Given /^I have a default Chef config$/ do path = tmp_path.join('chef_config').to_s generate_chef_config(path) ENV['BERKSHELF_CHEF_CONFIG'] = path end Then /^a Berkshelf config file should exist and contain:$/ do |table| config = Berkshelf::Config.from_file(Berkshelf::Config.path) table.raw.each do |key, value| expect(config.get_attribute(key)).to eq(value) end end Then /^a Berkshelf config file should exist at "(.+)" and contain:$/ do |path, table| config = Berkshelf::Config.from_file(File.expand_path("tmp/aruba/#{path}")) table.raw.each do |key, value| config.get_attribute(key).should eql(value) end end