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  <div class='man-navigation' style='display:none'>
    <a href="#NAME">NAME</a>
    <a href="#SYNOPSIS">SYNOPSIS</a>
    <a href="#INSTALL">INSTALL</a>
    <a href="#DOWNLOAD">DOWNLOAD</a>
    <a href="#LIST">LIST</a>
    <a href="#SEARCH">SEARCH</a>
    <a href="#SHARE">SHARE</a>
    <a href="#UNSHARE">UNSHARE</a>
    <a href="#SHOW">SHOW</a>
    <a href="#EXAMPLES">EXAMPLES</a>
    <a href="#SEE-ALSO">SEE ALSO</a>
    <a href="#AUTHOR">AUTHOR</a>
    <a href="#CHEF">CHEF</a>

  <ol class='man-decor man-head man head'>
    <li class='tl'>knife-cookbook-site(1)</li>
    <li class='tc'>Chef Manual</li>
    <li class='tr'>knife-cookbook-site(1)</li>

  <h2 id="NAME">NAME</h2>
<p class="man-name">
  <code>knife-cookbook-site</code> - <span class="man-whatis">Install and update open source cookbooks</span>


<p><strong>knife</strong> <strong>cookbook site</strong> <em>sub-command</em> <em>(options)</em></p>


<p><code>knife cookbook site</code> provides the following subcommands:</p>

<h2 id="INSTALL">INSTALL</h2>

<p><strong>cookbook site install COOKBOOK [VERSION]</strong> <em>(options)</em></p>

<dt><code>-D</code>, <code>--skip-dependencies</code></dt><dd>Skip automatic installation of dependencies.</dd>
<dt><code>-o</code>, <code>--cookbook-path PATH</code></dt><dd>Install cookbooks to PATH</dd>
<dt><code>-B</code>, <code>--branch BRANCH</code></dt><dd>Default branch to work with [defaults to master]</dd>

<p>Uses <span class="man-ref">git<span class="s">(1)</span></span> version control in conjunction with the cookbook site to
install community contributed cookbooks to your local cookbook
repository. Running <code>knife cookbook site install</code> does the following:</p>

<li>A new "pristine copy" branch is created in git for tracking the
<li>All existing cookbooks are removed from the branch;</li>
<li>The cookbook is downloaded from the cookbook site in tarball form;</li>
<li>The downloaded cookbook is untarred, and its contents commited via git;</li>
<li>The pristine copy branch is merged into the master branch.</li>

<p>By installing cookbook with this process, you can locally modify the
upstream cookbook in your master branch and let git maintain your
changes as a separate patch.  When an updated upstream version becomes
available, you will be able to merge the upstream changes while
maintaining your local modifications.</p>

<p>Unless <em>--skip-dependencies</em> is specified, the process is applied recursively to all the
cookbooks <em>COOKBOOK</em> depends on (via metadata <em>dependencies</em>).</p>


<p><strong>knife cookbook site download COOKBOOK [VERSION]</strong> <em>(options)</em></p>

<dt><code>-f</code>, <code>--file FILE</code></dt><dd>The filename to write to</dd>
<dt class="flush"><code>--force</code></dt><dd>Force download deprecated cookbook</dd>

<p>Downloads a specific cookbook from the Community site, optionally
specifying a certain version.</p>

<h2 id="LIST">LIST</h2>

<p><strong>knife cookbook site list</strong> <em>(options)</em></p>

<dt><code>-w</code>, <code>--with-uri</code></dt><dd>Show corresponding URIs</dd>

<p>Lists available cookbooks from the Community site.</p>

<h2 id="SEARCH">SEARCH</h2>

<p><strong>knife cookbook site search QUERY</strong> <em>(options)</em></p>

<p>Searches for available cookbooks matching the specified query.</p>

<h2 id="SHARE">SHARE</h2>

<p><strong>knife cookbook site share COOKBOOK CATEGORY</strong> <em>(options)</em></p>

