# rrrretry Because `retry` was already taken. ## Install In your `Gemfile` add: gem 'rrrretry' Then run `bundle install`. ## What Does it Do? Monkey patches Enumerable to add a method called `retry` that attempts to run code for every element, returns the first valid run. If code does not return, the original error will be raised. ## Whoa Crazy! Give me an example: Most people will use it for network communication like this: ```ruby 10.times.retry do SomeNetworkCommunicationThingyHere.new end ``` But if you prefer runnable examples check these out: First run returns a `divided by 0` error, so the next result is returned. ```ruby [0, 1, 2].each.retry { |i| 1/i } # => 1 ``` If there are no valid returns, the last error will be raised. ```ruby [0, 1, 2].each.retry { raise "bar" } # => RuntimeError: bar ``` By default only `StandardError` is caught, multiple error types can be specified. ```ruby array = [->{ raise Exception }, ->{ raise SignalException }, ->{ 1 }] array.each.retry(Exception, SignalException) { |i| i.call } # => 1 ``` ## Is it Complex? Naw, it's 8 lines of ruby: ```ruby def retry(*exceptions, &block) exceptions << StandardError if exceptions.empty? enum ||= self.to_enum yield enum.next rescue *exceptions => e last_exception = e and retry unless e.is_a? StopIteration raise last_exception unless last_exception.nil? end ``` ## Why? Because I needed this code in more than one project, I didn't like the other solutions, and because coding is fun. ## Isn't Monkey Patching Evil? Yes. Do as I say, not as I do. ## License MIT YO. See MIT-LICENSE for more info