class Marty::Event < Marty::Base class EventValidator < ActiveModel::Validator def validate(event) event.errors[:base] << 'Must have promise_id or start_dt' unless event.promise_id || event.start_dt end end validates_presence_of :klass, :subject_id, :enum_event_operation belongs_to :promise validates_with EventValidator after_validation(on: [:create, :update]) do self.comment = comment.truncate(255) if comment end UPDATE_SQL = <= '#{time_now_s}'::timestamp - interval '24 hours' AND (end_dt IS NULL or end_dt > '#{time_now_s}'::timestamp) AND (expire_secs IS NULL OR expire_secs > EXTRACT (EPOCH FROM '#{time_now_s}'::timestamp - start_dt)) ORDER BY start_dt" end def self.op_is_running?(klass, subject_id, operation) all_running.detect do |pm| pm['klass'] == klass && pm['subject_id'].to_i == subject_id.to_i && pm['enum_event_operation'] == operation end end def self.create_event(klass, subject_id, operation, start_dt, expire_secs, comment = nil) # use lookup_event instead of all_running which is throttled evs = lookup_event(klass, subject_id, operation) running = evs.detect do |ev| next if ev['end_dt'] next true unless ev['expire_secs'] ( - ev['start_dt']).truncate < ev['expire_secs'] end raise "#{operation} is already running for #{klass}/#{subject_id}" if running create!(klass: klass, subject_id: subject_id, enum_event_operation: operation, start_dt: start_dt, expire_secs: expire_secs, comment: comment, ) end def self.lookup_event(klass, subject_id, operation) update_start_and_end get_data("#{BASE_QUERY} WHERE klass = '#{klass}' AND subject_id = #{subject_id} AND enum_event_operation = '#{operation}'") # For now we return a bare hash # Marty::Event.find_by_id(hash["id"]) end def self.finish_event(klass, subject_id, operation, error = false, comment = nil) raise 'error must be true or false' unless [true, false].include?(error) time_now_s ='%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S.%6N') event = get_data(running_query(time_now_s)).detect do |ev| ev['klass'] == klass && ev['subject_id'] == subject_id.to_i && ev['enum_event_operation'] == operation end raise "event #{klass}/#{subject_id}/#{operation} not found" unless event ev = Marty::Event.find_by_id(event['id']) raise "can't explicitly finish a promise event" if ev.promise_id ev.end_dt = ev.error = error ev.comment = comment if comment! end def self.last_event(klass, subject_id, operation = nil) hash = do |pm| pm['klass'] == klass && pm['subject_id'] == subject_id.to_i && (operation.nil? || pm['enum_event_operation'] == operation) end.last return hash if hash op_sql = "AND enum_event_operation = '#{operation}'" if operation get_data("#{BASE_QUERY} WHERE klass = '#{klass}' AND subject_id = #{subject_id} #{op_sql} AND end_dt IS NOT NULL ORDER BY end_dt desc").first end def self.last_event_multi(klass, subject_ids_arg, operation = nil) subject_ids = events = do |pm| pm['klass'] == klass && subject_ids.include?(pm['subject_id']) && (operation.nil? || pm['enum_event_operation'] == operation) end.group_by { |ev| ev['subject_id'] }.each_with_object({}) do |(id, evs), h| h[id] = evs.sort { |a, b| a['start_dt'] <=> b['start_dt'] }.first end running_ids = events.keys check_fin = subject_ids - running_ids if check_fin.present? op_filt = "AND enum_event_operation = '#{operation}'" if operation op_col = ', enum_event_operation' if operation fins = get_data("SELECT klass, subject_id, enum_event_operation, comment, start_dt, end_dt, expire_secs, error FROM (SELECT klass, subject_id, enum_event_operation, comment, start_dt, end_dt, expire_secs, error, ROW_NUMBER() OVER (PARTITION BY klass, subject_id #{op_col} ORDER BY end_dt DESC) rnum FROM marty_events WHERE klass = '#{klass}' AND subject_id IN (#{check_fin.join(',')}) #{op_filt} AND end_dt IS NOT NULL) sub WHERE rnum = 1") fins.each do |fin| events[fin['subject_id']] = fin end end events end def self.currently_running(klass, subject_id) do |pm| pm['klass'] == klass && pm['subject_id'] == subject_id.to_i { |e| e['enum_event_operation'] } end def self.currently_running_multi(klass, subject_id_raw) subject_ids = [subject_id_raw] do |pm| pm['klass'] == klass && subject_ids.include?(pm['subject_id']) end.each_with_object({}) do |e, h| (h[e['subject_id']] ||= []) << e['enum_event_operation'] end end def self.update_comment(hash, comment) hid = hash.is_a?(Hash) ? hash['id'] : hash e = Marty::Event.find_by_id(hid) e.comment = comment! end def self.pretty_op(hash) d = hash['enum_event_operation'].downcase.capitalize # && !(hash['comment'] =~ /^ERROR/) hash['end_dt'] ? d.sub(/ing/, 'ed') : d end def self.compact_end_dt(hash) hash['end_dt'] ? hash['end_dt'].strftime('%H:%M') : '---' end def self.update_start_and_end ActiveRecord::Base.connection.execute(UPDATE_SQL).cmd_tuples end def self.get_data(sql) ActiveRecord::Base.connection.execute(sql) do |h| h['id'] = h['id'].to_i h['subject_id'] = h['subject_id'].to_i h['start_dt'] =['start_dt']) if h['start_dt'] h['end_dt'] =['end_dt']) if h['end_dt'] h['expire_secs'] = h['expire_secs'].to_i if h['expire_secs'] h['comment'] = h['comment'] h['error'] = h['error'] h end end private_class_method :get_data def self.clear_cache @poll_secs = @all_running = @all_finished = nil end def self.all_running @all_running ||= { timestamp: 0, data: [] } @poll_secs ||= Marty::Config['MARTY_EVENT_POLL_SECS'] || 0 time_now = time_now_i = time_now.to_i time_now_s = time_now.strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S.%6N') upd_count = update_start_and_end if upd_count > 0 || time_now_i - @all_running[:timestamp] > @poll_secs @all_running[:data] = get_data(running_query(time_now_s)) @all_running[:timestamp] = time_now_i end @all_running[:data] end private_class_method :all_running def self.all_finished @all_finished ||= { data: {}, timestamp:'00:00:00').to_i, } @poll_secs ||= Marty::Config['MARTY_EVENT_POLL_SECS'] || 0 time_now_i = cutoff =[:timestamp]). strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S.%6N') upd_count = update_start_and_end if upd_count > 0 || time_now_i - @all_finished[:timestamp] > @poll_secs raw = get_data(" SELECT * FROM (SELECT id , klass , subject_id , enum_event_operation , start_dt , end_dt , expire_secs , comment , error , ROW_NUMBER() OVER (PARTITION BY klass , subject_id , enum_event_operation ORDER BY end_dt DESC) row_num FROM marty_events WHERE end_dt > '#{cutoff}') sub WHERE row_num = 1") @all_finished[:timestamp] = time_now_i raw.each_with_object(@all_finished[:data]) do |ev, hash| if ev['end_dt'] && ev['error'].nil? real_ev = Marty::Event.where(id: ev['id']).first promise = Marty::Promise.where(id: real_ev['promise_id']).first maybe_error = promise.result['error'] ev['error'] = real_ev.error = !!maybe_error real_ev.comment = maybe_error! end subhash = hash[[ev['klass'], ev['subject_id']]] ||= {} subhash[ev['enum_event_operation']] = ev['end_dt'].strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S') end end @all_finished[:data] end def self.get_finished(klass, id) all_finished[[klass, id]] end def self.cleanup where('start_dt < ?', - 48.hours).delete_all rescue StandardError => exc Marty::Util.logger.error("event GC error: #{exc}") end end