* Component layout for buttons
* @private
Ext.define('Ext.layout.component.Button', {
/* Begin Definitions */
alias: ['layout.button'],
extend: 'Ext.layout.component.Auto',
/* End Definitions */
type: 'button',
cellClsRE: /-btn-(tl|br)\b/,
htmlRE: /<.*>/,
constructor: function () {
this.hackWidth = Ext.isIE && (!Ext.isStrict || Ext.isIE6 || Ext.isIE7);
this.heightIncludesPadding = Ext.isIE6 && Ext.isStrict;
// TODO - use last run results if text has not changed?
beginLayout: function (ownerContext) {
beginLayoutCycle: function(ownerContext) {
var me = this,
empty = '',
owner = me.owner,
btnEl = owner.btnEl,
btnInnerEl = owner.btnInnerEl,
text = owner.text,
btnInnerEl.setStyle('overflow', empty);
// Clear all element widths
if (!ownerContext.widthModel.natural) {
owner.el.setStyle('width', empty);
// If the text is HTML we need to let the browser automatically size things to cope with the case where the text
// is multi-line. This incurs a cost as we then have to measure those elements to derive other sizes
htmlAutoHeight = ownerContext.heightModel.shrinkWrap && text && me.htmlRE.test(text);
btnEl.setStyle('width', empty);
btnEl.setStyle('height', htmlAutoHeight ? 'auto' : empty);
btnInnerEl.setStyle('width', empty);
btnInnerEl.setStyle('height', htmlAutoHeight ? 'auto' : empty);
btnInnerEl.setStyle('line-height', htmlAutoHeight ? 'normal' : empty);
btnInnerEl.setStyle('padding-top', empty);
owner.btnIconEl.setStyle('width', empty);
calculateOwnerHeightFromContentHeight: function (ownerContext, contentHeight) {
return contentHeight;
calculateOwnerWidthFromContentWidth: function (ownerContext, contentWidth) {
return contentWidth;
measureContentWidth: function (ownerContext) {
var me = this,
owner = me.owner,
btnEl = owner.btnEl,
btnInnerEl = owner.btnInnerEl,
text = owner.text,
btnFrameWidth, metrics, sizeIconEl, width, btnElContext, btnInnerElContext;
// IE suffers from various sizing problems, usually caused by relying on it to size elements automatically. Even
// if an element is sized correctly it can prove necessary to set that size explicitly on the element to get it
// to size and position its children correctly. While the exact nature of the problems varies depending on the
// browser version, doctype and button configuration there is a common solution: set the sizes manually.
if (owner.text && me.hackWidth && btnEl) {
btnFrameWidth = me.btnFrameWidth;
// If the button text is something like '<' or '<<' then we need to escape it or it won't be measured
// correctly. The button text is supposed to be HTML and strictly speaking '<' and '<<' aren't valid HTML.
// However in practice they are commonly used and have worked 'correctly' in previous versions.
if (text.indexOf('>') === -1) {
text = text.replace(/= 0) {
btnInnerItem.setProp('line-height', btnHeight - btnFrameHeight + 'px');
// Button text may contain markup that would force it to wrap to more than one line (e.g. 'Button
// When this happens, we cannot use the line-height set above for vertical centering; we instead reset the
// line-height to normal, measure the rendered text height, and add padding-top to center the text block
// vertically within the button's height. This is more expensive than the basic line-height approach so
// we only do it if the text contains markup.
if (text && me.htmlRE.test(text)) {
btnInnerItem.setProp('line-height', 'normal');
btnInnerEl.setStyle('line-height', 'normal');
textHeight = Ext.util.TextMetrics.measure(btnInnerEl, text).height;
paddingTop = Math.floor(Math.max(btnHeight - btnFrameHeight - textHeight, 0) / 2);
btnInnerItem.setProp('padding-top', me.btnFrameTop + paddingTop);
btnInnerItem.setHeight(btnHeight - (me.heightIncludesPadding ? paddingTop : 0));
publishInnerWidth: function(ownerContext, width) {
var me = this,
isNum = Ext.isNumber,
btnItem = ownerContext.getEl('btnEl'),
btnInnerItem = ownerContext.getEl('btnInnerEl'),
btnWidth = isNum(width) ? width - me.adjWidth : width;
clearTargetCache: function(){
delete this.adjWidth;
cacheTargetInfo: function(ownerContext) {
var me = this,
owner = me.owner,
scale = owner.scale,
padding, frameSize, btnWrapPadding, btnInnerEl, innerFrameSize;
// The cache is only valid for a particular scale
if (!('adjWidth' in me) || me.lastScale !== scale) {
// If there has been a previous layout run it could have sullied the line-height
if (me.lastScale) {
owner.btnInnerEl.setStyle('line-height', '');
me.lastScale = scale;
padding = ownerContext.getPaddingInfo();
frameSize = ownerContext.getFrameInfo();
btnWrapPadding = ownerContext.getEl('btnWrap').getPaddingInfo();
btnInnerEl = ownerContext.getEl('btnInnerEl');
innerFrameSize = btnInnerEl.getPaddingInfo();
Ext.apply(me, {
// Width adjustment must take into account the arrow area. The btnWrap is the which has padding to accommodate the arrow.
adjWidth : btnWrapPadding.width + frameSize.width + padding.width,
adjHeight : btnWrapPadding.height + frameSize.height + padding.height,
btnFrameWidth : innerFrameSize.width,
btnFrameHeight : innerFrameSize.height,
btnFrameTop : innerFrameSize.top,
// Use the line-height rather than height because if the text is multi-line then the height will be 'wrong'
minTextHeight : parseInt(btnInnerEl.getStyle('line-height'), 10)