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torArraySystem.Collections.ICollection.CopyToCopyToSystem.Collections.ICollection.get_Countget_CountSystem.Collections.ICollection.get_SyncRootget_SyncRootSystem.Collections.ICollection.get_IsSynchronizedget_IsSynchronizedItemSystem.Collections.IDictionary.KeysSystem.Collections.IDictionary.ValuesSystem.Collections.IDictionary.IsReadOnlySystem.Collections.IDictionary.IsFixedSizeSystem.Collections.ICollection.CountSystem.Collections.ICollection.SyncRootSystem.Collections.ICollection.IsSynchronizedextensionsExtensionTypesupportedTypesget_ExtensionPointsget_FrameworkRegistryGetExtensionPointget_ExtensionTypesExtensionPointsExtensionTypesIAddinRegistryaddinRegistryinitializedsuiteBuilderstestBuilderstestDecoratorslistenersframeworkstestcaseProvidersdataPointProvidershostget_Hostget_Initializedget_AddinRegistryset_AddinRegistryget_SuiteBuildersget_TestBuildersget_TestDecoratorsget_Listenersget_TestFrameworksget_TestCaseProvidersInstallBuiltinsInstallAddinsInstallAdhocExtensionsInstallAddinUnloadServiceInitializeServiceHostInitializedAddinRegistrySuiteBuildersTestBuildersTestDecoratorsListenersTestFrameworksSystem.GlobalizationCultureInfocurrentCulturereasonIsCultureSupportedget_ReasonReasonsavedDirectoryNameAppDomainCreateInstanceisActiveCreateRunnerStartStopget_AppDomainInitializeDomainEventArgsOnDomainUnloadeventListenerTestOutputTypetypeWriteWriteLineSystem.TextEncodingget_EncodingMAX_BUFFERStringBuildersbFlushCheckBufferStoppedPumpingStoppingsynchronousEventSenteventsThreadpumpThreadSystem.Runtime.CompilerServicesIsVolatilepumpStateautostopnameget_PumpStateset_PumpStateget_Nameset_NamePumpThreadProcPumpStateNameget_IsSynchronousWrapUnserializableExceptionIsSynchronoustestCountresultexceptionTestNametestNamesuiteNameTestOutputoutputqueuesyncRootstoppedSetWaitHandleForSynchronizedEventsDequeueCounttestMethodexceptionHandlerexpectedExceptionTypeexpectedExceptionNameexpectedMessagematchTypeuserMessageProcessNoExceptionProcessExceptionIsExpectedExceptionTypeIsExpectedMessageMatchNoExceptionMessageWrongTypeMessageWrongTextMessageCombineWithUserMessageGetStackTraceGetDefaultExceptionHandlerGetExceptionHandlerGetHandlerGetExceptionTypeGetExceptionNameGetExpectedMessageGetMatchTypeGetUserMessageDEFAULT_LEVELMAX_LEVELSlistsget_LevelsLevelslistEnumcurrentLevelResetget_CurrentMoveNextCurrentget_ExtensionsInstallIsValidExtensionExtensionsMemberInfoDecorateDefaultOffErrorWarningInfoVerboseTIME_FMTlevellogNamewriterget_Writerget_LogNameset_LogNameget_Levelset_LevelInitializeCloseGetLoggerLogWriterLogNameLevelStreamWriterSystem.Runtime.SerializationSerializationInfoStreamingContexttestsfixtureSetUpMethodsfixtureTearDownMethodsmaintainTestOrderfixtureTypeSortIListget_Testsget_IsSuiteGetSetUpMethodsGetTearDownMethodsGetTestActionsCountTestCasesSkipSuiteRunSuiteInContextRunSuiteDoOneTimeSetUpDoOneTimeBeforeTestSuiteActionsCreateUserFixtureDoOneTimeTearDownDoOneTimeAfterTestSuiteActionsIsAssertExceptionIsIgnoreExceptionIsStaticClassRunAllTestsSkipAllTestsIgnoreAllTestsMarkAllTestsInvalidResultStateMarkTestsNotRunMarkTestNotRunMarkTestsFailedMarkTestFailedTestsIsSuiteset_WriterLoggingThresholdget_Thresholdset_ThresholdThresholdthresholdlog4netAssemblyappenderTypebasicConfiguratorTypeappenderisInitializedlogFormatStartCaptureResumeCaptureStopCaptureget_IsLog4netAvailableInitializeTypesTryCreateAppenderSetAppenderLogFormatSetLoggingThresholdSetAppenderTextWriterConfigureAppenderIsLog4netAvailablefullnameDebugGetDisplayNameGetDisplayStringEscapeControlCharnamespaceSuitesrootSuiteget_RootSuiteBuildFromNameSpaceRootSuiteRunStartedRunFinishedTestStartedTestFinishedSuiteStartedSuiteFinishedUnhandledExceptionget_NULLNULLTaskWaitMethodTaskResultPropertySystemAggregateExceptionInnerExceptionsPropertyBindingFlagsTaskResultPropertyBindingFlagsRunVoidAsyncMethodRunTaskAsyncMethodget_BuildConfigurationnunitLibDirectoryget_NUnitLibDirectorynunitBinDirectoryget_NUnitBinDirectorynunitDocDirectoryget_NUnitDocDirectoryaddinDirectoryget_AddinDirectorymonoExePathget_MonoExePathFindOneOnPathIsWindowsapplicationDirectoryget_ApplicationDirectorylogDirectoryget_LogDirectoryget_HelpUrlBuildConfigurationNUnitLibDirectoryNUnitBinDirectoryNUnitDocDirectoryAddinDirectoryMonoExePathApplicationDirectoryLogDirectoryHelpUrlIgnoreAttributePlatformAttributeCultureAttributeExplicitAttributeCategoryAttributePropertyAttributeDescriptionAttributeRequiredAddinAttributeTestFixtureAttributeSetUpFixtureAttributeTestAttributeTestCaseAttributeTestCaseSourceAttributeTheoryAttributeSetUpAttributeTearDownAttributeFixtureSetUpAttributeFixtureTearDownAttributeExpectedExceptionAttributeSuiteAttributeTestActionInterfaceTestDetailsClassAssertExceptionIgnoreExceptionInconclusiveExceptionSuccessExceptionAssertTypeExpectExceptionInterfaceSuiteBuilderInterfaceTestCaseBuilderAttributeNameTestCaseBuilderInterfaceNameTestDecoratorAttributeNameTestDecoratorInterfaceNameframeworkAssemblyframeworkAssemblyInitializedget_FrameworkAssemblyCheckSetUpTearDownMethodsGetIgnoreReasonGetDescriptionAp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Starting: Test result = _SETCULTURESetCulture_SETUICULTURESetUICulture'TestMethod: Caught RepeatMaxTime]Elapsed time of {0}ms exceeds maximum of {1}msUWarning: Test changed the CurrentDirectory-Not a strong name: {0}1Resolved from Cache: {0} *.dll'Added to Cache: {0};Unable to load addin assembly#Not in Cache: {0}qSending to this synchronization context is not supportedTest.NameTest.FullNameTest.PropertiesResult.StateTestDirectoryWorkDirectory#FrameworkRegistryAddinRegistry'Installing Builtins NUnitnunit.frameworkNUnitLite#Installing Addins3Unable to locate {0} Type;Install method returned false%Failed to load {0}CoreExtensionsIncludeExcludeAOnly supported under culture {0}?Not supported under culture {0})Invalid culture: {0};Only supported under culture 3Creating RemoteTestRunnerStartingStopping%a_%p.log/Initializing domain {0}+ Base Directory: {0}' Probing Path: {0})pnunit.framework.dll!pnunit-agent.exe#Unloading domain EventPumpThread5Exception in event handler1Exception in pump thread(failed to serialize original Exception - original Exception follows){0}{1}cThe specified exception handler {0} was not found ExactContains RegexStartsWithAn Exception was expectedOAn unexpected exception type was thrownExpected:  but was:  : ;Expected message containing: 7Expected message matching: 7Expected message starting: QThe exception message text was incorrect1No stack trace availableHandleException!System.ExceptionHandlerMatchTypeUserMessage level9Value must be between 0 and 7 is not {0} extension pointextension9Priority value not supportedpriority?NUnit.Framework.IgnoreAttributeKInternalTrace: Initializing at level 7{0} {1,-5} [{2,2}] {3}: {4} DebugHH:mm:ss.fff%p%aTestSuiteStopOnErrorSuite result = 5Parent SetUp failed in {0}'Parent SetUp failed=TestFixtureSetUp failed in {0}/TestFixtureSetUp failedeWriter may not be changed while capture is enabled ErrorOfflog4netGlog4net.Appender.TextWriterAppenderAlog4net.Config.BasicConfigurator9log4net.Layout.PatternLayout LayoutThreshold WriterConfigureQ%d{ABSOLUTE} %-5p [%4t] %c{1} [%x]- %m%n<,>() nulldouble.NaN/double.PositiveInfinity/double.NegativeInfinitydouble.MaxValuedouble.MinValue.0dfloat.NaN-float.PositiveInfinity-float.NegativeInfinityfloat.MaxValuefloat.MinValuef!decimal.MinValue!decimal.MaxValuemlong.MinValuelong.MaxValueLulong.MinValueulong.MaxValueUL"'int.MaxValueint.MinValue\'\"\\\0\a\b\f\n\r\t\v\x{0:X4}Namespace[Rethrown Wait Result3System.AggregateExceptionInnerExceptionsReleaselibdoc addins monomono.exemono.batmono.cmd)Software\Novell\MonoDefaultCLRSdkInstallRootbin\mono.exe logs!http://nunit.orgindex.html filelocalhostgInvalid signature for SetUp or TearDown method: {0}INUnit.Framework.TestFixtureAttribute;NUnit.Framework.TestAttributeINUnit.Framework.DescriptionAttributeCNUnit.Framework.PlatformAttributeANUnit.Framework.CultureAttributeMNUnit.Framework.RequiredAddinAttribute3System.STAThreadAttribute3System.MTAThreadAttributeARequired