module Embulk require 'embulk/error' require 'embulk/logger' class PluginRegistry def initialize(category, search_prefix) @category = category @search_prefix = search_prefix @loaded_gems = {} @map = {} end attr_reader :category def register(type, value) type = type.to_sym @map[type] = value end def lookup(type) type = type.to_sym if value = @map[type] return value end if search(type) if value = @map[type] return value end raise PluginLoadError, "Unknown #{@category} plugin '#{type}'. #{@search_prefix}#{type}.rb is installed but it does not correctly register plugin." else raise PluginLoadError, "Unknown #{@category} plugin '#{type}'. #{@search_prefix}#{type}.rb is not installed. Run 'embulk gem search -rd embulk-#{@category}' command to find plugins." end end def search(type) name = "#{@search_prefix}#{type}" begin require_and_show name return true rescue LoadError => e # catch LoadError but don't catch ClassNotFoundException raise e if e.to_s =~ /java.lang.ClassNotFoundException/ raise e if $LOAD_PATH.any? {|dir| File.exists? File.join(dir, "#{name}.rb") } end # search from $LOAD_PATH load_path_files = $ do |lp| lpath = File.expand_path(File.join(lp, "#{name}.rb")) File.exist?(lpath) ? lpath : nil end paths = load_path_files.compact.sort # sort to prefer newer version paths.each do |path| require_and_show path return true end # search gems if defined?(::Gem::Specification) && ::Gem::Specification.respond_to?(:find_all) specs = Gem::Specification.find_all do |spec| spec.contains_requirable_file? name end # prefer newer version specs = specs.sort_by {|spec| spec.version } if spec = specs.last spec.require_paths.each do |lib| require_and_show "#{spec.full_gem_path}/#{lib}/#{name}", spec end return true end end return false end def require_and_show(path, spec=nil) require path unless spec name, spec = Gem.loaded_specs.find {|name,spec| #spec.files.include?(path) spec.contains_requirable_file?(path) } end if spec unless @loaded_gems[] "Loaded plugin #{} (#{spec.version})" @loaded_gems[] end else "Loaded plugin #{path} from a load path" end end end end