Warden::Strategies.add(:github) do # Need to make sure that we have a pure representation of the query string. # Rails adds an "action" parameter which causes the openid gem to error def params @params ||= Rack::Utils.parse_query(request.query_string) end def authenticate! if params['code'] begin access_token = oauth_client.web_server.get_access_token(params['code'], :redirect_uri => callback_url) user = JSON.parse(access_token.get('/api/v2/json/user/show')) success!(Warden::Github::Oauth::User.new(user['user'], access_token.token)) rescue OAuth2::HTTPError %(
Outdated ?code=#{params[:code]}:
) end else url = oauth_client.web_server.authorize_url( :scope => 'email,offline_access', :redirect_uri => callback_url ) throw(:halt, [ 302, {'Location' => url}, [ ]]) end end private def oauth_client OAuth2::Client.new(env['warden'].config[:github_client_id], env['warden'].config[:github_secret], :site => 'https://github.com', :authorize_path => '/login/oauth/authorize', :access_token_path => '/login/oauth/access_token') end def callback_url absolute_url(request, env['warden'].config[:github_callback_url]) end def absolute_url(request, suffix = nil) port_part = case request.scheme when "http" request.port == 80 ? "" : ":#{request.port}" when "https" request.port == 443 ? "" : ":#{request.port}" end "#{request.scheme}://#{request.host}#{port_part}#{suffix}" end end