addin {0} not availableAPARTMENT_STATECNUnit.Framework.CategoryAttributegCategory name must not contain ',', '!', '+' or '-'CNUnit.Framework.PropertyAttribute Name ValueCNUnit.Framework.ExplicitAttribute=NUnit.Framework.SetUpAttributeCNUnit.Framework.TearDownAttributeSNUnit.Framework.TestFixtureSetUpAttributeYNUnit.Framework.TestFixtureTearDownAttributeUNUnit.Framework.ExpectedExceptionAttribute=NUnit.Framework.SuiteAttributeYNUnit.Framework.ITestAction, nunit.frameworkYNUnit.Framework.TestDetails, nunit.frameworkENUnit.Framework.AssertionException?NUnit.Framework.IgnoreExceptionKNUnit.Framework.InconclusiveExceptionANUnit.Framework.SuccessException-NUnit.Framework.AssertANUnit.Framework.IExpectExceptionAreEqualCounterTestFixtureGenericFixture)ParameterizedFixture?NUnit.Framework.TheoryAttribute#ParameterizedTest TheoryAAll test cases were inconclusive7No test cases were provided+Only supported on {0})Not supported on {0}5Invalid platform name: {0}WIN WIN32 WIN32SWIN32WINDOWSWIN32NT WINCE WIN95 WIN98 WINMENT3NT4NT5 WIN2K WINXPWIN2003SERVERNT6 VISTAWIN2008SERVERWIN2008SERVERR2WIN2012SERVERWINDOWS7WINDOWS8 UNIX LINUX XBOX MACOSX%Only supported on NET NETCF SSCLI ROTOR MONO+Invalid platform nameWin,Win32,Win32S,Win32NT,Win32Windows,WinCE,Win95,Win98,WinMe,NT3,NT4,NT5,NT6,Win2K,WinXP,Win2003Server,Vista,Win2008Server,Win2008ServerR2,Win2012Server,Windows7,Windows8,Unix,Linux,Xbox,MacOSX5Net,NetCF,SSCLI,Rotor,MonoProjectI does not have a default constructorK does not have a suitable constructoruSystem.Runtime.CompilerServices.AsyncStateMachineAttribute+Loading Test Package #UseThreadedRunnerApartmentStateThreadPriority7Loaded package successfully'Package load failed-Unloading test packageRunBeginRun unloaded!RemoteTestRunner'[default namespace]SetUpFixture!Loading package Unloading#Starting test run#Test run completesMay not CancelRun on same thread that is running the test actionTargets Before After Test targetETarget must be a positive integer.Assembly7NUnit.Framework.TestContext=TestContext: too many Restores!TestRunnerThread;Exception in TestRunnerThread'AutoNamespaceSuitesMergeAssembliesDefaultTimeoutAStarting test in separate threadATest timed out - aborting threadITest exceeded Timeout value of {0}msTest threw /Test completed normally EndRun[[]]%DataPointProvidersCNUnit.Framework.PairwiseAttributeGNUnit.Framework.SequentialAttributeIEnumerable`1ENUnit.Framework.DatapointAttributeGNUnit.Framework.DatapointsAttributeMNUnit.Framework.ParameterDataAttribute;NUnit.Framework.DataAttributeGetDataCSuite property may not be indexed)NUnit.Core.TestSuiteuSuite property must return either TestSuite or IEnumerable1{0} is an abstract classK{0} does not have a valid constructorUSetUp method not allowed on a legacy suite[TearDown method not allowed on a legacy suiteCNUnit.Framework.TestCaseAttributeONUnit.Framework.TestCaseSourceAttribute;NUnit.Framework.ITestCaseData%Method is abstract)Method is not publicTest method has non-void return type, but no result is expecteduTest method has void return type, but a result is expectedYArguments provided for method not taking any5No arguments were providedEWrong number of arguments provided]Unable to determine type arguments for fixture]Generic fixture has no type arguments providedCategories IgnoreIgnoreReasonCNo suitable constructor was foundAFixture type contains generic parameters. 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Copyright (C) 2000-2002 Philip Craig. All Rights Reserved.&!NUnit is a trademark of<= =_CorDllMainmscoree.dll% @0HX@4VS_VERSION_INFO00?DVarFileInfo$TranslationStringFileInfo000004b04,FileDescription 8 FileVersion2.6.2.12296@InternalNamenunit.core.dllLegalCopyrightCopyright (C) 2002-2012 Charlie Poole. Copyright (C) 2002-2004 James W. Newkirk, Michael C. Two, Alexei A. Vorontsov. Copyright (C) 2000-2002 Philip Craig. All Rights Reserved.l"LegalTrademarksNUnit is a trademark of NUnit.orgHOriginalFilenamenunit.core.dll,ProductNameNUnit< ProductVersion2.6.2.12296@ Assembly Version2.6.2.122960 =