#### ANY CHANGE TO THIS FILE REQUIRES THE BUILD-COMMAND TO BE RESTARTED #### title: "KCC" site_name: Veterans public-url: "https://subdomain.kcc.edu" # `public-url` is used to construct footer link and it's text, unless... # footer_link: 'https://itcert.kcc.edu' # `footer_link` & `footer_link_text` are present they override `public-url` # footer_link_text: 'ITcert.kcc.edu' # Use `footer_link` & `footer_link_text` to create text/href that don't match url: 'URL is needed for robots.txt to work properly' ## NO TRAILING SLASHES!!/<--nope port: 3000 ## contact_phone: 815-802-8888 ### Set to phone number in the `815-802-8888` format or `false` to remove the phone number from navbar. ### timezone: America/Chicago google-tag_key: Google Tag Manager key goes here theme_config: true humans_file: true custom_site_js: false custom_site_styling: false contact_phone: 815-802-8500 # 8500 is main Advising/student services number permalink: pretty description: > # this means to ignore newlines until "baseurl:" # Delete this comment and place description on this line baseurl: "" # the subpath of your site, e.g. /blog sass: sass_dir: assets/scss style: expanded #include: # - "_pages" # - "_posts" ## include future posts? (true or false) future: true ## Build settings markdown: kramdown exclude: - "node_modules" - "npm-debug.log" - "package.json" - "package-lock.json" - "README.md" - "Gemfile" - "Gemfile.lock" - "LICENSE.txt" - "webpack.config.js" - "*.gem" - "*.gemspec" - "ruby-version.txt" - "buildtools/" - "postcss.config.js" - "look-for-deprecated-bs4-classes.mjs" - "look-for-deprecated-bs4-js.mjs" uploads_dir: # specifies the default uploads directory for uploads in CloudCannon - "uploads/" # Settings for the compress.html layout ## See https://jch.penibelst.de/ for more info compress_html: clippings: all # Array of elements to clip whitespace around or `all` comments: all # Comments to strip out endings: all # Array of elements with optional end tags or `all` ignore: envs: ['development'] # Array of environments to not compress in (from JEKYLL_ENV) # startings: [head, body] # Array of elements with optional start tags # profile: true # Generate a table of compression/savings stats # CloudCannon input configuration (see: https://cloudcannon.com/documentation/articles/configure-your-inputs/ for more info) _inputs: testimonials[*].portrait: type: image options: height: 400 width: 400 testimonials[*].quote: type: textarea testimonials[*].name: type: textarea testimonials[*].year: type: text comment: Graduation year (e.g. '24)