/***************************************************************************** $Id$ File: emwin.cpp Date: 05May06 Copyright (C) 2006-07 by Francis Cianfrocca. All Rights Reserved. Gmail: blackhedd This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of either: 1) the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version; or 2) Ruby's License. See the file COPYING for complete licensing information. *****************************************************************************/ // THIS ENTIRE FILE IS FOR WINDOWS BUILDS ONLY // INCOMPLETE AND DISABLED FOR NOW. #ifdef xOS_WIN32 #include "project.h" // Keep a global variable floating around // with the current loop time as set by the Event Machine. // This avoids the need for frequent expensive calls to time(NULL); time_t gCurrentLoopTime; /****************************** EventMachine_t::EventMachine_t ******************************/ EventMachine_t::EventMachine_t (void (*event_callback)(const char*, int, const char*, int)): EventCallback (event_callback), NextHeartbeatTime (0) { gTerminateSignalReceived = false; Iocp = NULL; } /******************************* EventMachine_t::~EventMachine_t *******************************/ EventMachine_t::~EventMachine_t() { cerr << "EM __dt\n"; if (Iocp) CloseHandle (Iocp); } /**************************** EventMachine_t::ScheduleHalt ****************************/ void EventMachine_t::ScheduleHalt() { /* This is how we stop the machine. * This can be called by clients. Signal handlers will probably * set the global flag. * For now this means there can only be one EventMachine ever running at a time. */ gTerminateSignalReceived = true; } /******************* EventMachine_t::Run *******************/ void EventMachine_t::Run() { HookControlC (true); Iocp = CreateIoCompletionPort (INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE, NULL, 0, 0); if (Iocp == NULL) throw std::runtime_error ("no completion port"); DWORD nBytes, nCompletionKey; LPOVERLAPPED Overlapped; do { gCurrentLoopTime = time(NULL); // Have some kind of strategy that will dequeue maybe up to 10 completions // without running the timers as long as they are available immediately. // Otherwise in a busy server we're calling them every time through the loop. if (!_RunTimers()) break; if (GetQueuedCompletionStatus (Iocp, &nBytes, &nCompletionKey, &Overlapped, 1000)) { } cerr << "+"; } while (!gTerminateSignalReceived); /* while (true) { gCurrentLoopTime = time(NULL); if (!_RunTimers()) break; _AddNewDescriptors(); if (!_RunOnce()) break; if (gTerminateSignalReceived) break; } */ HookControlC (false); } /************************** EventMachine_t::_RunTimers **************************/ bool EventMachine_t::_RunTimers() { // These are caller-defined timer handlers. // Return T/F to indicate whether we should continue the main loop. // We rely on the fact that multimaps sort by their keys to avoid // inspecting the whole list every time we come here. // Just keep inspecting and processing the list head until we hit // one that hasn't expired yet. while (true) { multimap::iterator i = Timers.begin(); if (i == Timers.end()) break; if (i->first > gCurrentLoopTime) break; if (EventCallback) (*EventCallback) (NULL, EM_TIMER_FIRED, NULL, i->second.GetBinding()); Timers.erase (i); } return true; } /*********************************** EventMachine_t::InstallOneshotTimer ***********************************/ const char *EventMachine_t::InstallOneshotTimer (int seconds) { if (Timers.size() > MaxOutstandingTimers) return false; // Don't use the global loop-time variable here, because we might // get called before the main event machine is running. Timer_t t; Timers.insert (make_pair (time(NULL) + seconds, t)); return t.GetBinding(); } /********************************** EventMachine_t::OpenDatagramSocket **********************************/ const char *EventMachine_t::OpenDatagramSocket (const char *address, int port) { cerr << "OPEN DATAGRAM SOCKET\n"; return "Unimplemented"; } /******************************* EventMachine_t::CreateTcpServer *******************************/ const char *EventMachine_t::CreateTcpServer (const char *server, int port) { /* Create a TCP-acceptor (server) socket and add it to the event machine. * Return the binding of the new acceptor to the caller. * This binding will be referenced when the new acceptor sends events * to indicate accepted connections. */ const char *output_binding = NULL; struct sockaddr_in sin; SOCKET sd_accept = socket (AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, 0); if (sd_accept == INVALID_SOCKET) { goto fail; } memset (&sin, 0, sizeof(sin)); sin.sin_family = AF_INET; sin.sin_addr.s_addr = INADDR_ANY; sin.sin_port = htons (port); if (server && *server) { sin.sin_addr.s_addr = inet_addr (server); if (sin.sin_addr.s_addr == INADDR_NONE) { hostent *hp = gethostbyname (server); if (hp == NULL) { //__warning ("hostname not resolved: ", server); goto fail; } sin.sin_addr.s_addr = ((in_addr*)(hp->h_addr))->s_addr; } } // No need to set reuseaddr on Windows. if (bind (sd_accept, (struct sockaddr*)&sin, sizeof(sin))) { //__warning ("binding failed"); goto fail; } if (listen (sd_accept, 100)) { //__warning ("listen failed"); goto fail; } { // Looking good. AcceptorDescriptor *ad = new AcceptorDescriptor (this, sd_accept); if (!ad) throw std::runtime_error ("unable to allocate acceptor"); Add (ad); output_binding = ad->GetBinding(); CreateIoCompletionPort ((HANDLE)sd_accept, Iocp, NULL, 0); SOCKET sd = socket (AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, 0); CreateIoCompletionPort ((HANDLE)sd, Iocp, NULL, 0); AcceptEx (sd_accept, sd, } return output_binding; fail: if (sd_accept != INVALID_SOCKET) closesocket (sd_accept); return NULL; } /******************************* EventMachine_t::ConnectToServer *******************************/ const char *EventMachine_t::ConnectToServer (const char *server, int port) { if (!server || !*server || !port) return NULL; sockaddr_in pin; unsigned long HostAddr; HostAddr = inet_addr (server); if (HostAddr == INADDR_NONE) { hostent *hp = gethostbyname (server); if (!hp) return NULL; HostAddr = ((in_addr*)(hp->h_addr))->s_addr; } memset (&pin, 0, sizeof(pin)); pin.sin_family = AF_INET; pin.sin_addr.s_addr = HostAddr; pin.sin_port = htons (port); int sd = socket (AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, 0); if (sd == INVALID_SOCKET) return NULL; LPOVERLAPPED olap = (LPOVERLAPPED) calloc (1, sizeof (OVERLAPPED)); cerr << "I'm dying now\n"; throw runtime_error ("UNIMPLEMENTED!!!\n"); } /******************* EventMachine_t::Add *******************/ void EventMachine_t::Add (EventableDescriptor *ed) { cerr << "ADD\n"; } #endif // OS_WIN32