// ========================================================================== // Project: DateTime Unit Test // Copyright: ©2009 Martin Ottenwaelter // ========================================================================== /*globals module test ok equals same stop start */ module('Time'); var ms, options, dt; module("SC.DateTime", { setup: function() { ms = 484387222925; options = {year: 1985, month: 5, day: 8, hour: 1, minute: 0, second: 22, millisecond: 925}; dt = SC.DateTime.create(options); }, teardown: function() { delete ms; delete options; delete dt; } }); function timeShouldBeEqualToHash(t, h) { if (h === undefined) h = testHash; equals(t.get('year'), h.year , 'year'); equals(t.get('month'), h.month, 'month'); equals(t.get('day'), h.day, 'day'); equals(t.get('hour'), h.hour, 'hour'); equals(t.get('minute'), h.minute, 'minute'); equals(t.get('second'), h.second, 'second'); equals(t.get('millisecond'), h.millisecond, 'millisecond'); } test('create', function() { timeShouldBeEqualToHash(dt, options); }); test('create', function() { var x = SC.DateTime.create(ms); timeShouldBeEqualToHash(x, options); }); test('adjust', function() { timeShouldBeEqualToHash(dt.adjust({year: 2005}), {year: 2005, month: 5, day: 8, hour: 1, minute: 0, second: 22, millisecond: 925}); timeShouldBeEqualToHash(dt.adjust({month: 9}), {year: 1985, month: 9, day: 8, hour: 1, minute: 0, second: 22, millisecond: 925}); timeShouldBeEqualToHash(dt.adjust({day: 31}), {year: 1985, month: 5, day: 31, hour: 1, minute: 0, second: 22, millisecond: 925}); timeShouldBeEqualToHash(dt.adjust({hour: 3}), {year: 1985, month: 5, day: 8, hour: 3, minute: 0, second: 0, millisecond: 0}); timeShouldBeEqualToHash(dt.adjust({minute: 1}), {year: 1985, month: 5, day: 8, hour: 1, minute: 1, second: 0, millisecond: 0}); timeShouldBeEqualToHash(dt.adjust({second: 30}), {year: 1985, month: 5, day: 8, hour: 1, minute: 0, second: 30, millisecond: 0}); }); test('advance', function() { var t = dt.advance({year: 1, month: 1, day: 1, hour: 1, minute: 1, second: 1, millisecond: 1}); timeShouldBeEqualToHash(t, {year: 1986, month: 6, day: 9, hour: 2, minute: 1, second: 23, millisecond: 926}); }); test('compare', function() { equals(SC.DateTime.compare(dt, dt), 0); equals(dt.isEqual(dt), YES); equals(dt.advance({hour: 1}).isEqual(dt), NO); equals(SC.DateTime.compare(dt, dt.advance({hour: 1})), -1); equals(SC.DateTime.compare(dt.advance({hour: 1}), dt), 1); equals(SC.DateTime.compareDate(dt, dt.advance({hour: 1})), 0); equals(SC.DateTime.compareDate(dt, dt.adjust({hour: 0}).advance({day: 1, second: -1})), 0); equals(SC.DateTime.compareDate(dt, dt.adjust({hour: 0}).advance({day: 1})), -1); equals(SC.DateTime.compareDate(dt, dt.advance({day: 1})), -1); }); test('Format', function() { equals( dt.toFormattedString('%a %A %b %B %d %H %I %j %m %M %p %S %w %y %Y %%a'), 'Wed Wednesday May May 08 01 01 128 05 00 AM 22 3 85 1985 %a'); }); test('fancy getters', function() { equals(dt.get('isLeapYear'), NO); equals(SC.DateTime.create({year: 1900}).get('isLeapYear'), NO); equals(SC.DateTime.create({year: 2000}).get('isLeapYear'), YES); equals(SC.DateTime.create({year: 2004}).get('isLeapYear'), YES); equals(dt.get('daysInMonth'), 31); equals(SC.DateTime.create({year: 2000, month: 2}).get('daysInMonth'), 29); equals(SC.DateTime.create({year: 