module Plezi module Base # Sends common basic HTTP responses. module HTTPSender module_function ###### ## basic responses ## (error codes and static files) # sends a response for an error code, rendering the relevent file (if exists). def send_by_code request, response, code, headers = {} begin base_code_path =[:templates] || File.expand_path('.') if defined?(::Slim) && Plezi.file_exists?(fn = File.join(base_code_path, "#{code}.html.slim")) Plezi.cache_data fn, fn ) unless Plezi.cached? fn return send_raw_data request, response, Plezi.get_cached( fn ).render( self, request: request ), 'text/html', code, headers elsif defined?(::Haml) && Plezi.file_exists?(fn = File.join(base_code_path, "#{code}.html.haml")) Plezi.cache_data fn, IO.binread( fn ) ) unless Plezi.cached? fn return send_raw_data request, response, Plezi.get_cached( File.join(base_code_path, "#{code}.html.haml") ).render( self ), 'text/html', code, headers elsif defined?(::ERB) && Plezi.file_exists?(fn = File.join(base_code_path, "#{code}.html.erb")) return send_raw_data request, response, Plezi.load_file( fn ) ).result(binding), 'text/html', code, headers elsif Plezi.file_exists?(fn = File.join(base_code_path, "#{code}.html")) return send_file(request, response, fn, code, headers) end return true if send_raw_data(request, response, GRHttp::HTTPResponse::STATUS_CODES[code], 'text/plain', code, headers) rescue Exception => e Plezi.error e end false end # attempts to send a static file by the request path (using `send_file` and `send_raw_data`). # # returns true if data was sent. def send_static_file request, response root =[:params][:public] return false unless root file_requested = request[:path].to_s.split('/') unless file_requested.include? '..' file_requested.shift file_requested = File.join(root, *file_requested) return true if send_file request, response, file_requested return send_file request, response, File.join(file_requested,[:params][:index_file]) end false end # sends a file/cacheed data if it exists. otherwise returns false. def send_file request, response, filename, status_code = 200, headers = {} if Plezi.file_exists?(filename) && ! return send_raw_data request, response, Plezi.load_file(filename), MimeTypeHelper::MIME_DICTIONARY[::File.extname(filename)], status_code, headers end return false end # sends raw data through the connection. always returns true (data send). def send_raw_data request, response, data, mime, status_code = 200, headers = {} headers.each {|k, v| response[k] = v} response.status = status_code response['content-type'] = mime response['cache-control'] ||= 'public, max-age=86400' response << data response['content-length'] = data.bytesize true end########## end end end