# frozen-string-literal: true require 'fileutils' require 'erb' require 'pastel' module Rodbot # Generators for new bots, deployments and such # # All files inside the +templates_path+ are honoured provided they match the # {GLOB}. Files with the extension ".gerb" are parsed like ERB files, however, # GERB tags must use square brackets. # # ERB: <%= 'foobar' %> # GERB: [%= 'foobar' %] # # It's therefore possible to generate ERB files such as +index.erb.gerb+. # # Helpers available in GERB templates have to be defined in # {Rodbot::Generator::Helpers}. class Generator # Glob to filter relevant template files GLOB = "**/{*,.ruby-version*,.gitignore,.keep}" # Colors used by +info+ to color part of the output TAG_COLORS = { create: :green }.freeze # @param templates_path [Pathname] root path of the templates to generate from def initialize(templates_path) @templates_path = templates_path @helpers_binding = Helpers.new.instance_eval('binding') @pastel = Pastel.new end # Print the interpolated template to STDOUT def display puts each_template_path do |template_path, target_path, content| puts "### #{target_path} ###", (content || template_path.read), nil end end # Write the interpolated template to directory # # @param directory [Pathname] where to write the files to def write(directory) fail(Rodbot::GeneratorError, "cowardly refusing to write to existing #{directory}") if directory.exist? each_template_path do |template_path, target_path, content| absolute_target_path = directory.join(target_path) absolute_target_path.dirname.mkpath puts tag(:create, target_path) if content absolute_target_path.write(content) else FileUtils.copy(template_path, absolute_target_path) end end end private def each_template_path @templates_path.glob(GLOB).each do |template_path| next unless template_path.file? target_path = template_path.relative_path_from(@templates_path) content = if template_path.extname == '.gerb' target_path = target_path.dirname.join(target_path.basename('.gerb')) eval_gerb(template_path.read) end yield(template_path, target_path, content) end end def eval_gerb(string) ungerbify(ERB.new(gerbify(string), trim_mode: '-').result(@helpers_binding)) end def gerbify(string) string.gsub('<%', '{%').gsub('%>', '%}').gsub('[%', '<%').gsub('%]', '%>') end def ungerbify(string) string.gsub('{%', '<%').gsub('%}', '%>') end def tag(tag, string) padded_tag = '[' + tag.to_s.ljust(6, ' ') + '] ' @pastel.decorate(padded_tag, TAG_COLORS[tag]) + string.to_s.strip end class Helpers def timezone Rodbot.config(:timezone) end def relay_extensions Rodbot.plugins.extend_relay Rodbot.plugins.extensions[:relay].to_h do |name, _| [name, URI(Rodbot::Services::Relay.url(name)).port] end end end end end