== Setup Flex SDK: http://labs.adobe.com/technologies/flex/sdk/flex3sdk.html To include mxmlc and fcsh (from Flex SDK): export PATH="/path/to/flex_sdk_3/bin" AIR SDK: http://labs.adobe.com/downloads/airsdk.html To include adl and adt (from AIR SDK): export PATH="/path/to/air_sdk/bin:$PATH" == Tasks # View all tasks rake --tasks # Compiling rake air:compile # Running air debug launcher (ADL) rake air:adl # Start FCSHD (for faster compilation) rake fcsh:start # Stop FCSHD rake fcsh:stop # Restart FCSHD rake fcsh:restart # Running alternate MXML, (we expect src/Test-app.xml descriptor) rake air:adl MXML=src/Test.mxml # Run ADL with debug disabled rake air:adl DEBUG=false # Testing rake air:test # Package AIR file rake air:package == Adding other tasks Add tasks to the rakefile, for example: # Run ADL for Catalog mxml task :catalog do ENV["MXML"] = "src/catalog/Catalog.mxml" Rake::Task["air:adl"].invoke end == Override default settings for Rakefile This is experimental. In the Rakefile, specify: # Override default settings, this is experimental # cwd = File.expand_path(File.dirname(__FILE__)) #ENV["MXMLC_PATH"] = "mxmlc" #ENV["ADT_PATH"] = "adt" #ENV["BIN_DIR"] = "#{cwd}/bin" #ENV["SRC_DIR"] = "#{cwd}/src" #ENV["LIB_DIR"] = "#{cwd}/lib" #ENV["TEST_DIR"] = "#{cwd}/test" #ENV["APPXML_PATH"] = "#{cwd}/src/MyProject-app.xml" #ENV["AIR_PATH"] = "#{cwd}/bin/MyProject.air" #ENV["SWF_PATH"] = "#{cwd}/bin/MyProject.swf" #ENV["MXMLC_EXTRA_OPTS"] = ... #ENV["ADL_EXTRA_OPTS"] = ... #ENV["ADT_EXTRA_OPTS"] = ...