require 'colorize' module Chronicle module ETL module CLI # Main entrypoint for CLI app class Main < Chronicle::ETL::CLI::CLIBase class_before :set_log_level class_before :set_color_output class_option :log_level, desc: 'Log level (debug, info, warn, error, fatal, silent)', default: 'info' class_option :verbose, aliases: '-v', desc: 'Set log level to verbose', type: :boolean class_option :silent, desc: 'Silence all output', type: :boolean class_option :'no-color', desc: 'Disable colour output', type: :boolean default_task "jobs" desc 'connectors:COMMAND', 'Connectors available for ETL jobs', hide: true subcommand 'connectors', Connectors desc 'jobs:COMMAND', 'Configure and run jobs', hide: true subcommand 'jobs', Jobs desc 'plugins:COMMAND', 'Configure plugins', hide: true subcommand 'plugins', Plugins desc 'secrets:COMMAND', 'Manage secrets', hide: true subcommand 'secrets', Secrets # Entrypoint for the CLI def self.start(given_args = ARGV, config = {}) # take a subcommand:command and splits them so Thor knows how to hand off to the subcommand class if given_args.any? && given_args[0].include?(':') commands = given_args.shift.split(':') given_args = given_args.unshift(commands).flatten end super(given_args, config) end def self.exit_on_failure? true end desc "version", "Show version" map %w(--version -v) => :version def version shell.say "chronicle-etl #{Chronicle::ETL::VERSION}" end # Displays help options for chronicle-etl def help(meth = nil, subcommand = false) if meth && !respond_to?(meth) klass, task = ::Thor::Util.find_class_and_task_by_namespace("#{meth}:#{meth}") klass.start(['-h', task].compact, shell: shell) else shell.say "ABOUT:".bold shell.say " #{'chronicle-etl'.italic} is a toolkit for extracting and working with your digital" shell.say " history. 📜" shell.say shell.say " A job #{'extracts'.underline} personal data from a source, #{'transforms'.underline} it (Chronicle" shell.say " Schema or preserves raw data), and then #{'loads'.underline} it to a destination. Use" shell.say " built-in extractors (json, csv, stdin) and loaders (csv, json, table," shell.say " rest) or use plugins to connect to third-party services." shell.say shell.say " Plugins:" shell.say shell.say "USAGE:".bold shell.say " # Basic job usage:".italic.light_black shell.say " $ chronicle-etl --extractor NAME --transformer NAME --loader NAME" shell.say shell.say " # Read test.csv and display it to stdout as a table:".italic.light_black shell.say " $ chronicle-etl --extractor csv --input data.csv --loader table" shell.say shell.say " # Show available plugins:".italic.light_black shell.say " $ chronicle-etl plugins:list" shell.say shell.say " # Save an access token as a secret and use it in a job:".italic.light_black shell.say " $ chronicle-etl secrets:set pinboard access_token username:foo123" shell.say " $ chronicle-etl secrets:list" shell.say " $ chronicle-etl -e pinboard --since 1mo" shell.say shell.say " # Show full job options:".italic.light_black shell.say " $ chronicle-etl jobs help run" shell.say shell.say "FULL DOCUMENTATION:".bold shell.say "".blue shell.say list = [] ::Thor::Util.thor_classes_in(Chronicle::ETL::CLI).each do |thor_class| list += thor_class.printable_tasks(false) end list.sort! { |a, b| a[0] <=> b[0] } list.unshift ["help", "# This help menu"] shell.say shell.say 'ALL COMMANDS:'.bold shell.print_table(list, indent: 2, truncate: true) shell.say shell.say "VERSION:".bold shell.say " #{Chronicle::ETL::VERSION}" shell.say shell.say " Display current version:".italic.light_black shell.say " $ chronicle-etl --version" end end no_commands do def set_color_output String.disable_colorization true if options[:'no-color'] || ENV['NO_COLOR'] end def set_log_level if options[:silent] Chronicle::ETL::Logger.log_level = Chronicle::ETL::Logger::SILENT elsif options[:verbose] Chronicle::ETL::Logger.log_level = Chronicle::ETL::Logger::DEBUG elsif options[:log_level] level = Chronicle::ETL::Logger.const_get(options[:log_level].upcase) Chronicle::ETL::Logger.log_level = level end end end end end end end