import Migration from '@watermarkchurch/contentful-migration' export = function (migration: Migration) { const page = migration.createContentType('page') .name('Page') .description('A page describes a collection of sections that correspond' + 'to a URL slug') .displayField('internalTitle') page.createField('internalTitle', { name: 'Internal Title (Contentful Only)', type: 'Symbol', localized: false, required: true, validations: [], disabled: false, omitted: true, }) page.createField('title') .name('Title') .type('Symbol') .required(true) page.createField('slug') .name('Slug') .type('Symbol') .required(true) .validations([ { unique: true }, { regexp: { pattern: "(\\/|\\/([\w#!:.?+=&%@!\\-\\/]))?$" }, message: "The slug must look like the path part of a URL and begin with a forward slash, example: '/my-page-slug'" } ]) page.createField('sections') .name('Sections') .type('Array') .items({ type: 'Link', linkType: 'Entry' }) page.createField('subpages') .name('Subpages') .type('Array') .items({ type: 'Link', linkType: 'Entry', validations: [ { linkContentType: [ 'page' ] } ] }) /************ redirect ******************/ var redirect = migration.createContentType('redirect', { displayField: 'internalTitle', name: 'Redirect', description: '' }) redirect.createField('internalTitle', { name: 'Internal Title (Contentful Only)', type: 'Symbol', localized: false, required: true, validations: [], disabled: false, omitted: true, }) redirect.createField('slug', { name: 'Slug', type: 'Symbol', localized: false, required: true, validations: [{ unique: true }, { regexp: { pattern: '\\/(?:[\\w#!:.?+=&%@!\\-]\\/?)*$', flags: null }, message: 'The slug must look like the path part of a URL and begin with a forward slash, example: \'/my-page-slug\'' }], disabled: false, omitted: false }) redirect.createField('externalLink', { name: 'External Link', type: 'Symbol', localized: false, required: false, validations: [{ regexp: { pattern: '^([^\\s\\:]+):(\\/\\/)?(\\w+:{0,1}\\w*@)?(([^\\s\\/#]+\\.)+[^\\s\\/#]+)(:[0-9]+)?(\\/|(\\/|\\#)([\\w#!:.?+=&%@!\\-\\/]+))?$|^(\\/|(\\/|\\#)([\\w#!:.?+=&%@!\\-\\/]+))$', flags: null }, message: 'The external link must be a URL like \'\', a mailto url like \'\', or a relative URL like \'#location-on-page\'' }], disabled: false, omitted: false }) redirect.createField('pageLink', { name: 'Page Link', type: 'Link', localized: false, required: false, validations: [{ linkContentType: ['page'] }], disabled: false, omitted: false, linkType: 'Entry' }) redirect.createField('sectionLink', { name: 'Section Link', type: 'Link', localized: false, required: false, validations: [], disabled: false, omitted: false, linkType: 'Entry' }) redirect.changeEditorInterface('internalTitle', 'singleLine') redirect.changeEditorInterface('slug', 'slugEditor') redirect.changeEditorInterface('externalLink', 'urlEditor', { helpText: 'An external URL to send people to, that is not a page on this site. Use this OR Page Link, you can\'t use both.' }) redirect.changeEditorInterface('pageLink', 'entryCardEditor', { helpText: 'A page on this site to send people to. Use this OR External Link, you can\'t use both.' }) redirect.changeEditorInterface('sectionLink', 'entryLinkEditor', { helpText: '(Optional) If provided, this will link the user to the specific section on a page. If you use this, you must also use Page Link.' }) }