/* -*- Mode: C; tab-width: 4; c-basic-offset: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil -*- */ /* * Copyright 2014 Couchbase, Inc. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ #include #include #include #include #include "packetutils.h" #include "mcserver.h" #include "logging.h" #include "settings.h" #include #include #include #include #include "negotiate.h" #include "ctx-log-inl.h" #include "auth-priv.h" using namespace lcb; #define LOGARGS(ctx, lvl) ctx->settings, "negotiation", LCB_LOG_##lvl, __FILE__, __LINE__ static void cleanup_negotiated(SessionInfo* info); static void handle_ioerr(lcbio_CTX *ctx, lcb_error_t err); #define SESSREQ_LOGFMT "<%s:%s> (SASLREQ=%p) " static void timeout_handler(void *arg); #define SESSREQ_LOGID(s) get_ctx_host(s->ctx), get_ctx_port(s->ctx), (void*)s static void close_cb(lcbio_SOCKET *s, int reusable, void *arg) { *(lcbio_SOCKET **)arg = s; lcbio_ref(s); lcb_assert(reusable); } /** * Structure used only for initialization. This is only used for the duration * of the request for negotiation and is deleted once negotiation has * completed (or failed). */ class lcb::SessionRequestImpl : public SessionRequest { public: static SessionRequestImpl *get(void *arg) { return reinterpret_cast(arg); } bool setup(const lcbio_NAMEINFO& nistrs, const lcb_host_t& host, const lcb::Authenticator& auth); void start(lcbio_SOCKET *sock); bool send_hello(); bool send_step(const lcb::MemcachedResponse& packet); bool read_hello(const lcb::MemcachedResponse& packet); void send_auth(const char *sasl_data, unsigned ndata); void handle_read(lcbio_CTX *ioctx); bool maybe_select_bucket(); enum MechStatus { MECH_UNAVAILABLE, MECH_NOT_NEEDED, MECH_OK }; MechStatus set_chosen_mech(std::string& mechlist, const char **data, unsigned int *ndata); bool request_errmap(); bool update_errmap(const lcb::MemcachedResponse& packet); SessionRequestImpl(lcbio_CONNDONE_cb callback, void *data, uint32_t timeout, lcbio_TABLE *iot, lcb_settings* settings_) : ctx(NULL), cb(callback), cbdata(data), timer(lcbio_timer_new(iot, this, timeout_handler)), last_err(LCB_SUCCESS), info(NULL), settings(settings_) { if (timeout) { lcbio_timer_rearm(timer, timeout); } memset(&u_auth, 0, sizeof(u_auth)); } virtual ~SessionRequestImpl(); void cancel() { cb = NULL; delete this; } void fail() { if (cb != NULL) { cb(NULL, cbdata, last_err, 0); cb = NULL; } delete this; } void fail(lcb_error_t error, const char *msg) { set_error(error, msg); fail(); } void success() { /** Dislodge the connection, and return it back to the caller */ lcbio_SOCKET *s; lcbio_ctx_close(ctx, close_cb, &s); ctx = NULL; lcbio_protoctx_add(s, info); info = NULL; /** Invoke the callback, marking it a success */ cb(s, cbdata, LCB_SUCCESS, 0); lcbio_unref(s); delete this; } void set_error(lcb_error_t error, const char *msg = "") { lcb_log(LOGARGS(this, ERR), SESSREQ_LOGFMT "Error: 0x%x, %s", SESSREQ_LOGID(this), error, msg); if (last_err == LCB_SUCCESS) { last_err = error; } } bool has_error() const { return last_err != LCB_SUCCESS; } union { cbsasl_secret_t secret; char buffer[256]; } u_auth; lcbio_CTX *ctx; lcbio_CONNDONE_cb cb; void *cbdata; lcbio_pTIMER timer; lcb_error_t last_err; cbsasl_conn_t *sasl_client; SessionInfo* info; lcb_settings *settings; }; static void handle_read(lcbio_CTX *ioctx, unsigned) { SessionRequestImpl::get(lcbio_ctx_data(ioctx))->handle_read(ioctx); } static int sasl_get_username(void *context, int id, const char **result, unsigned int *len) { SessionRequestImpl *ctx = SessionRequestImpl::get(context); const char *u = NULL, *p = NULL; if (!context || !result || (id != CBSASL_CB_USER && id != CBSASL_CB_AUTHNAME)) { return SASL_BADPARAM; } lcbauth_get_upass(ctx->settings->auth, &u, &p); *result = u; if (len) { *len = (unsigned int)strlen(*result); } return SASL_OK; } static int sasl_get_password(cbsasl_conn_t *conn, void *context, int id, cbsasl_secret_t **psecret) { SessionRequestImpl *ctx = SessionRequestImpl::get(context); if (!conn || ! psecret || id != CBSASL_CB_PASS || ctx == NULL) { return SASL_BADPARAM; } *psecret = &ctx->u_auth.secret; return SASL_OK; } SessionInfo::SessionInfo() { lcbio_PROTOCTX::id = LCBIO_PROTOCTX_SESSINFO; lcbio_PROTOCTX::dtor = (void (*)(lcbio_PROTOCTX *))cleanup_negotiated; } bool SessionRequestImpl::setup(const lcbio_NAMEINFO& nistrs, const lcb_host_t& host, const lcb::Authenticator& auth) { cbsasl_callback_t sasl_callbacks[4]; sasl_callbacks[0].id = CBSASL_CB_USER; sasl_callbacks[0].proc = (int( *)(void)) &sasl_get_username; sasl_callbacks[1].id = CBSASL_CB_AUTHNAME; sasl_callbacks[1].proc = (int( *)(void)) &sasl_get_username; sasl_callbacks[2].id = CBSASL_CB_PASS; sasl_callbacks[2].proc = (int( *)(void)) &sasl_get_password; sasl_callbacks[3].id = CBSASL_CB_LIST_END; sasl_callbacks[3].proc = NULL; sasl_callbacks[3].context = NULL; for (size_t ii = 0; ii < 3; ii++) { sasl_callbacks[ii].context = this; } const char *pass = NULL, *user = NULL; lcbauth_get_upass(&auth, &user, &pass); if (pass) { unsigned long pwlen = (unsigned long)strlen(pass); size_t maxlen = sizeof(u_auth.buffer) - offsetof(cbsasl_secret_t, data); u_auth.secret.len = pwlen; if (pwlen < maxlen) { memcpy(u_auth.secret.data, pass, pwlen); } else { return false; } } cbsasl_error_t saslerr = cbsasl_client_new( "couchbase", host.host, nistrs.local, nistrs.remote, sasl_callbacks, 0, &sasl_client); return saslerr == SASL_OK; } static void timeout_handler(void *arg) { SessionRequestImpl *sreq = SessionRequestImpl::get(arg); sreq->fail(LCB_ETIMEDOUT, "Negotiation timed out"); } /** * Called to retrive the mechlist from the packet. * @return 0 to continue authentication, 1 if no authentication needed, or * -1 on error. */ SessionRequestImpl::MechStatus SessionRequestImpl::set_chosen_mech(std::string& mechlist, const char **data, unsigned int *ndata) { cbsasl_error_t saslerr; if (settings->sasl_mech_force) { char *forcemech = settings->sasl_mech_force; if (mechlist.find(forcemech) == std::string::npos) { /** Requested mechanism not found */ set_error(LCB_SASLMECH_UNAVAILABLE, mechlist.c_str()); return MECH_UNAVAILABLE; } mechlist.assign(forcemech); } const char *chosenmech; saslerr = cbsasl_client_start(sasl_client, mechlist.c_str(), NULL, data, ndata, &chosenmech); switch (saslerr) { case SASL_OK: info->mech.assign(chosenmech); return MECH_OK; case SASL_NOMECH: lcb_log(LOGARGS(this, INFO), SESSREQ_LOGFMT "Server does not support SASL (no mechanisms supported)", SESSREQ_LOGID(this)); return MECH_NOT_NEEDED; break; default: lcb_log(LOGARGS(this, INFO), SESSREQ_LOGFMT "cbsasl_client_start returned %d", SESSREQ_LOGID(this), saslerr); set_error(LCB_EINTERNAL, "Couldn't start