## GooglePlus Reader 0.2.0 (June 16, 2016) * Reverted the changed of version 0.1.0. ## GooglePlus Reader 0.1.0 (June 16, 2016) * Changed the `url` attribute of a photo to contain the URL of the original image instead of the URL of the preview image, which is now in `preview_url`. * Changed the `load` method of a photo to load the original image if no size requirement has been specified. ## GooglePlus Reader 0.0.7 (December 5, 2014) * Added `activity_id` to the attributes of a photo. ## GooglePlus Reader 0.0.6 (December 5, 2014) * Added `find` for fetching only one activity. ## GooglePlus Reader 0.0.5 (August 4, 2014) * Added support for [RequireJS](http://requirejs.org/). ## GooglePlus Reader 0.0.4 (August 2, 2014) * Changed the API to rely on promises instead of callbacks. ## GooglePlus Reader 0.0.3 (August 1, 2014) * Fixed a cross-domain-related issue discovered in IE9. ## GooglePlus Reader 0.0.2 (July 15, 2014) * Adjusted README to make [YARD](http://yardoc.org/) happy. ## GooglePlus Reader 0.0.1 (May 10, 2014) * The initial release.