module MakeTaggable::Taggable module Ownership def self.included(base) base.extend MakeTaggable::Taggable::Ownership::ClassMethods base.class_eval do after_save :save_owned_tags end base.initialize_make_taggable_ownership end module ClassMethods def make_taggable(*args) initialize_make_taggable_ownership super(*args) end def initialize_make_taggable_ownership do |tag_type| class_eval <<-RUBY, __FILE__, __LINE__ + 1 def #{tag_type}_from(owner) owner_tag_list_on(owner, '#{tag_type}') end RUBY end end end def owner_tags(owner) scope = if owner.nil? base_tags else base_tags.where( MakeTaggable::Tagging.table_name.to_s => { tagger_id:, tagger_type: owner.class.base_class.to_s } ) end # when preserving tag order, return tags in created order # if we added the order to the association this would always apply if self.class.preserve_tag_order? scope.order("#{MakeTaggable::Tagging.table_name}.id") else scope end end def owner_tags_on(owner, context) owner_tags(owner).where( MakeTaggable::Tagging.table_name.to_s => { context: context } ) end def cached_owned_tag_list_on(context) variable_name = "@owned_#{context}_list" (instance_variable_defined?(variable_name) && instance_variable_get(variable_name)) || instance_variable_set(variable_name, {}) end def owner_tag_list_on(owner, context) add_custom_context(context) cache = cached_owned_tag_list_on(context) cache[owner] ||=*owner_tags_on(owner, context).map(&:name)) end def set_owner_tag_list_on(owner, context, new_list) add_custom_context(context) cache = cached_owned_tag_list_on(context) cache[owner] = end def reload(*args) self.class.tag_types.each do |context| instance_variable_set("@owned_#{context}_list", nil) end super(*args) end def save_owned_tags tagging_contexts.each do |context| cached_owned_tag_list_on(context).each do |owner, tag_list| # Find existing tags or create non-existing tags: tags = find_or_create_tags_from_list_with_context(tag_list.uniq, context) # Tag objects for owned tags owned_tags = owner_tags_on(owner, context).to_a # Tag maintenance based on whether preserving the created order of tags if self.class.preserve_tag_order? old_tags, new_tags = owned_tags - tags, tags - owned_tags shared_tags = owned_tags & tags if shared_tags.any? && tags[0...shared_tags.size] != shared_tags index = shared_tags.each_with_index { |_, i| break i unless shared_tags[i] == tags[i] } # Update arrays of tag objects old_tags |= owned_tags.from(index) new_tags |= owned_tags.from(index) & shared_tags # Order the array of tag objects to match the tag list new_tags = { |t| new_tags.find { |n| == } }.compact end else # Delete discarded tags and create new tags old_tags = owned_tags - tags new_tags = tags - owned_tags end # Find all taggings that belong to the taggable (self), are owned by the owner, # have the correct context, and are removed from the list. if old_tags.present? MakeTaggable::Tagging.where(taggable_id: id, taggable_type: self.class.base_class.to_s, tagger_type: owner.class.base_class.to_s, tagger_id:, tag_id: old_tags, context: context).destroy_all end # Create new taggings: new_tags.each do |tag| taggings.create!(tag_id:, context: context.to_s, tagger: owner, taggable: self) end end end true end end end