## 1.6.0.rc1 (Unreleased) Features: - ability to specify `auth_type` per-request (#78, @sebastian-stylesaint) - image dimension can be set using `image_size` option (#91, @weilu) - update Facebook authorize URL to fix broken authorization (#103, @dlackty) - adds `info_fields` option (#109, @bloudermilk) - adds `locale` parameter (#133, @donbobka, @simi) - add automatically `appsecret_proof` (#140, @nlsrchtr, @simi) Changes: - `NoAuthorizationCodeError` and `UnknownSignatureAlgorithmError` will now `fail!` (#117, @nchelluri) - don't try to parse the signature if it's nil (#127, @oriolgual) ## 1.5.1 (2013-11-18) Changes: - don't use `access_token` in URL [CVE-2013-4593](https://github.com/mkdynamic/omniauth-facebook/wiki/Access-token-vulnerability:-CVE-2013-4593) (@homakov, @mkdynamic, @simi) ## 1.5.0 (2013-11-13) Changes: - remove `state` param to fix CSRF vulnerabilty [CVE-2013-4562](https://github.com/mkdynamic/omniauth-facebook/wiki/CSRF-vulnerability:-CVE-2013-4562) (@homakov, @mkdynamic, @simi) ## 1.4.1 (2012-07-07) Changes: - update to omniauth-oauth2 1.1.0 for csrf protection (@mkdynamic) ## 1.4.0 (2012-06-24) Features: - obey `skip_info?` config (@mkdynamic) - add support of the `:auth_type` option to `:authorize_options` (#58, @JHeidinga, @mkdynamic) - support `access_token` parameter as part of the callback request (#62, @steverandy) ## 1.3.0 (2012-05-05) Features: - dynamic permissions in the auth params (#30, @famoseagle) - add support for facebook canvas (@mkdynamic) - add verified key to the info hash (#34, @ryansobol) - add option to use secure url for image in auth hash (@mkdynamic) - add option to specify image size (@mkdynamic) Changes: - have `raw_info` return an empty hash if the Facebook response returns false (#44, @brianjlandau) - prevent oauth2 from interpreting Facebook's expires field as `expires_in`, when it's really `expires_at` (#39, @watsonbox) - remove deprecated `offline_access` permission (@mkdynamic) Changes: - tidy up the `callback_url` option (@mkdynamic) ## 1.2.0 (2012-01-06) Features: - add `state` to authorization params (#19, @GermanDZ) Changes: - lock to `rack ~> 1.3.6` (@mkdynamic) ## 1.1.0 (2011-12-10) Features: - add `callback_url` option (#13, @gumayunov) - support for parsing code from signed request cookie (client-side flow) (@mkdynamic) ## 1.0.0 (2011-11-19) Features: - allow passing of display via option (@mkdynamic) Bugfixes: - fix `ten_mins_from_now` calculation (#7, @olegkovalenko) ## 1.0.0.rc2 (2011-11-11) Features: - allow passing `display` parameter (@mkdynamic) - included default scope (@mkdynamic) ## 1.0.0.rc1 (2011-10-29) - first public gem release (@mkdynamic)