/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 8; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 4 -*- */ // vim:cindent:ts=8:et:sw=4: /* * ***** BEGIN LICENSE BLOCK ***** * Version: MPL 1.1/GPL 2.0/LGPL 2.1 * * The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public License Version * 1.1 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with * the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * http://www.mozilla.org/MPL/ * * Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" basis, * WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License * for the specific language governing rights and limitations under the * License. * * The Original Code is Mozilla Communicator client code, released * March 31, 1998. * * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is * Netscape Communications Corporation. * Portions created by the Initial Developer are Copyright (C) 1998 * the Initial Developer. All Rights Reserved. * * Contributor(s): * John Bandhauer <jband@netscape.com> (original author) * * Alternatively, the contents of this file may be used under the terms of * either of the GNU General Public License Version 2 or later (the "GPL"), * or the GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 or later (the "LGPL"), * in which case the provisions of the GPL or the LGPL are applicable instead * of those above. If you wish to allow use of your version of this file only * under the terms of either the GPL or the LGPL, and not to allow others to * use your version of this file under the terms of the MPL, indicate your * decision by deleting the provisions above and replace them with the notice * and other provisions required by the GPL or the LGPL. If you do not delete * the provisions above, a recipient may use your version of this file under * the terms of any one of the MPL, the GPL or the LGPL. * * ***** END LICENSE BLOCK ***** */ /* Manage the shared info about interfaces for use by wrappedNatives. */ #include "xpcprivate.h" /***************************************************************************/ /* * Helper that clones JS Function objects along with both of its * reserved slots. */ JSObject * xpc_CloneJSFunction(XPCCallContext &ccx, JSObject *funobj, JSObject *parent) { JSObject *clone = JS_CloneFunctionObject(ccx, funobj, parent); if(!clone) return nsnull; AUTO_MARK_JSVAL(ccx, OBJECT_TO_JSVAL(clone)); XPCWrappedNativeScope *scope = XPCWrappedNativeScope::FindInJSObjectScope(ccx, parent); if (!scope) { return nsnull; } // Make sure to break the prototype chain to the function object // we cloned to prevent its scope from leaking into the clones // scope. JS_SetPrototype(ccx, clone, scope->GetPrototypeJSFunction()); // Copy the reserved slots to the clone. jsval ifaceVal, memberVal; if(!JS_GetReservedSlot(ccx, funobj, 0, &ifaceVal) || !JS_GetReservedSlot(ccx, funobj, 1, &memberVal)) return nsnull; if(!JS_SetReservedSlot(ccx, clone, 0, ifaceVal) || !JS_SetReservedSlot(ccx, clone, 1, memberVal)) return nsnull; return clone; } // XPCNativeMember // static JSBool XPCNativeMember::GetCallInfo(XPCCallContext& ccx, JSObject* funobj, XPCNativeInterface** pInterface, XPCNativeMember** pMember) { jsval ifaceVal; jsval memberVal; if(!JS_GetReservedSlot(ccx, funobj, 0, &ifaceVal) || !JS_GetReservedSlot(ccx, funobj, 1, &memberVal) || !JSVAL_IS_INT(ifaceVal) || !JSVAL_IS_INT(memberVal)) { return JS_FALSE; } *pInterface = (XPCNativeInterface*) JSVAL_TO_PRIVATE(ifaceVal); *pMember = (XPCNativeMember*) JSVAL_TO_PRIVATE(memberVal); return JS_TRUE; } JSBool XPCNativeMember::NewFunctionObject(XPCCallContext& ccx, XPCNativeInterface* iface, JSObject *parent, jsval* pval) { NS_ASSERTION(!IsConstant(), "Only call this if you're sure this is not a constant!"); if(!IsResolved() && !Resolve(ccx, iface)) return JS_FALSE; AUTO_MARK_JSVAL(ccx, &mVal); JSObject* funobj = xpc_CloneJSFunction(ccx, JSVAL_TO_OBJECT(mVal), parent); if(!funobj) return JS_FALSE; *pval = OBJECT_TO_JSVAL(funobj); return JS_TRUE; } JSBool XPCNativeMember::Resolve(XPCCallContext& ccx, XPCNativeInterface* iface) { if(IsConstant()) { const nsXPTConstant* constant; if(NS_FAILED(iface->GetInterfaceInfo()->GetConstant(mIndex, &constant))) return JS_FALSE; const nsXPTCMiniVariant& mv = *constant->GetValue(); // XXX Big Hack! nsXPTCVariant v; v.flags = 0; v.type = constant->GetType(); memcpy(&v.val, &mv.val, sizeof(mv.val)); jsval resultVal; if(!XPCConvert::NativeData2JS(ccx, &resultVal, &v.val, v.type, nsnull, nsnull, nsnull)) return JS_FALSE; { // scoped lock XPCAutoLock lock(ccx.GetRuntime()->GetMapLock()); mVal = resultVal; mFlags |= RESOLVED; } return JS_TRUE; } // else... // This is a method or attribute - we'll be needing a function object intN argc; intN flags; JSNative callback; if(IsMethod()) { const nsXPTMethodInfo* info; if(NS_FAILED(iface->GetInterfaceInfo()->GetMethodInfo(mIndex, &info))) return JS_FALSE; // Note: ASSUMES that retval is last arg. argc = (intN) info->GetParamCount(); if(argc && info->GetParam((uint8)(argc-1)).IsRetval()) argc-- ; flags = 0; callback = XPC_WN_CallMethod; } else { if(IsWritableAttribute()) flags = JSFUN_GETTER | JSFUN_SETTER; else flags = JSFUN_GETTER; argc = 0; callback = XPC_WN_GetterSetter; } // We need to use the safe context for this thread because we don't want // to parent the new (and cached forever!) function object to the current // JSContext's global object. That would be bad! JSContext* cx = ccx.GetSafeJSContext(); if(!cx) return JS_FALSE; const char *memberName = iface->GetMemberName(ccx, this); jsrefcount suspendDepth = 0; if(cx != ccx) { // Switching contexts, suspend the old and enter the new request. suspendDepth = JS_SuspendRequest(ccx); JS_BeginRequest(cx); } JSFunction *fun = JS_NewFunction(cx, callback, argc, flags, nsnull, memberName); if(suspendDepth) { JS_EndRequest(cx); JS_ResumeRequest(ccx, suspendDepth); } if(!fun) return JS_FALSE; JSObject* funobj = JS_GetFunctionObject(fun); if(!funobj) return JS_FALSE; AUTO_MARK_JSVAL(ccx, OBJECT_TO_JSVAL(funobj)); STOBJ_CLEAR_PARENT(funobj); STOBJ_CLEAR_PROTO(funobj); if(!JS_SetReservedSlot(ccx, funobj, 0, PRIVATE_TO_JSVAL(iface))|| !JS_SetReservedSlot(ccx, funobj, 1, PRIVATE_TO_JSVAL(this))) return JS_FALSE; { // scoped lock XPCAutoLock lock(ccx.GetRuntime()->GetMapLock()); mVal = OBJECT_TO_JSVAL(funobj); mFlags |= RESOLVED; } return JS_TRUE; } /***************************************************************************/ // XPCNativeInterface // static XPCNativeInterface* XPCNativeInterface::GetNewOrUsed(XPCCallContext& ccx, const nsIID* iid) { AutoMarkingNativeInterfacePtr iface(ccx); XPCJSRuntime* rt = ccx.GetRuntime(); IID2NativeInterfaceMap* map = rt->GetIID2NativeInterfaceMap(); if(!map) return nsnull; { // scoped lock XPCAutoLock lock(rt->GetMapLock()); iface = map->Find(*iid); } if(iface) return iface; nsCOMPtr<nsIInterfaceInfo> info; ccx.GetXPConnect()->GetInfoForIID(iid, getter_AddRefs(info)); if(!info) return