clone the existing Project1 code using: ! ! mortar projects:clone Project1 STDERR end end it "show appropriate error message when user tries to register a project inside of an existing project" do with_git_initialized_project do |p| stderr, stdout = execute("projects:register some_new_project", nil, @git) stderr.should == <<-STDERR ! Currently in project: myproject. You can not register a new project inside of an existing mortar project. STDERR end end it "Confirms if user wants to create a public project, exits when user says no" do project_name = "some_new_project" project_id = "1234" any_instance_of(Mortar::Command::Projects) do |base| mock(base).ask.with_any_args.times(1) { 'n' } end stderr, stdout = execute("projects:create #{project_name} --public", nil, @git) stderr.should == <<-STDERR ! Mortar project was not registered STDERR end it "Confirms if user wants to create a public project, creates it if so" do mock(Mortar::Auth.api).get_projects().returns(Excon::Response.new(:body => {"projects" => [project1, project2]})) project_id = "1234abcd1234abcd1234" project_name = "some_new_project" project_git_url = "git@github.com:mortarcode-dev/#{project_name}" mock(Mortar::Auth.api).post_project("some_new_project", false) {Excon::Response.new(:body => {"project_id" => project_id})} status = Mortar::API::Projects::STATUS_ACTIVE response = Excon::Response.new(:body => {"status" => status, "git_url" => project_git_url}) mock(Mortar::Auth.api).get_project(project_id).returns(response).ordered mock(@git).has_dot_git?().returns(true) mock(@git).remotes.with_any_args.returns({}) mock(@git).remote_add("mortar", project_git_url) mock(@git).push_master any_instance_of(Mortar::Command::Projects) do |base| mock(base).ask.with_any_args.times(1) { 'y' } end stderr, stdout = execute("projects:register #{project_name} --public", nil, @git) stdout.should == <<-STDOUT Public projects allow anyone to view and fork the code in this project's repository. Are you sure? (y/n) Sending request to register project: some_new_project... done\n\n\r\e[0KStatus: ACTIVE \n\nYour project is ready for use. Type 'mortar help' to see the commands you can perform on the project.\n STDOUT end it "register a new project successfully - with status" do mock(Mortar::Auth.api).get_projects().returns(Excon::Response.new(:body => {"projects" => [project1, project2]})) project_id = "1234abcd1234abcd1234" project_name = "some_new_project" project_git_url = "git@github.com:mortarcode-dev/#{project_name}" mock(Mortar::Auth.api).post_project("some_new_project", true) {Excon::Response.new(:body => {"project_id" => project_id})} mock(Mortar::Auth.api).get_project(project_id).returns(Excon::Response.new(:body => {"status" => Mortar::API::Projects::STATUS_PENDING})).ordered mock(Mortar::Auth.api).get_project(project_id).returns(Excon::Response.new(:body => {"status" => Mortar::API::Projects::STATUS_CREATING})).ordered mock(Mortar::Auth.api).get_project(project_id).returns(Excon::Response.new(:body => {"status" => Mortar::API::Projects::STATUS_ACTIVE, "git_url" => project_git_url})).ordered mock(@git).has_dot_git?().returns(true) mock(@git).remotes.with_any_args.returns({}) mock(@git).remote_add("mortar", project_git_url) mock(@git).push_master stderr, stdout = execute("projects:register #{project_name} --polling_interval 0.05", nil, @git) stdout.should == <<-STDOUT Sending request to register project: some_new_project... done\n\n\r\e[0KStatus: PENDING... /\r\e[0KStatus: CREATING... -\r\e[0KStatus: ACTIVE \n\nYour project is ready for use. Type 'mortar help' to see the commands you can perform on the project.\n STDOUT end it "register a new project successfully - with status_code and status_description" do mock(Mortar::Auth.api).get_projects().returns(Excon::Response.new(:body => {"projects" => [project1, project2]})) project_id = "1234abcd1234abcd1234" project_name = "some_new_project" project_git_url = "git@github.com:mortarcode-dev/#{project_name}" mock(Mortar::Auth.api).post_project("some_new_project", true) {Excon::Response.new(:body => {"project_id" => project_id})} mock(Mortar::Auth.api).get_project(project_id).returns(Excon::Response.new(:body => {"status_description" => "Pending", "status_code" => Mortar::API::Projects::STATUS_PENDING})).ordered mock(Mortar::Auth.api).get_project(project_id).returns(Excon::Response.new(:body => {"status_description" => "Creating", "status_code" => Mortar::API::Projects::STATUS_CREATING})).ordered mock(Mortar::Auth.api).get_project(project_id).returns(Excon::Response.new(:body => {"status_description" => "Active", "status_code" => Mortar::API::Projects::STATUS_ACTIVE, "git_url" => project_git_url})).ordered mock(@git).has_dot_git?