# OmniAuth CreateSend [][travis] [][gemnasium] [][gembadge] This is the official [OmniAuth](http://www.omniauth.org/) strategy for authenticating with the [Campaign Monitor API](http://www.campaignmonitor.com/api/). You'll need to register an OAuth Application in your Campaign Monitor account to get a Client ID and Client Secret to use with this OmniAuth strategy. [travis]: http://travis-ci.org/jdennes/omniauth-createsend [gemnasium]: https://gemnasium.com/jdennes/omniauth-createsend [gembadge]: http://badge.fury.io/rb/omniauth-createsend ## Installing Add a dependency to your `Gemfile` then `bundle install`. ```ruby gem 'omniauth-createsend' ``` ## Basic Usage In Rack applications: ```ruby use OmniAuth::Builder do provider "createsend", ENV['CREATESEND_CLIENT_ID'], ENV['CREATESEND_CLIENT_SECRET'], :scope => 'ViewReports,CreateCampaigns,SendCampaigns' end ``` In Rails applications: ```ruby Rails.application.config.middleware.use OmniAuth::Builder do provider "createsend", ENV['CREATESEND_CLIENT_ID'], ENV['CREATESEND_CLIENT_SECRET'], :scope => 'ViewReports,CreateCampaigns,SendCampaigns' end ``` This gem also includes an [example](https://github.com/jdennes/omniauth-createsend/blob/master/example/config.ru) Rack application which demonstrates how to authenticate with the Campaign Monitor API using this OmniAuth strategy. Once you've authenticated, you should use the [createsend](http://campaignmonitor.github.com/createsend-ruby/) gem to access Campaign Monitor resources. ## Contributing 1. Fork the repository 2. Make your changes, including tests for your changes. 3. Ensure that the build passes, by running `bundle exec rake` (CI runs on: `1.9.3`, `1.9.2`, `1.8.7` and `ree`) 4. It should go without saying, but do not increment the version number in your commits. 5. Submit a pull request.