<dt><code>-k</code>, <code>--key KEY</code></dt><dd>API Client Key</dd>
<dt><code>-u</code>, <code>--user USER</code></dt><dd>API Client Username</dd>
<dt><code>-o</code>, <code>--cookbook-path PATH:PATH</code></dt><dd>A colon-separated path to look for cookbooks in</dd>

<p>Uploads the specified cookbook using the given category to the Opscode
cookbooks site. Requires a login user and certificate for the Opscode
Cookbooks site. By default, knife will use the username and API key
you've configured in your configuration file; otherwise you must
explicitly set these values on the command line or use an alternate
configuration file.</p>

<h2 id="UNSHARE">UNSHARE</h2>

<p><strong>knife cookbook site unshare COOKBOOK</strong></p>

<p>Stops sharing the specified cookbook on the Opscode cookbooks site.</p>

<h2 id="SHOW">SHOW</h2>

<p><strong>knife cookbook site show COOKBOOK [VERSION]</strong> <em>(options)</em></p>

<p>Shows information from the site about a particular cookbook.</p>


<p>The cookbook site, <a href="http://community.opscode.com/" data-bare-link="true">http://community.opscode.com/</a>, is a cookbook
distribution service operated by Opscode. This service provides users
with a central location to publish cookbooks for sharing with other
community members.</p>

<p><code>knife cookbook site</code> commands provide an interface to the cookbook
site's HTTP API. For commands that read data from the API, no account is
required. In order to upload cookbooks using the <code>knife cookbook site
share</code> command, you must create an account on the cookbook site and
configure your credentials via command line option or in your knife
configuration file.</p>


<p>Uploading cookbooks to the Opscode cookbooks site:</p>

<pre><code>knife cookbook site share example Other -k ~/.chef/USERNAME.pem -u USERNAME

<h2 id="SEE-ALSO">SEE ALSO</h2>

<p>   <strong><span class="man-ref">knife-cookbook<span class="s">(1)</span></span></strong>
   <a href="http://community.opscode.com/cookbooks" data-bare-link="true">http://community.opscode.com/cookbooks</a></p>

<h2 id="AUTHOR">AUTHOR</h2>

<p>   Chef was written by Adam Jacob <a href="&#109;&#x61;&#105;&#108;&#x74;&#x6f;&#58;&#97;&#x64;&#97;&#109;&#x40;&#111;&#112;&#x73;&#99;&#111;&#100;&#101;&#46;&#x63;&#111;&#x6d;" data-bare-link="true">&#x61;&#x64;&#x61;&#x6d;&#64;&#x6f;&#112;&#115;&#99;&#x6f;&#x64;&#101;&#x2e;&#99;&#111;&#x6d;</a> with many contributions from the community.</p>


<p>   This manual page was written by Joshua Timberman <a href="&#109;&#x61;&#105;&#x6c;&#x74;&#111;&#58;&#x6a;&#x6f;&#x73;&#x68;&#x75;&#97;&#x40;&#111;&#112;&#115;&#99;&#x6f;&#100;&#x65;&#46;&#x63;&#x6f;&#x6d;" data-bare-link="true">&#106;&#111;&#115;&#104;&#117;&#97;&#64;&#x6f;&#112;&#115;&#99;&#111;&#100;&#x65;&#x2e;&#x63;&#x6f;&#x6d;</a>.
   Permission is granted to copy, distribute and / or modify this document under the terms of the Apache 2.0 License.</p>

<h2 id="CHEF">CHEF</h2>

<p>   Knife is distributed with Chef. <a href="http://wiki.opscode.com/display/chef/Home" data-bare-link="true">http://wiki.opscode.com/display/chef/Home</a></p>

  <ol class='man-decor man-foot man foot'>
    <li class='tl'>Chef 10.12.0.rc.1</li>
    <li class='tc'>May 2012</li>
    <li class='tr'>knife-cookbook-site(1)</li>
