module Jets::Thor module Help extend ActiveSupport::Concern def help(command = nil, subcommand = false) help_output = capture_stdout_for_help { super } paginate_output(help_output) end def capture_stdout_for_help stdout_old = $stdout io = $stdout = io yield $stdout = stdout_old io.string end # Method to paginate the output using less if necessary def paginate_output(output) unless system("type less > /dev/null 2>&1") puts output return end # Paginate the output if it's taller than the terminal terminal_height = TTY::Screen.height if output.lines.count > terminal_height IO.popen("less -R", "w") { |less| less.puts(output) } else puts output end end module ClassMethods # Override command_help to include the description at the top of the # long_description. def command_help(shell, command_name) meth = normalize_command_name(command_name) command = all_commands[meth] alter_command_description(command) super end def alter_command_description(command) return unless command # Add description to beginning of long_description long_desc = if command.long_description "#{command.description}\n\n#{command.long_description}" else command.description end # add reference url to end of the long_description unless website.empty? full_command = [command.ancestor_name,].compact.join("-") url = "#{website}/reference/Jets::Pro-#{full_command}" long_desc += "\n\nHelp also available at: #{url}" end command.long_description = long_desc end private :alter_command_description # override main help menu def help(shell, subcommand = false) if subcommand help_subcommand(shell, subcommand) else help_main(shell, subcommand) end end def help_subcommand(shell, subcommand) list = command_list(subcommand) shell.say "Commands:\n\n" shell.print_table(list, indent: 2, truncate: true) end def help_main(shell, subcommand = false) list = command_list(subcommand) filter = proc do |command, desc| main_commands.detect { |name| command =~"^jets #{name}") } end main = other = list.reject(&filter) shell.say "Usage: jets COMMAND [args]" shell.say "\nMain Commands:\n\n" shell.print_table(main, indent: 2, truncate: true) shell.say "\nOther Commands:\n\n" shell.print_table(other, indent: 2, truncate: true) shell.say <<~EOL For more help on each command, you can use the -h option. Example: jets deploy -h CLI Reference also available at: EOL end def command_list(subcommand) list = printable_commands(true, subcommand) Thor::Util.thor_classes_in(self).each do |klass| list += klass.printable_commands(false) end list.reject! do |arr| c = arr[0] # IE: jets release:SUBCOMMAND c.include?("help") || c.include?("COMMAND") || c.include?("c_l_i") end sort_commands!(list) list end def main_commands %w[ deploy logs url ] end end end end