require 'securerandom' module Kontena::Cli::Master::Aws class CreateCommand < Clamp::Command include Kontena::Cli::Common option "--access-key", "ACCESS_KEY", "AWS access key ID", required: true option "--secret-key", "SECRET_KEY", "AWS secret key", required: true option "--key-pair", "KEY_PAIR", "EC2 key pair name", required: true option "--ssl-cert", "SSL CERT", "SSL certificate file (default: generate self-signed cert)" option "--region", "REGION", "EC2 Region", default: 'eu-west-1' option "--zone", "ZONE", "EC2 Availability Zone", default: 'a' option "--vpc-id", "VPC ID", "Virtual Private Cloud (VPC) ID (default: default vpc)" option "--subnet-id", "SUBNET ID", "VPC option to specify subnet to launch instance into (default: first subnet from vpc/az)" option "--type", "SIZE", "Instance type", default: 't2.small' option "--storage", "STORAGE", "Storage size (GiB)", default: '30' option "--vault-secret", "VAULT_SECRET", "Secret key for Vault (default: generate random secret)" option "--vault-iv", "VAULT_IV", "Initialization vector for Vault (default: generate random iv)" option "--mongodb-uri", "URI", "External MongoDB uri (optional)" option "--version", "VERSION", "Define installed Kontena version", default: 'latest' option "--auth-provider-url", "AUTH_PROVIDER_URL", "Define authentication provider url (optional)" option "--associate-public-ip-address", :flag, "Whether to associated public IP in case the VPC defaults to not doing it", default: true, attribute_name: :associate_public_ip option "--security-groups", "SECURITY GROUPS", "Comma separated list of security groups (names) where the new instance will be attached (default: create 'kontena_master' group if not already existing)" def execute require 'kontena/machine/aws' provisioner =, secret_key, region)!( type: type, vpc: vpc_id, zone: zone, subnet: subnet_id, ssl_cert: ssl_cert, storage: storage, version: version, key_pair: key_pair, auth_server: auth_provider_url, vault_secret: vault_secret || SecureRandom.hex(24), vault_iv: vault_iv || SecureRandom.hex(24), mongodb_uri: mongodb_uri, associate_public_ip: associate_public_ip?, security_groups: security_groups ) end end end