module ActiveMerchant #:nodoc: module Billing #:nodoc: class GlobalCollectGateway < Gateway self.display_name = "GlobalCollect" self.homepage_url = "" self.test_url = "" self.live_url = "" self.supported_countries = %w(AD AE AT AU BD BE BG BN CA CH CY CZ DE DK EE EG ES FI FR GB GI GR HK HU ID IE IL IM IN IS IT JO KW LB LI LK LT LU LV MC MT MU MV MX MY NL NO NZ OM PH PL PT QA RO SA SE SG SI SK SM TR TT UM US VA VN ZA) self.default_currency = "USD" self.money_format = :cents self.supported_cardtypes = [:visa, :master, :american_express, :discover] def initialize(options={}) requires!(options, :merchant_id, :api_key_id, :secret_api_key) super end def purchase(money, payment, options={}) do |r| r.process { authorize(money, payment, options) } r.process { capture(money, r.authorization, options) } end end def authorize(money, payment, options={}) post = nestable_hash add_order(post, money, options) add_payment(post, payment) add_customer_data(post, options, payment) add_address(post, payment, options) commit(:authorize, post) end def capture(money, authorization, options={}) post = nestable_hash add_order(post, money, options) add_customer_data(post, options) commit(:capture, post, authorization) end def refund(money, authorization, options={}) post = nestable_hash add_amount(post, money, options={}) add_refund_customer_data(post, options) commit(:refund, post, authorization) end def void(authorization, options={}) post = nestable_hash commit(:void, post, authorization) end def verify(payment, options={}) do |r| r.process { authorize(100, payment, options) } r.process { void(r.authorization, options) } end end def supports_scrubbing? true end def scrub(transcript) transcript. gsub(%r((Authorization: )[^\\]*)i, '\1[FILTERED]'). gsub(%r(("cardNumber\\":\\")\d+), '\1[FILTERED]'). gsub(%r(("cvv\\":\\")\d+), '\1[FILTERED]') end private BRAND_MAP = { "visa" => "1", "american_express" => "2", "master" => "3", "discover" => "128" } def add_order(post, money, options) post["order"]["amountOfMoney"] = { "amount" => amount(money), "currencyCode" => options[:currency] || currency(money) } post["order"]["references"] = { "merchantReference" => options[:order_id], "descriptor" => options[:description] # Max 256 chars } post["order"]["references"]["invoiceData"] = { "invoiceNumber" => options[:invoice] } end def add_amount(post, money, options) post["amountOfMoney"] = { "amount" => amount(money), "currencyCode" => options[:currency] || currency(money) } end def add_payment(post, payment) year = format(payment.year, :two_digits) month = format(payment.month, :two_digits) expirydate = "#{month}#{year}" post["cardPaymentMethodSpecificInput"] = { "paymentProductId" => BRAND_MAP[payment.brand], "skipAuthentication" => "true", # refers to 3DSecure "skipFraudService" => "true" } post["cardPaymentMethodSpecificInput"]["card"] = { "cvv" => payment.verification_value, "cardNumber" => payment.number, "expiryDate" => expirydate, "cardholderName" => } end def add_customer_data(post, options, payment = nil) post["order"]["customer"] = { "merchantCustomerId" => options[:customer] } if payment post["order"]["customer"]["personalInformation"] = { "name" => { "firstName" => payment.first_name, "surname" => payment.last_name } } end post["order"]["companyInformation"] = { "name" => options[:company] } post["order"]["contactDetails"] = { "emailAddress" => options[:email] } if address = options[:billing_address] || options[:address] post["order"]["contactDetails"] = { "phoneNumber" => address[:phone] } end end def add_refund_customer_data(post, options) if address = options[:billing_address] || options[:address] post["customer"]["address"] = { "countryCode" => address[:country] } post["customer"]["contactDetails"] = { "emailAddress" => options[:email], "phoneNumber" => address[:phone] } end end def add_address(post, creditcard, options) billing_address = options[:billing_address] || options[:address] shipping_address = options[:shipping_address] if billing_address = options[:billing_address] || options[:address] post["order"]["customer"]["billingAddress"] = { "street" => billing_address[:address1], "additionalInfo" => billing_address[:address2], "zip" => billing_address[:zip], "city" => billing_address[:city], "state" => billing_address[:state], "countryCode" => billing_address[:country] } end if shipping_address post["order"]["customer"]["shippingAddress"] = { "street" => shipping_address[:address1], "additionalInfo" => shipping_address[:address2], "zip" => shipping_address[:zip], "city" => shipping_address[:city], "state" => shipping_address[:state], "countryCode" => shipping_address[:country] } post["order"]["customer"]["shippingAddress"]["name"] = { "firstName" => shipping_address[:firstname], "surname" => shipping_address[:lastname] } end end def parse(body) JSON.parse(body) end def url(action, authorization) (test? ? test_url : live_url) + uri(action, authorization) end def uri(action, authorization) uri = "/v1/#{@options[:merchant_id]}/" case action when :authorize uri + "payments" when :capture uri + "payments/#{authorization}/approve" when :refund uri + "payments/#{authorization}/refund" when :void uri + "payments/#{authorization}/cancel" end end def commit(action, post, authorization = nil) begin response = parse(ssl_post(url(action, authorization), post.to_json, headers(action, post, authorization))) rescue ResponseError => e if e.response.code.to_i >= 400 response = parse(e.response.body) end end succeeded = success_from(response) succeeded, message_from(succeeded, response), response, authorization: authorization_from(succeeded, response), error_code: error_code_from(succeeded, response), test: test? ) end def headers(action, post, authorization = nil) { "Content-type" => content_type, "Authorization" => auth_digest(action, post, authorization), "Date" => date } end def auth_digest(action, post, authorization = nil) data = <<-EOS POST #{content_type} #{date} #{uri(action, authorization)} EOS digest ='sha256') key = @options[:secret_api_key] "GCS v1HMAC:#{@options[:api_key_id]}:#{Base64.strict_encode64(OpenSSL::HMAC.digest(digest, key, data))}" end def date @date ||="%a, %d %b %Y %H:%M:%S %Z") # Must be same in digest and HTTP header end def content_type "application/json" end def success_from(response) !response["errorId"] end def message_from(succeeded, response) if succeeded "Succeeded" else response["errors"][0]["message"] || "Unable to read error message" end end def authorization_from(succeeded, response) if succeeded response["id"] || response["payment"]["id"] || response["paymentResult"]["payment"]["id"] else response["errorId"] end end def error_code_from(succeeded, response) unless succeeded response["errors"][0]["code"] || "Unable to read error code" end end def nestable_hash {|h,k| h[k] = } end end end end