2001, month: 2}).get('daysInMonth'), 28); equals(dt.get('dayOfYear'), 128); equals(SC.DateTime.create({year: 2000, month: 12, day: 31}).get('dayOfYear'), 366); equals(SC.DateTime.create({year: 2001, month: 12, day: 31}).get('dayOfYear'), 365); equals(dt.get('week'), 18); equals(SC.DateTime.create({year: 2006, month: 1, day: 1}).get('week0'), 1); equals(SC.DateTime.create({year: 2006, month: 1, day: 1}).get('week1'), 0); equals(SC.DateTime.create({year: 2006, month: 1, day: 8}).get('week0'), 2); equals(SC.DateTime.create({year: 2006, month: 1, day: 8}).get('week1'), 1); equals(SC.DateTime.create({year: 2006, month: 12, day: 31}).get('week0'), 53); equals(SC.DateTime.create({year: 2006, month: 12, day: 31}).get('week1'), 52); equals(dt.get('lastMonday'), dt.advance({day: -2}).adjust({hour: 0})); equals(dt.get('nextFriday'), dt.advance({day: 2}).adjust({hour: 0})); equals(dt.get('lastWednesday'), dt.advance({day: -7}).adjust({hour: 0})); }); test('parse', function() { timeShouldBeEqualToHash( SC.DateTime.parse('08/05/1985 01:00:22 %a', '%d/%m/%Y %H:%M:%S %%a'), {year: 1985, month: 5, day: 8, hour: 1, minute: 0, second: 22, millisecond: 0}); timeShouldBeEqualToHash( SC.DateTime.parse('08/05/1985 01:00:22 PM', '%d/%m/%Y %H:%M:%S %p'), {year: 1985, month: 5, day: 8, hour: 13, minute: 0, second: 22, millisecond: 0}); timeShouldBeEqualToHash( SC.DateTime.parse('Wed 08 May 1985 01:00:22 AM', '%a %d %b %Y %H:%M:%S %p'), {year: 1985, month: 5, day: 8, hour: 1, minute: 0, second: 22, millisecond: 0}); ok( SC.DateTime.parse('Tue 08 May 1985 01:00:22 AM', '%a %d %b %Y %H:%M:%S %p') === null, '1985-05-08 is not a tuesday'); timeShouldBeEqualToHash( SC.DateTime.parse('70-01-01 00:00:00', '%y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S'), {year: 2070, month: 1, day: 1, hour: 0, minute: 0, second: 0, millisecond: 0}); timeShouldBeEqualToHash( SC.DateTime.parse('71-01-01 00:00:00', '%y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S'), {year: 1971, month: 1, day: 1, hour: 0, minute: 0, second: 0, millisecond: 0}); }); test('parse with time zones',function(){ equals(SC.DateTime.parse('08/05/1985 01:00:22 %a -0700', '%d/%m/%Y %H:%M:%S %%a %Z').toISO8601(),"1985-05-07T18:00:22-07:00"); equals(SC.DateTime.parse('07/01/2020 18:33:22 %a Z', '%d/%m/%Y %H:%M:%S %%a %Z').toISO8601(),"2020-01-07T18:33:22-08:00"); }); test('binding', function() { var fromObject = SC.Object.create({value: dt}); var toObject = SC.Object.create({value: ''}); var binding = SC.Binding.dateTime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S').from('value', fromObject).to('value', toObject).connect(); SC.Binding.flushPendingChanges(); equals(toObject.get('value'), '1985-05-08 01:00:22'); }); test('cache', function() { SC.DateTime.create(options); var cache_length_1 = SC.keys(SC.DateTime._dt_cache).length; SC.DateTime.create(options); var cache_length_2 = SC.keys(SC.DateTime._dt_cache).length; equals( cache_length_1, cache_length_2, "Creating twice the same datetime should not modify the cache's length"); var dates = []; for (var i = 0; i < 3*SC.DateTime._DT_CACHE_MAX_LENGTH; i++) { dates[i] = SC.DateTime.create(i); } ok( SC.keys(SC.DateTime._dt_cache).length <= 2*SC.DateTime._DT_CACHE_MAX_LENGTH, "Creating a lot of datetimes should not make a cache larger than the maximum allowed size"); });