#Debug (debug.js) The debug module provides information to the client (driver) module such as events that are available for a particular view. ### Driver Messages `if_debug_assoc(base, key, value)` - Associate a key and value for an object called base (usually a pointer or string) `if_debug_highlight_view(vp, on)` - Highlight the view **or spot** that is given in `vp`. Used in some debuggers (like seagull) to let users select the hierarchy and see it's equivalent in the client. `on` is a bool that indicates whether something should be highlihted or not. (toggle). If given a view pointer that's 0 or dosen't exist, it should just ignore it. #### Kernel `int_debug_eval(str)` - Send an eval request; the str must not contain any newlines. Will respond by sending back a `if_event` message to the port -333 with the message name `eval_res` and the info as `{info: res}` where `res` is what ever was retrieved by the eval. `int_debug_dump_ui` - See [Debug Dump UI](./debug/dump_ui.md) for specifics. `int_debug_controller_describe(bp)` - Retreive information about a controller. Sends a `if_event` to port `-333` named `debug_controller_describe_res` with the payload of the controller's describe at `bp`. * describe returns * `context` - The context of the controller which is `cinfo.context` * `events` - The list of events the current controller action will respond to, **current action not the same as displayed if it's changed** ### Driver Spec related * `if_debug_spec_assoc(base, key)` - When this message is received, the client shall return a message called `spec` containing the value * `if_debug_spec_send_int_event` - This function should send the message `[0, "spec"]` to `int_event`. ### Kernel spec related * The function `debug_eval_spec` is in the kernel and should return 'hello'. This is called by the specs that test eval to make sure that eval is working. It is never used in a message ### config.yml variables * `debug_attach` - See [Debug Server](../debug_server.md) for details ### Debug Server The debug module should also provide a debug server. Details of the server are layed out in [Debug Server](../debug_server.md)