require "rails/generators/base" module Rodauth module Rails module Generators class ViewsGenerator < ::Rails::Generators::Base source_root "#{__dir__}/templates" namespace "rodauth:views" argument :features, optional: true, type: :array, desc: "Rodauth features to generate views for (login, create_account, reset_password, verify_account etc.)", default: %w[login logout create_account verify_account reset_password change_password change_login verify_login_change close_account] class_option :features, type: :array, desc: "[DEPRECATED] Rodauth features to generate views for (login, create_account, reset_password, verify_account etc.)" class_option :all, aliases: "-a", type: :boolean, desc: "Generates views for all Rodauth features", default: false class_option :name, aliases: "-n", type: :string, desc: "The configuration name for which to generate views", default: nil VIEWS = { login: %w[ _field _field_error _login_field _login_display _password_field _submit _login_form _login_form_footer _login_form_header login multi_phase_login ], create_account: %w[ _field _field_error _login_field _login_confirm_field _password_field _password_confirm_field _submit create_account ], logout: %w[ _submit logout ], reset_password: %w[ _field _field_error _login_field _login_hidden_field _password_field _password_confirm_field _submit reset_password_request reset_password ], remember: %w[ _submit remember ], change_login: %w[ _field _field_error _login_field _login_confirm_field _password_field _submit change_login ], change_password: %w[ _field _field_error _password_field _new_password_field _password_confirm_field _submit change_password ], close_account: %w[ _field _field_error _password_field _submit close_account ], email_auth: %w[ _login_hidden_field _submit _email_auth_request_form email_auth ], verify_account: %w[ _field _field_error _login_hidden_field _login_field _submit verify_account_resend verify_account ], lockout: %w[ _login_hidden_field _submit unlock_account_request unlock_account ], active_sessions: %w[ _global_logout_field ], two_factor_base: %w[ _field _field_error _password_field _submit two_factor_manage two_factor_auth two_factor_disable ], otp: %w[ _field _field_error _otp_auth_code_field _password_field _submit otp_setup otp_auth otp_disable ], sms_codes: %w[ _field _field_error _sms_code_field _sms_phone_field _password_field _submit sms_setup sms_confirm sms_auth sms_request sms_disable ], recovery_codes: %w[ _field _field_error _recovery_code_field _recovery_codes_form recovery_codes add_recovery_codes recovery_auth ], webauthn: %w[ _field _field_error _login_hidden_field _password_field _submit webauthn_setup webauthn_auth webauthn_remove ] } DEPENDENCIES = { active_sessions: :logout, otp: :two_factor_base, sms_codes: :two_factor_base, recovery_codes: :two_factor_base, webauthn: :two_factor_base, } def create_views if options[:all] features = VIEWS.keys else features = (options[:features] || self.features).map(&:to_sym) end views = features.inject([]) do |list, feature| list |= VIEWS[feature] || [] list |= VIEWS[DEPENDENCIES[feature]] || [] end views.each do |view| template "app/views/rodauth/#{view}.html.erb", "app/views/#{directory}/#{view}.html.erb" end end def directory if controller.abstract? fail Error, "no controller configured for configuration: #{configuration_name.inspect}" end controller.controller_path end def rodauth "rodauth#{"(:#{configuration_name})" if configuration_name}" end def controller rodauth = fail ArgumentError, "unknown rodauth configuration: #{configuration_name.inspect}" unless rodauth rodauth.allocate.rails_controller end def configuration_name options[:name]&.to_sym end end end end end