module ActiveadminSelleoCms class FormQuestion < ActiveRecord::Base TYPE_TEXT = 0 TYPE_SELECT = 1 TYPE_FILE = 2 TYPE_LABEL = 3 TYPES = [TYPE_TEXT, TYPE_SELECT, TYPE_FILE, TYPE_LABEL] TYPE_NAMES = ["text question", "select question", "file upload", "label"] belongs_to :form has_many :options, class_name: "FormQuestionOption", :order => "position" acts_as_list :scope => :form_id attr_accessor :order attr_accessible :title, :question_type, :position, :is_required, :is_multi, :has_other_option, :options_attributes, :order, :hint accepts_nested_attributes_for :options, allow_destroy: true validates :title, presence: true, uniqueness: {scope: :form_id} class << self def for_select { |type| [question_type_dictionary(type), type] } end def question_type_dictionary(int) ["text question", "select question", "file upload", "label"][int] end end def is_type?(type) "ActiveadminSelleoCms::FormQuestion::TYPE_#{type.upcase}".constantize == question_type end def set_options_order unless order.nil? order.split(",").each_with_index do |temp_id, index| options.each do |o| o.update_attribute(:position, index+1) if temp_id == o.temp_id end end order = nil end end def input_type if question_type == TYPE_TEXT and is_multi :text_area_tag elsif question_type == TYPE_TEXT :text_field_tag elsif question_type == TYPE_SELECT and is_multi :check_box_tag elsif question_type == TYPE_SELECT :radio_button_tag elsif question_type == TYPE_FILE :file_field_tag elsif question_type == TYPE_LABEL :legend end end def collection if question_type == TYPE_SELECT { collection:{ |o| [o.title,, o.options] } } else {} end end def label "#{title}#{''+I18n.t("active_admin.cms.forms.required")+'' if is_required}".html_safe end end end