import { context } from 'ember-environment'; import { set, get, computed, defineProperty, addListener, watch, unwatch } from '../..'; import { deleteMeta, meta } from 'ember-meta'; import { moduleFor, AbstractTestCase } from 'internal-test-helpers'; let didCount, didKeys, originalLookup; function addListeners(obj, keyPath) { addListener(obj, keyPath + ':change', function() { didCount++; didKeys.push(keyPath); }); } moduleFor( 'watch', class extends AbstractTestCase { beforeEach() { didCount = 0; didKeys = []; originalLookup = context.lookup; context.lookup = {}; } afterEach() { context.lookup = originalLookup; } ['@test watching a computed property'](assert) { let obj = {}; defineProperty( obj, 'foo', computed({ get() { return this.__foo; }, set(keyName, value) { if (value !== undefined) { this.__foo = value; } return this.__foo; }, }) ); addListeners(obj, 'foo'); watch(obj, 'foo'); set(obj, 'foo', 'bar'); assert.equal(didCount, 1, 'should have invoked didCount'); } ['@test watching a regular defined property'](assert) { let obj = { foo: 'baz' }; addListeners(obj, 'foo'); watch(obj, 'foo'); assert.equal(get(obj, 'foo'), 'baz', 'should have original prop'); set(obj, 'foo', 'bar'); assert.equal(didCount, 1, 'should have invoked didCount'); assert.equal(get(obj, 'foo'), 'bar', 'should get new value'); assert.equal(, 'bar', 'property should be accessible on obj'); } ['@test watching a regular undefined property'](assert) { let obj = {}; addListeners(obj, 'foo'); watch(obj, 'foo'); assert.equal('foo' in obj, false, 'precond undefined'); set(obj, 'foo', 'bar'); assert.equal(didCount, 1, 'should have invoked didCount'); assert.equal(get(obj, 'foo'), 'bar', 'should get new value'); assert.equal(, 'bar', 'property should be accessible on obj'); } ['@test watches should inherit'](assert) { let obj = { foo: 'baz' }; let objB = Object.create(obj); addListeners(obj, 'foo'); watch(obj, 'foo'); assert.equal(get(obj, 'foo'), 'baz', 'should have original prop'); set(obj, 'foo', 'bar'); set(objB, 'foo', 'baz'); assert.equal(didCount, 2, 'should have invoked didCount once only'); } ['@test watching an object THEN defining it should work also'](assert) { let obj = {}; addListeners(obj, 'foo'); watch(obj, 'foo'); defineProperty(obj, 'foo'); set(obj, 'foo', 'bar'); assert.equal(get(obj, 'foo'), 'bar', 'should have set'); assert.equal(didCount, 1, 'should have invoked didChange once'); } ['@test watching a chain then defining the property'](assert) { let obj = {}; let foo = { bar: 'bar' }; addListeners(obj, ''); addListeners(foo, 'bar'); watch(obj, ''); defineProperty(obj, 'foo', undefined, foo); set(foo, 'bar', 'baz'); assert.deepEqual( didKeys, ['', 'bar'], 'should have invoked didChange with bar,' ); assert.equal(didCount, 2, 'should have invoked didChange twice'); } ['@test watching a chain then defining the nested property'](assert) { let bar = {}; let obj = { foo: bar }; let baz = { baz: 'baz' }; addListeners(obj, ''); addListeners(baz, 'baz'); watch(obj, ''); defineProperty(bar, 'bar', undefined, baz); set(baz, 'baz', 'BOO'); assert.deepEqual( didKeys, ['', 'baz'], 'should have invoked didChange with bar,' ); assert.equal(didCount, 2, 'should have invoked didChange twice'); } ['@test watching an object value then unwatching should restore old value'](assert) { let obj = { foo: { bar: { baz: { biff: 'BIFF' } } } }; addListeners(obj, ''); watch(obj, ''); let foo = get(obj, 'foo'); assert.equal(get(get(get(foo, 'bar'), 'baz'), 'biff'), 'BIFF', 'biff should exist'); unwatch(obj, ''); assert.equal(get(get(get(foo, 'bar'), 'baz'), 'biff'), 'BIFF', 'biff should exist'); } ['@test when watching another object, destroy should remove chain watchers from the other object']( assert ) { let objA = {}; let objB = { foo: 'bar' }; objA.b = objB; addListeners(objA, ''); watch(objA, ''); let meta_objB = meta(objB); let chainNode = meta(objA).readableChains(); assert.equal(meta_objB.peekWatching('foo'), 1, 'should be watching foo'); assert.equal( meta_objB.readableChainWatchers().has('foo', chainNode), true, 'should have chain watcher' ); deleteMeta(objA); assert.equal(meta_objB.peekWatching('foo'), 0, 'should not be watching foo'); assert.equal( meta_objB.readableChainWatchers().has('foo', chainNode), false, 'should not have chain watcher' ); } // TESTS for length property ['@test watching "length" property on an object'](assert) { let obj = { length: '26.2 miles' }; addListeners(obj, 'length'); watch(obj, 'length'); assert.equal(get(obj, 'length'), '26.2 miles', 'should have original prop'); set(obj, 'length', '10k'); assert.equal(didCount, 1, 'should have invoked didCount'); assert.equal(get(obj, 'length'), '10k', 'should get new value'); assert.equal(obj.length, '10k', 'property should be accessible on obj'); } ['@test watching "length" property on an array'](assert) { let arr = []; addListeners(arr, 'length'); watch(arr, 'length'); assert.equal(get(arr, 'length'), 0, 'should have original prop'); set(arr, 'length', '10'); assert.equal(didCount, 1, 'should NOT have invoked didCount'); assert.equal(get(arr, 'length'), 10, 'should get new value'); assert.equal(arr.length, 10, 'property should be accessible on arr'); } ['@test watch + ES5 getter'](assert) { let parent = { b: 1 }; let child = { get b() { return parent.b; }, }; assert.equal(parent.b, 1, 'parent.b should be 1'); assert.equal(child.b, 1, 'child.b should be 1'); assert.equal(get(child, 'b'), 1, 'get(child, "b") should be 1'); watch(child, 'b'); assert.equal(parent.b, 1, 'parent.b should be 1 (after watch)'); assert.equal(child.b, 1, 'child.b should be 1 (after watch)'); assert.equal(get(child, 'b'), 1, 'get(child, "b") should be 1 (after watch)'); } ['@test watch + set + no-descriptor'](assert) { let child = {}; assert.equal(child.b, undefined, 'child.b '); assert.equal(get(child, 'b'), undefined, 'get(child, "b")'); watch(child, 'b'); set(child, 'b', 1); assert.equal(child.b, 1, 'child.b (after watch)'); assert.equal(get(child, 'b'), 1, 'get(child, "b") (after watch)'); } } );