module TZInfo # Use send as a workaround for erroneous 'wrong number of arguments' errors # with JRuby when calling methods with Java implementations. See #114. send(:using, RubyCoreSupport::UntaintExt) if RubyCoreSupport.const_defined?(:UntaintExt) # An InvalidZoneinfoFile exception is raised if an attempt is made to load an # invalid zoneinfo file. class InvalidZoneinfoFile < StandardError end # Represents a timezone defined by a compiled zoneinfo TZif (\0, 2 or 3) file. # # @private class ZoneinfoTimezoneInfo < TransitionDataTimezoneInfo #:nodoc: # The year to generate transitions up to. # # @private GENERATE_UP_TO = RubyCoreSupport.time_supports_64bit ? + 100 : 2037 # Minimum supported timestamp (inclusive). # # Time.utc(1700, 1, 1).to_i MIN_TIMESTAMP = -8520336000 # Maximum supported timestamp (exclusive). # # Time.utc(2500, 1, 1).to_i MAX_TIMESTAMP = 16725225600 # Constructs the new ZoneinfoTimezoneInfo with an identifier, path # to the file and parser to use to parse the POSIX-like TZ string. def initialize(identifier, file_path, posix_tz_parser) super(identifier), 'rb') do |file| parse(file, posix_tz_parser) end end private # Unpack will return unsigned 32-bit integers. Translate to # signed 32-bit. def make_signed_int32(long) long >= 0x80000000 ? long - 0x100000000 : long end # Unpack will return a 64-bit integer as two unsigned 32-bit integers # (most significant first). Translate to signed 64-bit def make_signed_int64(high, low) unsigned = (high << 32) | low unsigned >= 0x8000000000000000 ? unsigned - 0x10000000000000000 : unsigned end # Read bytes from file and check that the correct number of bytes could # be read. Raises InvalidZoneinfoFile if the number of bytes didn't match # the number requested. def check_read(file, bytes) result = unless result && result.length == bytes raise InvalidZoneinfoFile, "Expected #{bytes} bytes reading '#{file.path}', but got #{result ? result.length : 0} bytes" end result end # Zoneinfo files don't include the offset from standard time (std_offset) # for DST periods. Derive the base offset (utc_offset) where DST is # observed from either the previous or next non-DST period. # # Returns the index of the offset to be used prior to the first # transition. def derive_offsets(transitions, offsets) # The first non-DST offset (if there is one) is the offset observed # before the first transition. Fallback to the first DST offset if there # are no non-DST offsets. first_non_dst_offset_index = offsets.index {|o| !o[:is_dst] } first_offset_index = first_non_dst_offset_index || 0 return first_offset_index if transitions.empty? # Determine the utc_offset of the next non-dst offset at each transition. utc_offset_from_next = nil transitions.reverse_each do |transition| offset = offsets[transition[:offset]] if offset[:is_dst] transition[:utc_offset_from_next] = utc_offset_from_next if utc_offset_from_next else utc_offset_from_next = offset[:utc_total_offset] end end utc_offset_from_previous = first_non_dst_offset_index ? offsets[first_non_dst_offset_index][:utc_total_offset] : nil defined_offsets = {} transitions.each do |transition| offset_index = transition[:offset] offset = offsets[offset_index] utc_total_offset = offset[:utc_total_offset] if offset[:is_dst] utc_offset_from_next = transition[:utc_offset_from_next] difference_to_previous = (utc_total_offset - (utc_offset_from_previous || utc_total_offset)).abs difference_to_next = (utc_total_offset - (utc_offset_from_next || utc_total_offset)).abs utc_offset = if difference_to_previous == 3600 utc_offset_from_previous elsif difference_to_next == 3600 utc_offset_from_next elsif difference_to_previous > 0 && difference_to_next > 0 difference_to_previous < difference_to_next ? utc_offset_from_previous : utc_offset_from_next elsif difference_to_previous > 0 utc_offset_from_previous elsif difference_to_next > 0 utc_offset_from_next else # No difference, assume a 1 hour offset from standard time. utc_total_offset - 3600 end if !offset[:utc_offset] offset[:utc_offset] = utc_offset defined_offsets[offset] = offset_index elsif offset[:utc_offset] != utc_offset # An earlier transition has already derived a different # utc_offset. Define a new offset or reuse an existing identically # defined offset. new_offset = offset.dup new_offset[:utc_offset] = utc_offset offset_index = defined_offsets[new_offset] unless offset_index offsets << new_offset offset_index = offsets.length - 1 defined_offsets[new_offset] = offset_index end transition[:offset] = offset_index