@site_title Feature: Site title As a developer In order to customize the site title I want to set it in the configuration Background: Given I am logged in Scenario: Set the site title and site title link Given a configuration of: """ ActiveAdmin.application.site_title = "My Great Site" ActiveAdmin.application.site_title_link = "/admin" """ When I am on the dashboard And I should see the site title "My Great Site" And I follow "My Great Site" Then I should see the site title "My Great Site" Scenario: Set the site title image Given a configuration of: """ ActiveAdmin.application.site_title_image = "http://railscasts.com/assets/episodes/stills/284-active-admin.png?1316476106" """ When I am on the dashboard And I should not see the site title "My Great Site" And I should see the site title image "http://railscasts.com/assets/episodes/stills/284-active-admin.png?1316476106" Scenario: Set the site title image with link Given a configuration of: """ ActiveAdmin.application.site_title_link = "http://www.google.com" ActiveAdmin.application.site_title_image = "http://railscasts.com/assets/episodes/stills/284-active-admin.png?1316476106" """ When I am on the dashboard And I should see the site title image "http://railscasts.com/assets/episodes/stills/284-active-admin.png?1316476106" And I should see the site title image linked to "http://www.google.com" Scenario: Set the site title to a proc Given a configuration of: """ ActiveAdmin.application.site_title = proc { "Hello #{controller.current_admin_user.try(:email) || 'you!'}" } """ When I am on the dashboard And I should see the site title "Hello admin@example.com"