# frozen_string_literal: true module Proscenium class SideLoad JS_COMMENT = '' CSS_COMMENT = '' LAZY_COMMENT = '' module Controller def self.included(child) child.class_eval do class_attribute :sideload_assets_options child.extend ClassMethods append_after_action :capture_and_replace_proscenium_stylesheets, :capture_and_replace_proscenium_javascripts, if: -> { response.content_type&.include?('html') } end end module ClassMethods def sideload_assets(value) self.sideload_assets_options = value end end def capture_and_replace_proscenium_stylesheets return if response_body.nil? return if response_body.first.blank? || !Proscenium::Importer.css_imported? included_comment = response_body.first.include?(CSS_COMMENT) fragments = if (fragment_header = request.headers['X-Fragment']) fragment_header.split end return if !fragments && !included_comment imports = Proscenium::Importer.imported.dup paths_to_build = [] Proscenium::Importer.each_stylesheet(delete: true) do |x, _| paths_to_build << x.delete_prefix('/') end result = Proscenium::Builder.build_to_path(paths_to_build.join(';'), base_url: helpers.request.base_url) out = [] result.split(';').each do |x| inpath, outpath = x.split('::') inpath.prepend '/' outpath.delete_prefix! 'public' next unless imports.key?(inpath) import = imports[inpath] opts = import[:css].is_a?(Hash) ? import[:css] : {} opts[:preload_links_header] = false if fragments opts[:data] ||= {} opts[:data][:original_href] = inpath out << helpers.stylesheet_link_tag(outpath, extname: false, **opts) end if fragments response_body.first.prepend out.join.html_safe elsif included_comment response_body.first.gsub! CSS_COMMENT, out.join.html_safe end end def capture_and_replace_proscenium_javascripts return if response_body.nil? return if response_body.first.blank? || !Proscenium::Importer.js_imported? imports = Proscenium::Importer.imported.dup paths_to_build = [] Proscenium::Importer.each_javascript(delete: true) do |x, _| paths_to_build << x.delete_prefix('/') end result = Proscenium::Builder.build_to_path(paths_to_build.join(';'), base_url: helpers.request.base_url) included_js_comment = response_body.first.include?(JS_COMMENT) included_lazy_comment = response_body.first.include?(LAZY_COMMENT) fragments = if (fragment_header = request.headers['X-Fragment']) fragment_header.split end if fragments || included_js_comment out = [] scripts = {} result.split(';').each do |x| inpath, outpath = x.split('::') inpath.prepend '/' outpath.delete_prefix! 'public' next unless imports.key?(inpath) if (import = imports[inpath]).delete(:lazy) scripts[inpath] = import.merge(outpath:) else opts = import[:js].is_a?(Hash) ? import[:js] : {} opts[:preload_links_header] = false if fragments out << helpers.javascript_include_tag(outpath, extname: false, **opts) end end if fragments response_body.first.prepend out.join.html_safe elsif included_js_comment response_body.first.gsub! JS_COMMENT, out.join.html_safe end end return if !fragments && !included_lazy_comment lazy_script = '' if scripts.present? lazy_script = helpers.content_tag 'script', type: 'application/json', id: 'prosceniumLazyScripts' do scripts.to_json.html_safe end end if fragments response_body.first.prepend lazy_script elsif included_lazy_comment response_body.first.gsub! LAZY_COMMENT, lazy_script end end end class << self # Side loads the class, and its super classes that respond to `.source_path`. # # Set the `abstract_class` class variable to true in any class, and it will not be side # loaded. # # If the class responds to `.sideload`, it will be called instead of the regular side loading. # You can use this to customise what is side loaded. def sideload_inheritance_chain(obj, options) return unless Proscenium.config.side_load options = {} if options.nil? options = { js: options, css: options } unless options.is_a?(Hash) unless obj.sideload_assets_options.nil? tpl_options = obj.sideload_assets_options options = if tpl_options.is_a?(Hash) options.deep_merge tpl_options else { js: tpl_options, css: tpl_options } end end %i[css js].each do |k| options[k] = obj.instance_eval(&options[k]) if options[k].is_a?(Proc) end css_imports = [] klass = obj.class while klass.respond_to?(:source_path) && klass.source_path && !klass.abstract_class if klass.respond_to?(:sideload) klass.sideload options elsif options[:css] == false Importer.sideload klass.source_path, **options else Importer.sideload_js klass.source_path, **options css_imports << klass.source_path end klass = klass.superclass end # The reason why we sideload CSS after JS is because the order of CSS is important. # Basically, the layout should be loaded before the view so that CSS cascading works i9n the # right direction. css_imports.reverse_each do |it| Importer.sideload_css it, **options end end end end end