nsnull; iface = NewInstance(ccx, info); if(!iface) return nsnull; { // scoped lock XPCAutoLock lock(rt->GetMapLock()); XPCNativeInterface* iface2 = map->Add(iface); if(!iface2) { NS_ERROR("failed to add our interface!"); DestroyInstance(ccx, rt, iface); iface = nsnull; } else if(iface2 != iface) { DestroyInstance(ccx, rt, iface); iface = iface2; } } return iface; } // static XPCNativeInterface* XPCNativeInterface::GetNewOrUsed(XPCCallContext& ccx, nsIInterfaceInfo* info) { AutoMarkingNativeInterfacePtr iface(ccx); const nsIID* iid; if(NS_FAILED(info->GetIIDShared(&iid)) || !iid) return nsnull; XPCJSRuntime* rt = ccx.GetRuntime(); IID2NativeInterfaceMap* map = rt->GetIID2NativeInterfaceMap(); if(!map) return nsnull; { // scoped lock XPCAutoLock lock(rt->GetMapLock()); iface = map->Find(*iid); } if(iface) return iface; iface = NewInstance(ccx, info); if(!iface) return nsnull; { // scoped lock XPCAutoLock lock(rt->GetMapLock()); XPCNativeInterface* iface2 = map->Add(iface); if(!iface2) { NS_ERROR("failed to add our interface!"); DestroyInstance(ccx, rt, iface); iface = nsnull; } else if(iface2 != iface) { DestroyInstance(ccx, rt, iface); iface = iface2; } } return iface; } // static XPCNativeInterface* XPCNativeInterface::GetNewOrUsed(XPCCallContext& ccx, const char* name) { nsCOMPtr<nsIInterfaceInfo> info; ccx.GetXPConnect()->GetInfoForName(name, getter_AddRefs(info)); return info ? GetNewOrUsed(ccx, info) : nsnull; } // static XPCNativeInterface* XPCNativeInterface::GetISupports(XPCCallContext& ccx) { // XXX We should optimize this to cache this common XPCNativeInterface. return GetNewOrUsed(ccx, &NS_GET_IID(nsISupports)); } // static XPCNativeInterface* XPCNativeInterface::NewInstance(XPCCallContext& ccx, nsIInterfaceInfo* aInfo) { static const PRUint16 MAX_LOCAL_MEMBER_COUNT = 16; XPCNativeMember local_members[MAX_LOCAL_MEMBER_COUNT]; XPCNativeInterface* obj = nsnull; XPCNativeMember* members = nsnull; int i; JSBool failed = JS_FALSE; PRUint16 constCount; PRUint16 methodCount; PRUint16 totalCount; PRUint16 realTotalCount = 0; XPCNativeMember* cur; JSString* str; jsval name; jsval interfaceName; // XXX Investigate lazy init? This is a problem given the // 'placement new' scheme - we need to at least know how big to make // the object. We might do a scan of methods to determine needed size, // then make our object, but avoid init'ing *any* members until asked? // Find out how often we create these objects w/o really looking at // (or using) the members. PRBool canScript; if(NS_FAILED(aInfo->IsScriptable(&canScript)) || !canScript) return nsnull; if(NS_FAILED(aInfo->GetMethodCount(&methodCount)) || NS_FAILED(aInfo->GetConstantCount(&constCount))) return nsnull; // If the interface does not have nsISupports in its inheritance chain // then we know we can't reflect its methods. However, some interfaces that // are used just to reflect constants are declared this way. We need to // go ahead and build the thing. But, we'll ignore whatever methods it may // have. if(!nsXPConnect::IsISupportsDescendant(aInfo)) methodCount = 0; totalCount = methodCount + constCount; if(totalCount > MAX_LOCAL_MEMBER_COUNT) { members = new XPCNativeMember[totalCount]; if(!members) return nsnull; } else { members = local_members; } // NOTE: since getters and setters share a member, we might not use all // of the member objects. for(i = 0; i < methodCount; i++) { const