class WebSystem::RequestCommand < Liza::Command VALID_ACTIONS = %w[find get post] def log "Called #{self}.#{__method__} with args #{args}" end # instance methods def call(args) log "Called #{self}.#{__method__} with args #{args}" @command = args.shift @args = args return help unless VALID_ACTIONS.include? @command perform rescue StandardError => error @error = error handle end def perform log "Called #{self}.#{__method__}" case @command when "find" find when "get" get_request when "post" post_request end end def handle log "Called #{self}.#{__method__}" log render "error.txt" end def help log "Called #{self}.#{__method__}" log render "help.txt" end # actions def find log "Called #{self}.#{__method__}" path = @args.first @env = {} @env["REQUEST_PATH"] = path request_panel.find @env @request_class = @env["LIZA_REQUEST_CLASS"] || raise("No request class found") puts render "find.txt" end def get_request log "Called #{self}.#{__method__}" path = @args.first @env = {} @env["REQUEST_METHOD"] = "GET" @env["REQUEST_PATH"] = path @status, @headers, @body = @env log "STATUS #{@status} with #{@headers.count} headers and a #{@body.first.size} byte body" puts render "response.http" end def post_request log "Called #{self}.#{__method__}" path = @args.first @env = {} @env["REQUEST_METHOD"] = "POST" @env["REQUEST_PATH"] = path @status, @headers, @body = @env log "STATUS #{@status} with #{@headers.count} headers and a #{@body.first.size} byte body" puts render "response.http" end # helpers def request_panel @request_panel ||= WebBox[:request] end end __END__ # success.txt.erb RESULT: class <%= @result.class %> value <%= @result %> # error.txt.erb ERROR: class <%= @error.class %> message <%= @error.message %> backtrace <%= { |s| @stop = true if s.include?("/exe/lizarb:"); !defined? @stop }.join "\n " %> # help.txt.erb USAGE: liza request find /path/to/action.format liza request get /path/to/action.format liza request post /path/to/action.format # find.txt.erb ENV: <% @env.each do |k, v| %> env["<%= k %>"] = <%= v.inspect -%> <% end %> REQUEST CLASS: # <%= @request_class.source_location.join ":" %> class <%= @request_class %> < <%= @request_class.superclass %> # ... end # response.http.erb <%= @status %> <% @headers.each do |k, v| -%> <%= k %>: <%= v %> <% end -%> <%= @body.first %>