Feature: listing the plugins available to motherbrain As a user of the motherbrain command line interface I need a way to list all of the available plugins and versions So I can see what plugins and versions of those plugins I have installed Background: Given a valid motherbrain configuration And I have an empty Berkshelf And the Chef Server is empty Scenario: listing all plugins Given a cookbook "pvpnet" at version "1.2.3" with a plugin And a cookbook "pvpnet" at version "2.3.4" with a plugin And a cookbook "league" at version "1.0.0" with a plugin When I run the "plugin list" command Then the output should contain: """ ** listing installed plugins... pvpnet: 1.2.3, 2.3.4 league: 1.0.0 """ And the exit status should be 0 Scenario: listing plugins when there are no plugins installed When I run the "plugin list" command Then the output should contain: """ No plugins found in your Berkshelf: """ And the exit status should be 0 Scenario: listing remote plugins Given a cookbook on the Chef Server "ruby" at version "1.2.3" with a plugin And a cookbook on the Chef Server "elixir" at version "2.0.0" with a plugin When I run the "plugin list" command with: | --remote | Then the output should contain: """ ** listing installed and remote plugins... ruby: 1.2.3 elixir: 2.0.0 """ And the exit status should be 0