nsXPTMethodInfo* info; if(NS_FAILED(aInfo->GetMethodInfo(i, &info))) { failed = JS_TRUE; break; } // don't reflect Addref or Release if(i == 1 || i == 2) continue; if(!XPCConvert::IsMethodReflectable(*info)) continue; str = JS_InternString(ccx, info->GetName()); if(!str) { NS_ASSERTION(0,"bad method name"); failed = JS_TRUE; break; } name = STRING_TO_JSVAL(str); if(info->IsSetter()) { NS_ASSERTION(realTotalCount,"bad setter"); // Note: ASSUMES Getter/Setter pairs are next to each other // This is a rule of the typelib spec. cur = &members[realTotalCount-1]; NS_ASSERTION(cur->GetName() == name,"bad setter"); NS_ASSERTION(cur->IsReadOnlyAttribute(),"bad setter"); NS_ASSERTION(cur->GetIndex() == i-1,"bad setter"); cur->SetWritableAttribute(); } else { // XXX need better way to find dups // NS_ASSERTION(!LookupMemberByID(name),"duplicate method name"); cur = &members[realTotalCount++]; cur->SetName(name); if(info->IsGetter()) cur->SetReadOnlyAttribute(i); else cur->SetMethod(i); } } if(!failed) { for(i = 0; i < constCount; i++) { const nsXPTConstant* constant; if(NS_FAILED(aInfo->GetConstant(i, &constant))) { failed = JS_TRUE; break; } str = JS_InternString(ccx, constant->GetName()); if(!str) { NS_ASSERTION(0,"bad constant name"); failed = JS_TRUE; break; } name = STRING_TO_JSVAL(str); // XXX need better way to find dups //NS_ASSERTION(!LookupMemberByID(name),"duplicate method/constant name"); cur = &members[realTotalCount++]; cur->SetName(name); cur->SetConstant(i); } } if(!failed) { const char* bytes; if(NS_FAILED(aInfo->GetNameShared(&bytes)) || !bytes || nsnull == (str = JS_InternString(ccx, bytes))) { failed = JS_TRUE; } interfaceName = STRING_TO_JSVAL(str); } if(!failed) { // Use placement new to create an object with the right amount of space // to hold the members array int size = sizeof(XPCNativeInterface); if(realTotalCount > 1) size += (realTotalCount - 1) * sizeof(XPCNativeMember); void* place = new char[size]; if(place) obj = new(place) XPCNativeInterface(aInfo, interfaceName); if(obj) { obj->mMemberCount = realTotalCount; // copy valid members if(realTotalCount) memcpy(obj->mMembers, members, realTotalCount * sizeof(XPCNativeMember)); } } if(members && members != local_members) delete [] members; return obj; } // static void XPCNativeInterface::DestroyInstance(JSContext* cx, XPCJSRuntime* rt, XPCNativeInterface* inst) { inst->~XPCNativeInterface(); delete [] (char*) inst; } const char* XPCNativeInterface::GetMemberName(XPCCallContext& ccx, const XPCNativeMember* member) const { return JS_GetStringBytes(JSVAL_TO_STRING(member->GetName())); } void XPCNativeInterface::DebugDump(PRInt16 depth) { #ifdef DEBUG depth--; XPC_LOG_ALWAYS(("XPCNativeInterface @ %x", this)); XPC_LOG_INDENT(); XPC_LOG_ALWAYS(("name is %s", GetNameString())); XPC_LOG_ALWAYS(("mMemberCount is %d", mMemberCount)); XPC_LOG_ALWAYS(("mInfo @ %x", mInfo.get())); XPC_LOG_OUTDENT(); #endif } /***************************************************************************/ // XPCNativeSet // static XPCNativeSet* XPCNativeSet::GetNewOrUsed(XPCCallContext& ccx, const nsIID* iid) { AutoMarkingNativeSetPtr set(ccx); AutoMarkingNativeInterfacePtr iface(ccx); iface = XPCNativeInterface::GetNewOrUsed(ccx, iid); if(!iface) return nsnull; XPCNativeSetKey key(nsnull, iface, 0); XPCJSRuntime* rt = ccx.GetRuntime(); NativeSetMap* map = rt->GetNativeSetMap(); if(!map) return nsnull; { // scoped lock XPCAutoLock lock(rt->GetMapLock()); set = map->Find(&key); } if(set) return