end else utc_offset_from_previous = utc_total_offset end end first_offset_index end # Remove transitions before a minimum supported value. If there is not a # transition exactly on the minimum supported value move the latest from # before up to the minimum supported value. def remove_unsupported_negative_transitions(transitions, min_supported) result = transitions.drop_while {|t| t[:at] < min_supported } if result.empty? || (result[0][:at] > min_supported && result.length < transitions.length) last_before = transitions[-1 - result.length] last_before[:at] = min_supported [last_before] + result else result end end # Determines if the offset from a transition matches the offset from a # rule. This is a looser match than TimezoneOffset#==, not requiring that # the utc_offset and std_offset both match (which have to be derived for # transitions, but are known for rules. def offset_matches_rule?(offset, rule_offset) offset[:utc_total_offset] == rule_offset.utc_total_offset && offset[:is_dst] == rule_offset.dst? && offset[:abbr] == rule_offset.abbreviation.to_s end # Determins if the offset from a transition exactly matches the offset # from a rule. def offset_equals_rule?(offset, rule_offset) offset_matches_rule?(offset, rule_offset) && (offset[:utc_offset] || (offset[:is_dst] ? offset[:utc_total_offset] - 3600 : offset[:utc_total_offset])) == rule_offset.utc_offset end # Finds an offset hash that is an exact match to the rule offset specified. def find_existing_offset_index(offsets, rule_offset) offsets.find_index {|o| offset_equals_rule?(o, rule_offset) } end # Gets an existing matching offset index or adds a new offset hash for a # rule offset. def get_rule_offset_index(offsets, offset) index = find_existing_offset_index(offsets, offset) unless index index = offsets.length offsets << {:utc_total_offset => offset.utc_total_offset, :utc_offset => offset.utc_offset, :is_dst => offset.dst?, :abbr => offset.abbreviation} end index end # Gets a hash mapping rule offsets to indexes in offsets, creating new # offset hashes if required. def get_rule_offset_indexes(offsets, annual_rules) { annual_rules.std_offset => get_rule_offset_index(offsets, annual_rules.std_offset), annual_rules.dst_offset => get_rule_offset_index(offsets, annual_rules.dst_offset) } end # Converts an array of rule transitions to hashes. def convert_transitions_to_hashes(offset_indexes, transitions) {|t| {:at =>, :offset => offset_indexes[t.offset]} } end # Apply the rules from the TZ string when there were no defined # transitions. Checks for a matching offset. Returns the rules-based # constant offset or generates transitions from 1970 until 100 years into # the future (at the time of loading zoneinfo_timezone_info.rb) or 2037 if # limited to 32-bit Times. def apply_rules_without_transitions(file, offsets, first_offset_index, rules) first_offset = offsets[first_offset_index] if rules.kind_of?(TimezoneOffset) unless offset_matches_rule?(first_offset, rules) raise InvalidZoneinfoFile, "Constant offset POSIX-style TZ string does not match constant offset in file '#{file.path}'." end first_offset[:utc_offset] = rules.utc_offset [] else transitions = 1970.upto(GENERATE_UP_TO).map {|y| rules.transitions(y) }.flatten first_transition = transitions[0] if offset_matches_rule?(first_offset, first_transition.previous_offset) # Correct the first offset if it isn't an exact match. first_offset[:utc_offset] = first_transition.previous_offset.utc_offset else # Not transitioning from the designated first offset. if offset_matches_rule?(first_offset, first_transition.offset) # Correct the first offset if it isn't an exact match. first_offset[:utc_offset] = first_transition.offset.utc_offset # Skip an unnecessary transition to the first offset. transitions.shift end # If the first offset doesn't match either the offset or previous # offset, then it will be retained. end offset_indexes = get_rule_offset_indexes(offsets, rules) convert_transitions_to_hashes(offset_indexes, transitions) end end # Validates the rules offset against the offset of the last defined # transition. Replaces the transition with an equivalent using the rules # offset if the rules give a different definition for the base offset. def replace_last_transition_offset_if_valid_and_needed(file, transitions, offsets) last_transition = transitions.last last_offset = offsets[last_transition[:offset]] rule_offset = yield last_offset unless offset_matches_rule?