Collecting Runtime Stats === RhoConnect provides a simple stats [rack middleware]( for collecting runtime information on your application. These stats are accessible from the [REST API](/rhoconnect/rest-api) and some default graphs are available from the [web console](/rhoconnect/web-console). ## Enabling Stats To enable stats in your RhoConnect application, simply turn on the stats middleware by editing :::ruby Rhoconnect::Server.enable :stats A complete might look like: :::ruby # Try to load vendor-ed rhoconnect, otherwise load the gem begin require 'vendor/rhoconnect/lib/rhoconnect/server' require 'vendor/rhoconnect/lib/rhoconnect/console/server' rescue LoadError require 'rhoconnect/server' require 'rhoconnect/console/server' end # By default, turn on the resque web console require 'resque/server' ROOT_PATH = File.expand_path(File.dirname(__FILE__)) # Rhoconnect server flags Rhoconnect::Server.disable :run Rhoconnect::Server.disable :clean_trace Rhoconnect::Server.enable :raise_errors Rhoconnect::Server.set :secret, '' Rhoconnect::Server.set :root, ROOT_PATH Rhoconnect::Server.enable :stats Rhoconnect::Server.use Rack::Static, :urls => ["/data"], :root => Rhoconnect::Server.root # Load our rhoconnect application require './application' # Setup the url map run \ "/" =>, "/resque" =>, # If you don't want resque frontend, disable it here "/console" => # If you don't want rhoconnect frontend, disable it here Now just restart your rhoconnect application: :::term $ rake rhoconnect:restart And navigate to the 'Statistics' tab in your RhoConnect console: :::term $ rake rhoconnect:web ## Stats Console You should see graphs, organized by categories: RhoConnect statistics are organized into the following categories: * User Count - # of users stored in redis * Device Count - # of devices currently registered with RhoConnect * HTTP Timing - # average HTTP request time by URL * Source Timing - # average source adapter execution time by method