## # File /lib/skn_utils/lists/linked_list.rb # # ll = SknUtils::Lists::LinkedList.new(*vargs, &compare_key_proc) # - or - # ll = SknUtils::Lists::LinkedList.new(1,2,3,4,5) {|element| element[:key] } # - or - # ll = SknUtils::Lists::LinkedList.new( # {key: 'Z'}, {key: 'K'}, {key: 'S'}, {key: 'n'}, {key: 's'} # ) {|el| el[:key] } # - or - # cmp_proc = lambda { |el| el[:key] } # vargs = [{key: 'Z'}, {key: 'K'}, {key: 'S'}, {key: 'n'}, {key: 's'}] # ll = SknUtils::Lists::LinkedList.new(*vargs, &cmp_proc) ### # value = ll.first # value = ll.at_index(4) # count = ll.insert({key: 'anyValue'}) # ... # count = ll.sort! -- defaults to :asc # count = ll.sort!(:desc) # count = ll.sort!() {|a,b| a[:key] <= b[:key] } ## module SknUtils module Lists # Singly Linked List # Forward or #next navigation only # Head is absolute via #first # Tail when (next == nil) # LinkedCommons provides; # - #initialize, #first, #next, #current, #last, #at_index, # #insert, #prepend, #append, #empty?, #clear, # #each, #to_a, and #sort! # class LinkedList < LinkedCommons # # Navigation # def node @current end # +int position from current node def nth(index) node = @current while index > 1 and node and node.next node = node.next index -= 1 @current = node end # no reverse or prev for Single List current end # # Modifications # def insert(value) node = @current @current = LinkNode.call(value, node, :single, self, &@match_value) self.head = @current if self.head.nil? self.tail = @current if self.tail.equal?(node) self.size += 1 end alias_method :append, :insert # return new size def insert_before(position_value, value) prior, target = find_by_value(position_value) node = LinkNode.call(value, prior, :single, self, &@match_value) node.next = target if target self.head = node if self.head.equal?(target) self.tail = node if self.tail.nil? @current = node self.size += 1 end # return new size def insert_after(position_value, value) prior, target = find_by_value(position_value) node = LinkNode.call(value, target, :single, self, &@match_value) self.head = node if self.head.nil? self.tail = node if self.tail.equal?(target) @current = node self.size += 1 end # return remaining size def remove(value) prior, target_node = find_by_value(value) @current = prior.nil? ? target_node.next : prior @current.next = target_node.remove! if @current && target_node self.tail = @current.next if @current && self.tail.equal?(target_node) self.head = @current.next if @current && self.head.equal?(target_node) self.size -= 1 end protected def find_by_value(value) return [@current, nil] if self.head.nil? || value.nil? prior = self.head target = prior while target && !target.match_by_value(value) prior = target target = target.next end [prior, target] end def find_by_index(index) return nil if self.head.nil? || index < 1 || index > self.size node = self.head node = node.next while ((index -= 1) > 0 and node.next) @current = node if node node end end # end class end # end module end # end module