require File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), '..', '..', 'spec_helper') describe Twitter::Client, "#favorites" do before(:each) do @uri = '/favorites.json' @request = mas_net_http_get(:basic_auth => nil) @twitter = client_context @default_header = @twitter.send(:http_header) @response = mas_net_http_response(:success) @connection = mas_net_http(@response) @options = { :page => 4 } Net::HTTP.stub!(:new).and_return(@connection) @favorites = [] Twitter::Status.stub!(:unmarshal).and_return(@favorites) end it "should create expected HTTP GET request when not giving options" do @twitter.should_receive(:rest_oauth_connect).with(:get, @uri, nil).and_return(@response) @twitter.favorites end it "should create expected HTTP GET request when giving :page options" do @twitter.should_receive(:rest_oauth_connect).with(:get, @uri, @options).and_return(@response) @twitter.favorites(@options) end it "should raise Twitter::RESTError when 401 HTTP response received without giving options" do @connection = mas_net_http(mas_net_http_response(:not_authorized)) lambda { @twitter.favorites }.should raise_error(Twitter::RESTError) end it "should raise Twitter::RESTError when 401 HTTP response received when giving page options" do @connection = mas_net_http(mas_net_http_response(:not_authorized)) lambda { @twitter.favorites(@options) }.should raise_error(Twitter::RESTError) end it "should raise Twitter::RESTError when 403 HTTP response received without giving options" do @connection = mas_net_http(mas_net_http_response(:forbidden)) lambda { @twitter.favorites }.should raise_error(Twitter::RESTError) end it "should raise Twitter::RESTError when 403 HTTP response received when giving page options" do @connection = mas_net_http(mas_net_http_response(:forbidden)) lambda { @twitter.favorites(@options) }.should raise_error(Twitter::RESTError) end it "should raise Twitter::RESTError when 500 HTTP response received without giving options" do @connection = mas_net_http(mas_net_http_response(:server_error)) lambda { @twitter.favorites }.should raise_error(Twitter::RESTError) end it "should raise Twitter::RESTError when 500 HTTP response received when giving page options" do @connection = mas_net_http(mas_net_http_response(:server_error)) lambda { @twitter.favorites(@options) }.should raise_error(Twitter::RESTError) end after(:each) do nilize(@uri, @request, @twitter, @default_header, @response, @error_response, @connection) end end module FavoriteSpecMixin def init @base_uri = '/favourings' @request = mas_net_http_get(:basic_auth => nil) @twitter = client_context @default_header = @twitter.send(:http_header) @response = mas_net_http_response(:success) @connection = mas_net_http(@response) Net::HTTP.stub!(:new).and_return(@connection) @id = 234923423 @status = mas_twitter_status(:id => @id, :to_i => @id) Twitter::Status.stub!(:unmarshal).and_return(@status) end def create_uri(method, id) "#{@base_uri}/#{method.to_s}/#{id.to_i.to_s}.json" end def connection=(connection) @connection = connection end def finalize nilize(@uri, @request, @twitter, @default_header, @response, @error_response, @connection) end end shared_examples_for "Twitter::Client#favorite error handling" do it "should raise a Twitter::RESTError exception when a 401 HTTP response is received" do connection = mas_net_http(mas_net_http_response(:not_authorized)) lambda { execute_method }.should raise_error(Twitter::RESTError) end it "should raise a Twitter::RESTError exception when a 403 HTTP response is received" do connection = mas_net_http(mas_net_http_response(:forbidden)) lambda { execute_method }.should raise_error(Twitter::RESTError) end it "should raise a Twitter::RESTError exception when a 404 HTTP response is received" do connection = mas_net_http(mas_net_http_response(:file_not_found)) lambda { execute_method }.should raise_error(Twitter::RESTError) end it "should raise a Twitter::RESTError exception when a 500 HTTP response is received" do connection = mas_net_http(mas_net_http_response(:server_error)) lambda { execute_method }.should raise_error(Twitter::RESTError) end end describe Twitter::Client, "#favorite(:add, status)" do include FavoriteSpecMixin it_should_behave_like "Twitter::Client#favorite error handling" before(:each) do init end def execute_method @twitter.favorite(:add, @id) end it "should create expected POST request for :add action supplying integer id of status" do @twitter.should_receive(:rest_oauth_connect).with(:post, create_uri(:create, @id)).and_return(@request) @twitter.favorite(:add, @id) end it "should create expected POST request for :add action supplying status object" do @twitter.should_receive(:rest_oauth_connect).with(:post, create_uri(:create, @id)).and_return(@request) @twitter.favorite(:add, @status) end after(:each) do finalize end end describe Twitter::Client, "#favorite(:remove, status)" do include FavoriteSpecMixin it_should_behave_like "Twitter::Client#favorite error handling" before(:each) do init end def execute_method @twitter.favorite(:remove, @id) end it "should create expected DELETE request for :remove action supplying integer id of status" do @twitter.should_receive(:rest_oauth_connect).with(:delete, create_uri(:destroy, @id)).and_return(@request) execute_method end it "should create expected DELETE request for :remove action supplying status object" do @twitter.should_receive(:rest_oauth_connect).with(:delete, create_uri(:destroy, @id)).and_return(@request) @twitter.favorite(:remove, @status) end after(:each) do finalize end end