set; // hacky way to get a XPCNativeInterface** using the AutoPtr XPCNativeInterface* temp[] = {iface}; set = NewInstance(ccx, temp, 1); if(!set) return nsnull; { // scoped lock XPCAutoLock lock(rt->GetMapLock()); XPCNativeSet* set2 = map->Add(&key, set); if(!set2) { NS_ERROR("failed to add our set!"); DestroyInstance(set); set = nsnull; } else if(set2 != set) { DestroyInstance(set); set = set2; } } return set; } // static XPCNativeSet* XPCNativeSet::GetNewOrUsed(XPCCallContext& ccx, nsIClassInfo* classInfo) { AutoMarkingNativeSetPtr set(ccx); XPCJSRuntime* rt = ccx.GetRuntime(); ClassInfo2NativeSetMap* map = rt->GetClassInfo2NativeSetMap(); if(!map) return nsnull; { // scoped lock XPCAutoLock lock(rt->GetMapLock()); set = map->Find(classInfo); } if(set) return set; nsIID** iidArray = nsnull; AutoMarkingNativeInterfacePtrArrayPtr interfaceArray(ccx); PRUint32 iidCount = 0; if(NS_FAILED(classInfo->GetInterfaces(&iidCount, &iidArray))) { // Note: I'm making it OK for this call to fail so that one can add // nsIClassInfo to classes implemented in script without requiring this // method to be implemented. // Make sure these are set correctly... iidArray = nsnull; iidCount = 0; } NS_ASSERTION((iidCount && iidArray) || !(iidCount || iidArray), "GetInterfaces returned bad array"); // !!! from here on we only exit through the 'out' label !!! if(iidCount) { AutoMarkingNativeInterfacePtrArrayPtr arr(ccx, new XPCNativeInterface*[iidCount], iidCount, PR_TRUE); if (!arr) goto out; interfaceArray = arr; XPCNativeInterface** currentInterface = interfaceArray; nsIID** currentIID = iidArray; PRUint16 interfaceCount = 0; for(PRUint32 i = 0; i < iidCount; i++) { nsIID* iid = *(currentIID++); if (!iid) { NS_ERROR("Null found in classinfo interface list"); continue; } XPCNativeInterface* iface = XPCNativeInterface::GetNewOrUsed(ccx, iid); if(!iface) { // XXX warn here continue; } *(currentInterface++) = iface; interfaceCount++; } if(interfaceCount) { set = NewInstance(ccx, interfaceArray, interfaceCount); if(set) { NativeSetMap* map2 = rt->GetNativeSetMap(); if(!map2) goto out; XPCNativeSetKey key(set, nsnull, 0); { // scoped lock XPCAutoLock lock(rt->GetMapLock()); XPCNativeSet* set2 = map2->Add(&key, set); if(!set2) { NS_ERROR("failed to add our set!"); DestroyInstance(set); set = nsnull; goto out; } if(set2 != set) { DestroyInstance(set); set = set2; } } } } else set = GetNewOrUsed(ccx, &NS_GET_IID(nsISupports)); } else set = GetNewOrUsed(ccx, &NS_GET_IID(nsISupports)); if(set) { // scoped lock XPCAutoLock lock(rt->GetMapLock()); XPCNativeSet* set2 = map->Add(classInfo, set); NS_ASSERTION(set2, "failed to add our set!"); NS_ASSERTION(set2 == set, "hashtables inconsistent!"); } out: if(iidArray) NS_FREE_XPCOM_ALLOCATED_POINTER_ARRAY(iidCount, iidArray); if(interfaceArray) delete [] interfaceArray.get(); return set; } // static void XPCNativeSet::ClearCacheEntryForClassInfo(nsIClassInfo* classInfo) { XPCJSRuntime* rt = nsXPConnect::GetRuntimeInstance(); ClassInfo2NativeSetMap* map = rt->GetClassInfo2NativeSetMap(); if(map) { // scoped lock XPCAutoLock lock(rt->GetMapLock()); map->Remove(classInfo); } } // static XPCNativeSet* XPCNativeSet::GetNewOrUsed(XPCCallContext& ccx, XPCNativeSet* otherSet, XPCNativeInterface* newInterface, PRUint16 position) { AutoMarkingNativeSetPtr set(ccx); XPCJSRuntime* rt = ccx.GetRuntime(); NativeSetMap* map = rt->GetNativeSetMap(); if(!map) return nsnull; XPCNativeSetKey