module Spontaneous module DataMapper module ContentModel module Associations def inherited(subclass) subclass.instance_variable_set(:@associations, associations.dup) subclass.instance_variable_set(:@association_dependencies, association_dependencies.dup) super end # Provided for compatibility with Sequel models. # # In particular when constructing associations between # a content model and a Sequel model, the Sequel # association tries to automatically set the reciprocal # value and uses Model.all_association_reflections to # search for appropriate candidates. # # Returning an empty array here stops this crashing. def all_association_reflections [] end def associations @associations ||= {} end def association_method_module @association_method_module ||= define_association_method_module end def define_association_method_module m = self.const_set(:AssociationMethods, m) self.send :include, m m end ASSOCIATION_MAPPING = { :one_to_many=>:before, :many_to_one=>:after, :many_to_many=>:before, :one_to_one=>:before } def association_dependencies @association_dependencies ||= { :before_delete=>[], :before_destroy=>[], :after_delete=>[], :after_destroy=>[] } end def add_association_dependency(opts) if (action = opts[:dependent]) time = ASSOCIATION_MAPPING[opts[:association]] hook = :"#{time}_#{action}" association_dependencies[hook] << opts[:dataset_method] end end def has_many_content(name, opts = {}) opts[:association] = :one_to_many opts[:dataset_method] = "#{name}_dataset" opts[:add_method] = "add_#{name.to_s.singularize}" mod = opts[:module] ||= association_method_module define_association_method(mod, opts[:dataset_method]) { m = mapper m.where!([[m.qualify_column(opts[:key]), id]]) } define_association_method(mod, name) { |options = {}| load_cached_association(name, options) } define_association_method(mod, opts[:add_method]) { |member| member.send("#{opts[:key]}=", } add_association_dependency(opts) associations[name] = opts end def belongs_to_content(name, opts = {}) opts[:association] = :many_to_one opts[:dataset_method] = "#{name}_dataset" opts[:add_method] = "#{name}=" mod = opts[:module] ||= association_method_module define_association_method(mod, opts[:dataset_method]) { m = mapper m.where!([[m.qualify_column(:id), send(opts[:key])]]) } define_association_method(mod, name) { |options = {}| load_cached_association(name, options) } define_association_method(mod, opts[:add_method]) { |owner| set_association_cache(name, owner) send("#{opts[:key]}=", if owner } add_association_dependency(opts) associations[name] = opts end alias_method :many_to_one_content, :belongs_to_content def define_association_method(mod, name, &block) mod.module_eval{ define_method(name, &block) } end alias_method :one_to_many_content, :has_many_content def one_to_many(name, opts={}, &block) define_plural_proxy_association(:one_to_many, name, opts, &block) end alias_method :has_many, :one_to_many def many_to_one(name, opts = {}, &block) association = define_singular_proxy_association(:many_to_one, name, opts, &block) # We need to feed back changes to the association key to the owning # content model. It doesn't matter if the proxy class never recieves # the message because we don't care about its state at all association[:keys].map { |key| "#{key}=" }.each do |method| association_proxy_class.class_eval(<<-RB) def #{method}(value) __content__.send(:#{method}, value) end RB end association end alias_method :belongs_to, :many_to_one def one_to_one(name, opts = {}, &block) define_singular_proxy_association(:one_to_one, name, opts, &block) end alias_method :has_one, :one_to_one def define_plural_proxy_association(type, name, opts, &block) singular = name.to_s.singularize plural = name.to_s.pluralize methods = [ name, "#{plural}_dataset", "add_#{singular}", "remove_#{singular}", "remove_all_#{plural}", ] define_proxy_association(type, methods, name, opts, &block) end def define_singular_proxy_association(type, name, opts, &block) methods = [ name, "#{name}=", "#{name}_dataset" ] define_proxy_association(type, methods, name, opts, &block) end def define_proxy_association(association, proxy_methods, name, opts = {}, &block) assoc = association_proxy_class.send(association, name, opts, &block) proxy_methods.each do |method_name| association_method_module.module_eval(<<-RB, __FILE__, __LINE__) def #{method_name}(*args, &block) association_proxy_instance.send(:#{method_name}, *args, &block) end RB end assoc end def association_proxy_class @association_proxy_class ||= end # If we have a superclass that is a content object then we want to # inherit its associations. If not then we need to create a base # class. def association_proxy_superclass if superclass.respond_to?(:association_proxy_class) superclass.association_proxy_class else ::Sequel::Model(mapper.table.dataset).tap do |klass| klass.send :plugin, :association_dependencies klass.send :attr_reader, :__content__ end end end module InstanceMethods def after_destroy super model.association_dependencies[:after_delete].each{|m| send(m).delete} model.association_dependencies[:after_destroy].each{|m| send(m).destroy} end def before_destroy model.association_dependencies[:before_delete].each{|m| send(m).delete} model.association_dependencies[:before_destroy].each{|m| send(m).destroy} super end private def association_proxy_instance @association_proxy_instance ||= do |instance| instance.instance_variable_set(:@__content__, self) end end def load_many_to_one_association(assoc) id = send(assoc[:key]) return nil if id.nil? mapper[id] end def load_one_to_many_association(assoc) members = self.send(assoc[:dataset_method]).all.compact if (reciprocal = assoc[:reciprocal]) members.each do |member| member.send :set_association_cache, reciprocal, self end end members end def load_cached_association(name, options) assoc = model.associations[name] clear_association_cache(name) if options[:reload] ac = associations_cache unless ac.key?(name) load_method = "load_#{assoc[:association]}_association" ac[name] = send(load_method, assoc) end ac[name] end def associations_cache @associations_cache ||= {} end def set_association_cache(name, value) associations_cache[name] = value end def clear_association_cache(name) associations_cache.delete(name) end def refresh associations_cache.clear @association_proxy_instance = nil super end end end end end end