# Architect4r

Architect4r is intended as an easy ruby wrapper for the neo4j graph db 
REST API. There are other solutions such as neo4j.rb if you are working 
in a java environment or neography which provides another working wrapper 
for the REST API. Both solutions are far more feature complete and allow 
you to do pretty advanced queries on the graph.

Architect4r is trying to go another route. Instead of using the native 
graph traversal engine it requires you to write your queries in recently 
implemented cypher query language. The language is well documented at the 
official neo4j documentation (http://docs.neo4j.org/chunked/milestone/). 
Just that you know what you are dealing with… a little example:

    start s=node(1) match s-[:friends]-d return d order by d.name skip 0 limit 20

But please read the docs for more info.


You need a running neo4j installation.


In oder to work with architect4r you have to install the gem by using 
`gem install architect4r` or in case that you are using bundler, you can 
add the following line to your _Gemfile_: `gem "architect4r"`.

Quick Start
    # Class definition
    class Instrument < Architect4r::Model::Node
      # Properties
      property :name, :cast_to => String, :localize => true
      property :name, :cast_to => String, :localize => :de
      # Validations
      validates :name, :presence => true
    # Interfacing with the I18n class
    I18n.locale = :en
    # Working with a record
    instrument = Instrument.new
    instrument.name = "Piano"
    instrument.name(:de) = "Klavier"
    # Updating attributes
    # Finding records
    class Fanship < Architect4r::Model::Relationship
      # Properties
      property :created_at, :cast_to => DateTime
      property :reason, :cast_to => String
    # Init a class based relationship
    Fanship.new(@user, @instrument, { :reason => 'Because I like you' })


In order to log the debug output from architect4r to a logfile, just override the default 
logger instance. If you are using rails, you might wanna add this to an initializer:

    # Create a logger instance
    file = File.open('log/output.log', File::WRONLY | File::APPEND)
    logger = Logger.new(file, 'daily')
    logger.level = Logger::DEBUG
    # Set architect4r logger
    Architect4r.logger = logger


# Clone the repo and cd into it, then:
bundle install
bundle exec rake server:install
bundle exec rspec spec/

You can also use `guard` to run the specs continuously during development: `bundle exec guard`.


Architect4r is copyright (c) 2011 Maximilian Schulz. It is free software, 
and may be redistributed under the terms of the MIT License.