key(otherSet, newInterface, position); { // scoped lock XPCAutoLock lock(rt->GetMapLock()); set = map->Find(&key); } if(set) return set; if(otherSet) set = NewInstanceMutate(otherSet, newInterface, position); else set = NewInstance(ccx, &newInterface, 1); if(!set) return nsnull; { // scoped lock XPCAutoLock lock(rt->GetMapLock()); XPCNativeSet* set2 = map->Add(&key, set); if(!set2) { NS_ERROR("failed to add our set!"); DestroyInstance(set); set = nsnull; } else if(set2 != set) { DestroyInstance(set); set = set2; } } return set; } // static XPCNativeSet* XPCNativeSet::NewInstance(XPCCallContext& ccx, XPCNativeInterface** array, PRUint16 count) { XPCNativeSet* obj = nsnull; if(!array || !count) return nsnull; // We impose the invariant: // "All sets have exactly one nsISupports interface and it comes first." // This is the place where we impose that rule - even if given inputs // that don't exactly follow the rule. XPCNativeInterface* isup = XPCNativeInterface::GetISupports(ccx); PRUint16 slots = count+1; PRUint16 i; XPCNativeInterface** pcur; for(i = 0, pcur = array; i < count; i++, pcur++) { if(*pcur == isup) slots--; } // Use placement new to create an object with the right amount of space // to hold the members array int size = sizeof(XPCNativeSet); if(slots > 1) size += (slots - 1) * sizeof(XPCNativeInterface*); void* place = new char[size]; if(place) obj = new(place) XPCNativeSet(); if(obj) { // Stick the nsISupports in front and skip additional nsISupport(s) XPCNativeInterface** inp = array; XPCNativeInterface** outp = (XPCNativeInterface**) &obj->mInterfaces; PRUint16 memberCount = 1; // for the one member in nsISupports *(outp++) = isup; for(i = 0; i < count; i++) { XPCNativeInterface* cur; if(isup == (cur = *(inp++))) continue; *(outp++) = cur; memberCount += cur->GetMemberCount(); } obj->mMemberCount = memberCount; obj->mInterfaceCount = slots; } return obj; } // static XPCNativeSet* XPCNativeSet::NewInstanceMutate(XPCNativeSet* otherSet, XPCNativeInterface* newInterface, PRUint16 position) { XPCNativeSet* obj = nsnull; if(!newInterface) return nsnull; if(otherSet && position > otherSet->mInterfaceCount) return nsnull; // Use placement new to create an object with the right amount of space // to hold the members array int size = sizeof(XPCNativeSet); if(otherSet) size += otherSet->mInterfaceCount * sizeof(XPCNativeInterface*); void* place = new char[size]; if(place) obj = new(place) XPCNativeSet(); if(obj) { if(otherSet) { obj->mMemberCount = otherSet->GetMemberCount() + newInterface->GetMemberCount(); obj->mInterfaceCount = otherSet->mInterfaceCount + 1; XPCNativeInterface** src = otherSet->mInterfaces; XPCNativeInterface** dest = obj->mInterfaces; for(PRUint16 i = 0; i < obj->mInterfaceCount; i++) { if(i == position) *dest++ = newInterface; else *dest++ = *src++; } } else { obj->mMemberCount = newInterface->GetMemberCount(); obj->mInterfaceCount = 1; obj->mInterfaces[0] = newInterface; } } return obj; } // static void XPCNativeSet::DestroyInstance(XPCNativeSet* inst) { inst->~XPCNativeSet(); delete [] (char*) inst; } void XPCNativeSet::DebugDump(PRInt16 depth) { #ifdef DEBUG depth--; XPC_LOG_ALWAYS(("XPCNativeSet @ %x", this)); XPC_LOG_INDENT(); XPC_LOG_ALWAYS(("mInterfaceCount of %d", mInterfaceCount)); if(depth) { for(PRUint16 i = 0; i < mInterfaceCount; i++) mInterfaces[i]->DebugDump(depth); } XPC_LOG_ALWAYS(("mMemberCount of %d", mMemberCount)); XPC_LOG_OUTDENT(); #endif }