function AllocationRenderer(allocationChosenCallback) { var self = this; var locale = PickyI18n.locale; var qualifiers = Localization.qualifiers && Localization.qualifiers[locale] || {}; var explanations = Localization.explanations && Localization.explanations[locale] || {}; var location_delimiter = Localization.location_delimiters[locale]; var explanation_delimiter = Localization.explanation_delimiters[locale]; // Those are of interest to the public. // this.text = ''; this.query = ''; this.explanation = ''; // TODO parametrize. // var no_ellipses = ['street_number', 'zipcode']; // Contracts the originals of the zipped. // function contract(zipped) { var hash = {}; // remembers the values var insert = {}; // remembers the insertion locations var remove = []; // remembers the remove indexes var i; for (i = 0, l = zipped.length; i < l; i++) { var key = zipped[i][0]; if (key in hash) { hash[key] = hash[key] + ' ' + zipped[i][1]; remove.push(i); } else { hash[key] = zipped[i][1]; insert[i] = key; } } // Insert the ones from the hash. for (i in insert) { zipped[i][1] = hash[insert[i]]; } // Remove the ones from zipped we don't like. From the end. for (i = remove.length-1; i >= 0; i--) { zipped.remove(remove[i]); } return zipped; }; this.contract = contract; // TODO Parametrize! var specialWhoCases = { // Use the actual methods, not strings. "maiden_name" : { format:"(-%1$s)", method:'capitalize', ignoreSingle:true }, "name" : { format:"%1$s", method:'toUpperCase', ignoreSingle:true }, "first_name" : { format:"%1$s", method:"capitalize" } }; function handleWho(both, singleParam) { var single = singleParam || false; var allocation = both[0]; var word = both[1]; var formatting = specialWhoCases[allocation]; if (formatting) { if (formatting.method) { word = word[formatting.method](); } if (formatting.format) { word = formatting.format.replace(/%1\$s/, word); } } var explanation = explanations[allocation] || allocation; if (single && !(formatting && formatting.ignoreSingle)) { return word + ' (' + explanation + ')'; } return word; } // Handles the first (who) part. // // Rules: // * If there is no thing, do return an empty string. // * If there is only one thing, add an explanation. // * If there are multiple things, handle special cases. // Without special cases, the name is always in front. // The things are separated by commas, and explained. // If there are multiple instances of the same category, they are contracted. // // Note:   to not disconnect the explanation from the query text. // function who(zipped) { if (zipped.length == 0) { return ''; } else if (zipped.length == 1) { return handleWho(zipped[0], true); } else { // else, sort, special cases etc. var result = []; var append = []; zipped = contract(zipped); for (var i = 0, l = zipped.length; i < l; i++) { if (zipped[i][0] == 'first_name') { result.unshift(handleWho(zipped[i])); // prepend the first name } else { if (zipped[i][0] == 'maiden_name') { append.push(handleWho(zipped[i])); } else { result.push(handleWho(zipped[i])); } } }; if (append.length > 0) { result.push(append); }; return result.join(' '); } } this.who = who; function replacerFor(zipped) { return function(_, category) { for (var i = 0, l = zipped.length; i < l; i++) { if (zipped[i][0] == category) { return zipped[i][1]; }; }; return ''; }; }; // Handles the second (where) part. // // Rules: // * If there is no location, do return an empty string. // * If there is only a zipcode, add a []. // * If there is only a city, add nothing. // * If there are both, zipcode needs to be first. // TODO Contraction of multiple "cities" and/or zipcode. // var locations = { 'zipcode':(':zipcode [' + + ']'), 'city':':city', 'city,zipcode':':zipcode :city' }; function where(zipped) { if (zipped.length == 0) { return ''; }; zipped = contract(zipped); var key_ary = zipped; key_ary.sort(function(zipped1, zipped2) { return zipped1[0] < zipped2[0] ? -1 : 1; }); // Now that it's sorted, get the right string. var key = []; for (var i = 0, l = key_ary.length; i < l; i++) { key.push(key_ary[i][0]); }; var loc = locations[key]; // Replace inside string. var result = loc.replace(/:(zipcode|city)/g, replacerFor(zipped)); return result; }; this.where = where; function handleSingleWhat(both) { var allocation = both[0]; var word = both[1]; var explanation = explanations[allocation] || allocation; return word + ' (' + explanation + ')'; } function what(zipped) { if (zipped.length == 0) { return ''; }; result = []; zipped = contract(zipped); for (var i = 0, l = zipped.length; i < l; i++) { result.push(handleSingleWhat(zipped[i])); } return result.join(', '); }; this.what = what; // Orders the allocation identifiers according to // [, , ] // Returns a reordered array. // // TODO Rename "group". // var who_qualifiers = ['first_name', 'name', 'maiden_name']; var where_qualifiers = ['zipcode', 'city']; function trisect(zipped) { var who_parts = []; var what_parts = []; var where_parts = []; for (var i = 0, l = zipped.length; i < l; i++) { var combination = zipped[i]; if (where_qualifiers.include(combination[0])) { where_parts.push(combination); } else if (who_qualifiers.include(combination[0])) { who_parts.push(combination); } else { what_parts.push(combination); } } // Ellipsisize the last part var alloc_part; if (where_parts.length > 0) { alloc_part = where_parts[where_parts.length-1]; } else if (what_parts.length > 0) { alloc_part = what_parts[what_parts.length-1]; } else if (who_parts.length > 0) { alloc_part = who_parts[who_parts.length-1]; } // always results in a part if (!no_ellipses.include(alloc_part[0])) { alloc_part[1] += '...'; } // TODO * var rendered_who = who(who_parts); var rendered_what = what(what_parts); var rendered_where = where(where_parts); return [rendered_who, rendered_what, rendered_where]; }; this.trisect = trisect; // Fuses a possible who part to a possible what part to a possible where part. // // e.g. , in // // Note:   to not disconnect the location delimiter (e.g. "in") from the location. // // TODO Parametrize! // var who_what_join = ', '; var whowhat_where_join = ' ' + location_delimiter + ' '; function fuse(parts) { var who = parts[0], what = parts[1], where = parts[2]; var who_what = ''; if (who != '') { if (what != '') { who_what = [who, what].join(who_what_join); } else { who_what = who; } } else { who_what = what; } if (where == '') { return who_what; }; return [who_what, where].join(whowhat_where_join); }; this.fuse = fuse; // Creates a query string from combination and originals. // function querify(zipped) { var query_parts = []; var qualifier; for (var i in zipped) { qualifier = zipped[i][0]; qualifier = qualifiers[qualifier] || qualifier; // Use the returned qualifier if none is given. query_parts[i] = qualifier + ':' + zipped[i][1]; }; return query_parts.join(' '); }; this.querify = querify; // // function suggestify(zipped) { return fuse(trisect(zipped)); }; // Generates the text and the link. // var generate = function() { this.query = querify(combination); this.text = suggestify(combination); return self; }; // // var listItem = function(text, count) { return $('
  • ' + text + '
    ' + count + '
  • '); }; var render = function(allocation) { var combination = allocation.combination; var type = allocation.type; var count = allocation.count; var query = querify(combination); var item = listItem(suggestify(combination), count); // TODO Move this outwards? // item.bind('click', { query: query }, allocationChosenCallback); return item; }; this.render = render; };