(last_offset, rule_offset) raise InvalidZoneinfoFile, "Offset from POSIX-style TZ string does not match final transition in file '#{file.path}'." end # The total_utc_offset and abbreviation must always be the same. The # base utc_offset and std_offset might differ. In which case the rule # should be used as it will be more precise. last_offset[:utc_offset] = rule_offset.utc_offset last_transition end # todo: port over validate_and_fix_last_defined_transition_offset # when fixing the previous offset will need to define a new one # Validates the offset indicated to be observed by the rules before the # first generated transition against the offset of the last defined # transition. # # Fix the last defined transition if it differ on just base/std offsets # (which are derived). Raise an error if the observed UTC offset or # abbreviations differ. def validate_and_fix_last_defined_transition_offset(file, offsets, last_defined, first_rule_offset) offset_of_last_defined = offsets[last_defined[:offset]] if offset_equals_rule?(offset_of_last_defined, first_rule_offset) last_defined else if offset_matches_rule?(offset_of_last_defined, first_rule_offset) # The same overall offset, but differing in the base or std # offset (which are derived). Correct by using the rule. offset_index = get_rule_offset_index(offsets, first_rule_offset) {:at => last_defined[:at], :offset => offset_index} else raise InvalidZoneinfoFile, "The first offset indicated by the POSIX-style TZ string did not match the final defined offset in file '#{file.path}'." end end end # Apply the rules from the TZ string when there were defined transitions. # Checks for a matching offset with the last transition. Redefines the # last transition if required and if the rules don't specific a constant # offset, generates transitions until 100 years into the future (at the # time of loading zoneinfo_timezone_info.rb) or 2037 if limited to 32-bit # Times. def apply_rules_with_transitions(file, transitions, offsets, first_offset_index, rules) last_defined = transitions[-1] if rules.kind_of?(TimezoneOffset) transitions[-1] = validate_and_fix_last_defined_transition_offset(file, offsets, last_defined, rules) else previous_offset_index = transitions.length > 1 ? transitions[-2][:offset] : first_offset_index previous_offset = offsets[previous_offset_index] last_year = ([:at]).utc + previous_offset[:utc_total_offset]).year if last_year <= GENERATE_UP_TO last_defined_offset = offsets[last_defined[:offset]] generated = rules.transitions(last_year).find_all do |t| > last_defined[:at] && !offset_matches_rule?(last_defined_offset, t.offset) end generated += (last_year + 1).upto(GENERATE_UP_TO).map {|y| rules.transitions(y) }.flatten unless generated.empty? transitions[-1] = validate_and_fix_last_defined_transition_offset(file, offsets, last_defined, generated[0].previous_offset) rule_offset_indexes = get_rule_offset_indexes(offsets, rules) transitions.concat(convert_transitions_to_hashes(rule_offset_indexes, generated)) end end end end # Defines an offset for the timezone based on the given index and offset # Hash. def define_offset(index, offset) utc_total_offset = offset[:utc_total_offset] utc_offset = offset[:utc_offset] if utc_offset # DST offset with base utc_offset derived by derive_offsets. std_offset = utc_total_offset - utc_offset elsif offset[:is_dst] # DST offset unreferenced by a transition (offset in use before the # first transition). No derived base UTC offset, so assume 1 hour # DST. utc_offset = utc_total_offset - 3600 std_offset = 3600 else # Non-DST offset. utc_offset = utc_total_offset std_offset = 0 end offset index, utc_offset, std_offset, offset[:abbr].untaint.to_sym end # Parses a zoneinfo file and intializes the DataTimezoneInfo structures. def parse(file, posix_tz_parser) magic, version, ttisutccnt, ttisstdcnt, leapcnt, timecnt, typecnt, charcnt = check_read(file, 44).unpack('a4 a x15 NNNNNN') if magic != 'TZif' raise InvalidZoneinfoFile, "The file '#{file.path}' does not start with the expected header." end if version == '2' || version == '3' # Skip the first 32-bit section and read the header of the second # 64-bit section. The 64-bit section is always used even if the # runtime platform doesn't support 64-bit timestamps. In "slim" format # zoneinfo files the 32-bit section will be empty. * 5 + typecnt * 6 + charcnt + leapcnt * 8 + ttisstdcnt + ttisutccnt, IO::SEEK_CUR) prev_version = version magic, version, ttisutccnt, ttisstdcnt, leapcnt, timecnt, typecnt, charcnt = check_read(file, 44).unpack('a4 a x15 NNNNNN') unless magic == 'TZif' && (version == prev_version) raise InvalidZoneinfoFile, "The file '#{file.path}' contains an invalid 64-bit section header." end using_64bit = true elsif version != '3' && version != '2' && version != "\0" raise InvalidZoneinfoFile, "The file '#{file.path}' contains a version of the zoneinfo format that is not currently supported." else using_64bit = false end unless leapcnt == 0 raise InvalidZoneinfoFile, "The zoneinfo file '#{file.path}' contains leap second data. TZInfo requires zoneinfo files that omit leap seconds." end transitions = [] if using_64bit timecnt.times do |i| high, low = check_read(file, 8).unpack('NN'.freeze) transition_time = make_signed_int64(high, low) transitions << {:at => transition_time} end else timecnt.times do |i| transition_time = make_signed_int32(check_read(file, 4).unpack('N'.freeze)[0]) transitions << {:at => transition_time} end end timecnt.times do |i| localtime_type = check_read(file, 1).unpack('C'.freeze)[0] transitions[i][:offset] = localtime_type end offsets = [] typecnt.times do |i| gmtoff, isdst, abbrind = check_read(file, 6).unpack('NCC'.freeze) gmtoff = make_signed_int32(gmtoff) isdst = isdst == 1 offset = {:utc_total_offset => gmtoff, :is_dst => isdst, :abbr_index => abbrind} unless isdst offset[:utc_offset] = gmtoff end offsets << offset end abbrev = check_read(file, charcnt) if using_64bit # Skip to the POSIX-style TZ string. + ttisutccnt, IO::SEEK_CUR) # + leapcnt * 8, but leapcnt is checked above and guaranteed to be 0. tz_string_start = check_read(file, 1) raise InvalidZoneinfoFile, "Expected newline starting POSIX-style TZ string in file '#{file.path}'." unless tz_string_start == "\n" tz_string = RubyCoreSupport.force_encoding(file.readline("\n"), 'UTF-8') raise InvalidZoneinfoFile, "Expected newline ending POSIX-style TZ string in file '#{file.path}'." unless tz_string.chomp!("\n") begin rules = posix_tz_parser.parse(tz_string) rescue InvalidPosixTimeZone => e raise InvalidZoneinfoFile, "Failed to parse POSIX-style TZ string in file '#{file.path}': #{e}" end else rules = nil end offsets.each do |o| abbrev_start = o[:abbr_index] raise InvalidZoneinfoFile, "Abbreviation index is out of range in file '#{file.path}'" unless abbrev_start < abbrev.length abbrev_end = abbrev.index("\0", abbrev_start) raise InvalidZoneinfoFile, "Missing abbreviation null terminator in file '#{file.path}'" unless abbrev_end o[:abbr] = RubyCoreSupport.force_encoding(abbrev[abbrev_start...abbrev_end], 'UTF-8') end transitions.each do |t| if t[:offset] < 0 || t[:offset] >= offsets.length raise InvalidZoneinfoFile, "Invalid offset referenced by transition in file '#{file.path}'." end end # Derive the offsets from standard time (std_offset). first_offset_index = derive_offsets(transitions, offsets) # Filter out transitions that are not supported by Time on this # platform. unless transitions.empty? if !RubyCoreSupport.time_supports_negative transitions = remove_unsupported_negative_transitions(transitions, 0) elsif !RubyCoreSupport.time_supports_64bit transitions = remove_unsupported_negative_transitions(transitions, -2**31) else # Ignore transitions that occur outside of a defined window. The # transition index cannot handle a large range of transition times. # # This is primarily intended to ignore the far in the past # transition added in zic 2014c (at timestamp -2**63 in zic 2014c # and at the approximate time of the big bang from zic 2014d). # # Assumes MIN_TIMESTAMP is less than -2**31. transitions = remove_unsupported_negative_transitions(transitions, MIN_TIMESTAMP) end if !RubyCoreSupport.time_supports_64bit i = transitions.find_index {|t| t[:at] >= 2**31 } had_later_transition = !!i transitions = transitions.first(i) if i else had_later_transition = false end end if rules && !had_later_transition if transitions.empty? transitions = apply_rules_without_transitions(file, offsets, first_offset_index, rules) else apply_rules_with_transitions(file, transitions, offsets, first_offset_index, rules) end end define_offset(first_offset_index, offsets[first_offset_index]) used_offset_indexes = {|t| t[:offset] }.to_set offsets.each_with_index do |o, i| define_offset(i, o) if i != first_offset_index && used_offset_indexes.include?(i) end # Ignore transitions that occur outside of a defined window. The # transition index cannot handle a large range of transition times. transitions.each do |t| at = t[:at] break if at >= MAX_TIMESTAMP time = transition time.year, time.mon, t[:offset], at end end end end