module PayPal module Recurring class Request METHODS = { :checkout => "SetExpressCheckout", :payment => "DoExpressCheckoutPayment", :details => "GetExpressCheckoutDetails", :create_profile => "CreateRecurringPaymentsProfile", :profile => "GetRecurringPaymentsProfileDetails", :manage_profile => "ManageRecurringPaymentsProfileStatus" } ACTIONS = { :cancel => "Cancel", :suspend => "Suspend", :reactivate => "Reactivate" } PERIOD = { :daily => "Day", :monthly => "Month", :yearly => "Year" } OUTSTANDING = { :next_billing => "AddToNextBilling", :no_auto => "NoAutoBill" } ATTRIBUTES = { :action => "ACTION", :amount => ["PAYMENTREQUEST_0_AMT", "AMT"], :billing_type => "L_BILLINGTYPE0", :cancel_url => "CANCELURL", :currency => ["PAYMENTREQUEST_0_CURRENCYCODE", "CURRENCYCODE"], :description => ["DESC", "PAYMENTREQUEST_0_DESC", "L_BILLINGAGREEMENTDESCRIPTION0"], :email => "EMAIL", :failed => "MAXFAILEDPAYMENTS", :frequency => "BILLINGFREQUENCY", :ipn_url => ["PAYMENTREQUEST_0_NOTIFYURL", "NOTIFYURL"], :method => "METHOD", :no_shipping => "NOSHIPPING", :outstanding => "AUTOBILLOUTAMT", :password => "PWD", :payer_id => "PAYERID", :payment_action => "PAYMENTREQUEST_0_PAYMENTACTION", :period => "BILLINGPERIOD", :profile_id => "PROFILEID", :reference => "PROFILEREFERENCE", :return_url => "RETURNURL", :signature => "SIGNATURE", :start_at => "PROFILESTARTDATE", :token => "TOKEN", :username => "USER", :version => "VERSION", } CA_FILE = File.dirname(__FILE__) + "/cacert.pem" attr_accessor :uri # Do a POST request to PayPal API. # The +method+ argument is the name of the API method you want to invoke. # For instance, if you want to request a new checkout token, you may want # to do something like: # # response = # # We normalize the methods name. For a list of what's being covered, refer to # PayPal::Recurring::Request::METHODS constant. # # The params hash can use normalized names. For a list, check the # PayPal::Recurring::Request::ATTRIBUTES constant. # def run(method, params = {}) params = prepare_params(params.merge(:method => METHODS.fetch(method, method.to_s))) response = post(params) Response.process(method, response) end # # def request @request ||= do |http| http["User-Agent"] = "PayPal::Recurring/#{PayPal::Recurring::Version::STRING}" end end # # def post(params = {}) request.form_data = params client.request(request) end # Join params and normalize attribute names. # def prepare_params(params) # :nodoc: normalize_params default_params.merge(params) end # Parse current API url. # def uri # :nodoc: @uri ||= URI.parse(PayPal::Recurring.api_endpoint) end def client @client ||= begin, uri.port).tap do |http| http.use_ssl = true http.verify_mode = OpenSSL::SSL::VERIFY_PEER http.ca_file = CA_FILE end end end def default_params { :username => PayPal::Recurring.username, :password => PayPal::Recurring.password, :signature => PayPal::Recurring.signature, :version => PayPal::Recurring.api_version } end def normalize_params(params) params.inject({}) do |buffer, (name, value)| attr_names = [ATTRIBUTES[name.to_sym]].flatten.compact attr_names << name if attr_names.empty? attr_names.each do |attr_name| buffer[attr_name.to_sym] = respond_to?("build_#{name}") ? send("build_#{name}", value) : value end buffer end end def build_period(value) # :nodoc: PERIOD.fetch(value.to_sym, value) if value end def build_start_at(value) # :nodoc: value.respond_to?(:strftime) ? value.strftime("%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ") : value end def build_outstanding(value) # :nodoc: OUTSTANDING.fetch(value.to_sym, value) if value end def build_action(value) # :nodoc: ACTIONS.fetch(value.to_sym, value) if value end end end end