().returns(true) mock(@git).remotes.with_any_args.returns({}) mock(@git).remote_add("mortar", project_git_url) mock(@git).push_master stderr, stdout = execute("projects:register #{project_name} --polling_interval 0.05", nil, @git) stdout.should == <<-STDOUT Sending request to register project: some_new_project... done\n\n\r\e[0KStatus: Pending... /\r\e[0KStatus: Creating... -\r\e[0KStatus: Active \n\nYour project is ready for use. Type 'mortar help' to see the commands you can perform on the project.\n STDOUT end it "registers an embedded project" do mock(Mortar::Auth.api).get_projects().returns(Excon::Response.new(:body => {"projects" => [project1, project2]})) project_id = "1234abcd1234abcd1234" project_name = "some_new_project" project_git_url = "git@github.com:mortarcode-dev/#{project_name}" mock(Mortar::Auth.api).post_project("some_new_project", true) {Excon::Response.new(:body => {"project_id" => project_id})} mock(Mortar::Auth.api).get_project(project_id).returns(Excon::Response.new(:body => {"status_description" => "Pending", "status_code" => Mortar::API::Projects::STATUS_PENDING})).ordered mock(Mortar::Auth.api).get_project(project_id).returns(Excon::Response.new(:body => {"status_description" => "Creating", "status_code" => Mortar::API::Projects::STATUS_CREATING})).ordered mock(Mortar::Auth.api).get_project(project_id).returns(Excon::Response.new(:body => {"status_description" => "Active", "status_code" => Mortar::API::Projects::STATUS_ACTIVE, "git_url" => project_git_url})).ordered any_instance_of(Mortar::Command::Projects) do |obj| mock(obj).project.returns(nil) mock(obj).validate_project_structure.returns(true) end # test that sync_embedded_project is called. the method itself is tested in git_spec. mock(@git).sync_embedded_project.with_any_args.times(1) { true } stderr, stdout = execute("projects:register some_new_project --embedded --polling_interval 0.05", nil, @git) end end context("set_remote") do it "sets the remote of a project" do with_git_initialized_project do |p| project_name = p.name project_git_url = "git@github.com:mortarcode-dev/#{project_name}" `git remote rm mortar` mock(Mortar::Auth.api).get_projects().returns(Excon::Response.new(:body => {"projects" => [ { "name" => project_name, "status" => Mortar::API::Projects::STATUS_ACTIVE, "git_url" => project_git_url } ] })).ordered mock(@git).remote_add("mortar", project_git_url) stderr, stdout = execute("projects:set_remote #{project_name}", p, @git) stdout.should == <<-STDOUT Successfully added the mortar remote to the myproject project STDOUT end end it "remote already added" do with_git_initialized_project do |p| project_name = p.name stderr, stdout = execute("projects:set_remote #{project_name}", p, @git) stdout.should == <<-STDERR The remote has already been set for project: myproject STDERR end end it "No project given" do with_git_initialized_project do |p| stderr, stdout = execute("projects:set_remote", p, @git) stderr.should == <<-STDERR ! Usage: mortar projects:set_remote PROJECT ! Must specify PROJECT. STDERR end end it "No project with that name" do with_git_initialized_project do |p| project_name = p.name project_git_url = "git@github.com:mortarcode-dev/#{project_name}" mock(Mortar::Auth.api).get_projects().returns(Excon::Response.new(:body => {"projects" => [ { "name" => "derp", "status" => Mortar::API::Projects::STATUS_ACTIVE, "git_url" => project_git_url } ] })).ordered `git remote rm mortar` stderr, stdout = execute("projects:set_remote #{project_name}", p, @git) stderr.should == <<-STDERR ! No project named: myproject exists. You can create this project using: ! ! mortar projects:create STDERR end end end context("clone") do it "shows appropriate error message when user doesn't include project name" do stderr, stdout = execute("projects:clone") stderr.should == <<-STDERR ! Usage: mortar projects:clone PROJECT ! Must specify PROJECT. STDERR end it "shows appropriate error message when user tries to clone non-existent project" do any_instance_of(Mortar::Command::Base) do |b| mock(b).validate_github_username.returns(true) end mock(Mortar::Auth.api).get_projects().returns(Excon::Response.new(:body => {"projects" => [project1, project2]})) stderr, stdout = execute('projects:clone sillyProjectName') stderr.should == <<-STDERR ! No project named: sillyProjectName exists. Your valid projects are: ! Project1 ! Project2 STDERR end it "shows appropriate error message when user tries to clone into existing directory" do with_no_git_directory do any_instance_of(Mortar::Command::Base) do |b| mock(b).validate_github_username.returns(true) end mock(Mortar::Auth.api).get_projects().returns(Excon::Response.new(:body => {"projects" => [project1, project2]})) starting_dir = Dir.pwd project_dir = File.join(Dir.pwd, project1['name']) FileUtils.mkdir_p(project_dir) stderr, stdout = execute("projects:clone #{project1['name']}") stderr.should == <<-STDERR ! Can't clone project: #{project1['name']} since directory with that name already exists. STDERR end end it "calls git clone when existing project is cloned" do any_instance_of(Mortar::Command::Base) do |b| mock(b).validate_github_username.returns(true) end mock(Mortar::Auth.api).get_projects().returns(Excon::Response.new(:body => {"projects" => [project1, project2]})) mock(@git).clone(project1['git_url'], project1['name']) stderr, stdout = execute('projects:clone Project1', nil, @git) end end context("fork") do it "shows correct error message when user doesn't give git_url" do stderr, stdout = execute("projects:fork") stderr.should == <<-STDERR ! Usage: mortar projects:fork GIT_URL PROJECT ! Must specify GIT_URL and PROJECT. STDERR end it "errors when a project already exists with the name requested" do mock(Mortar::Auth.api).get_projects().returns(Excon::Response.new(:body => {"projects" => [project1, project2]})) with_git_initialized_project do |p| stderr, stdout = execute("projects:fork GIT_URL Project1", nil, @git) stderr.should == <<-STDERR ! Your account already contains a project named Project1. ! Please choose a different name for your new project, or clone the existing Project1 code using: ! ! mortar projects:clone Project1 STDERR end end it "shows error when in git repo already" do any_instance_of(Mortar::Command::Base) do |b| mock(b).validate_github_username.returns(true) end mock(Mortar::Auth.api).get_projects().returns(Excon::Response.new(:body => {"projects" => [project1, project2]})) with_git_initialized_project do |p| stderr, stdout = execute("projects:fork GIT_URL Project3", nil, @git) stderr.should == <<-STDERR ! Currently in git repo. You can not fork a new project inside of an existing git repository. STDERR end end it "calls correct git commands on success" do any_instance_of(Mortar::Command::Base) do |b| mock(b).validate_github_username.returns(true) end mock(Mortar::Auth.api).get_projects().returns(Excon::Response.new(:body => {"projects" => [project1, project2]})) mock(Mortar::Auth.api).get_projects().returns(Excon::Response.new(:body => {"projects" => [project1, project2]})) project_id = "1234abcd1234abcd1234" project_name = "some_new_project" project_git_url = "git@github.com:mortarcode-dev/#{project_name}" original_git_url = "git@github.com:mortardata/mortar-recsys-fake" mock(Mortar::Auth.api).post_project("some_new_project", false) {Excon::Response.new(:body => {"project_id" => project_id})} status = Mortar::API::Projects::STATUS_ACTIVE response = Excon::Response.new(:body => {"status" => status, "git_url" => project_git_url}) mock(Mortar::Auth.api).get_project(project_id).returns(response).ordered mock(@git).has_dot_git?().returns(false) mock(@git).clone(original_git_url, project_name, "base") stub(Dir).chdir mock(@git).remote_add("mortar", project_git_url) mock(@git).push_master mock(@git).git("fetch --all") mock(@git).set_upstream("mortar/master") any_instance_of(Mortar::Command::Projects) do |base| mock(base).ask.with_any_args.times(1) { 'y' } end stderr, stdout = execute("projects:fork #{original_git_url} #{project_name} --public", nil, @git) stdout.should == <<-STDOUT Public projects allow anyone to view and fork the code in this project's repository. Are you sure? (y/n) Sending request to register project: some_new_project... done\n\n\r\e[0KStatus: ACTIVE \n\nYour project is ready for use. Type 'mortar help' to see the commands you can perform on the project.\n STDOUT end end end end