SASL client"); return MECH_UNAVAILABLE; } } /** * Given the specific mechanisms, send the auth packet to the server. */ void SessionRequestImpl::send_auth(const char *sasl_data, unsigned ndata) { lcb::MemcachedRequest hdr(PROTOCOL_BINARY_CMD_SASL_AUTH); hdr.sizes(0, info->mech.size(), ndata); lcbio_ctx_put(ctx, hdr.data(), hdr.size()); lcbio_ctx_put(ctx, info->mech.c_str(), info->mech.size()); lcbio_ctx_put(ctx, sasl_data, ndata); lcbio_ctx_rwant(ctx, 24); } bool SessionRequestImpl::send_step(const lcb::MemcachedResponse& packet) { cbsasl_error_t saslerr; const char *step_data; unsigned int ndata; saslerr = cbsasl_client_step(sasl_client, packet.body(), packet.bodylen(), NULL, &step_data, &ndata); if (saslerr != SASL_CONTINUE) { set_error(LCB_EINTERNAL, "Unable to perform SASL STEP"); return false; } lcb::MemcachedRequest hdr(PROTOCOL_BINARY_CMD_SASL_STEP); hdr.sizes(0, info->mech.size(), ndata); lcbio_ctx_put(ctx, hdr.data(), hdr.size()); lcbio_ctx_put(ctx, info->mech.c_str(), info->mech.size()); lcbio_ctx_put(ctx, step_data, ndata); lcbio_ctx_rwant(ctx, 24); return true; } #define LCB_HELLO_DEFL_STRING "libcouchbase/" LCB_VERSION_STRING #define LCB_HELLO_DEFL_LENGTH (sizeof(LCB_HELLO_DEFL_STRING)-1) bool SessionRequestImpl::send_hello() { lcb_U16 features[MEMCACHED_TOTAL_HELLO_FEATURES]; unsigned nfeatures = 0; features[nfeatures++] = PROTOCOL_BINARY_FEATURE_TLS; features[nfeatures++] = PROTOCOL_BINARY_FEATURE_XATTR; features[nfeatures++] = PROTOCOL_BINARY_FEATURE_SELECT_BUCKET; if (settings->use_errmap) { features[nfeatures++] = PROTOCOL_BINARY_FEATURE_XERROR; } if (settings->tcp_nodelay) { features[nfeatures++] = PROTOCOL_BINARY_FEATURE_TCPNODELAY; } #ifndef LCB_NO_SNAPPY if (settings->compressopts != LCB_COMPRESS_NONE) { features[nfeatures++] = PROTOCOL_BINARY_FEATURE_DATATYPE; } #endif if (settings->fetch_mutation_tokens) { features[nfeatures++] = PROTOCOL_BINARY_FEATURE_MUTATION_SEQNO; } std::string client_string; const char *clistr = LCB_HELLO_DEFL_STRING; size_t nclistr = LCB_HELLO_DEFL_LENGTH; if (settings->client_string) { client_string.assign(LCB_HELLO_DEFL_STRING); client_string += ", "; client_string += settings->client_string; clistr = client_string.c_str(); nclistr = client_string.size(); } lcb::MemcachedRequest hdr(PROTOCOL_BINARY_CMD_HELLO); hdr.sizes(0, nclistr, (sizeof features[0]) * nfeatures); lcbio_ctx_put(ctx, hdr.data(), hdr.size()); lcbio_ctx_put(ctx, clistr, nclistr); for (size_t ii = 0; ii < nfeatures; ii++) { lcb_U16 tmp = htons(features[ii]); lcbio_ctx_put(ctx, &tmp, sizeof tmp); } lcbio_ctx_rwant(ctx, 24); return true; } bool SessionRequestImpl::read_hello(const lcb::MemcachedResponse& resp) { /* some caps */ const char *cur; const char *payload = resp.body(); const char *limit = payload + resp.bodylen(); for (cur = payload; cur < limit; cur += 2) { lcb_U16 tmp; memcpy(&tmp, cur, sizeof(tmp)); tmp = ntohs(tmp); lcb_log(LOGARGS(this, DEBUG), SESSREQ_LOGFMT "Server supports feature: 0x%x (%s)", SESSREQ_LOGID(this), tmp, protocol_feature_2_text(tmp)); info->server_features.push_back(tmp); } return true; } bool SessionRequestImpl::request_errmap() { lcb::MemcachedRequest hdr(PROTOCOL_BINARY_CMD_GET_ERROR_MAP); uint16_t version = htons(1); hdr.sizes(0, 0, 2); const char *p = reinterpret_cast(&version); lcbio_ctx_put(ctx, hdr.data(), hdr.size()); lcbio_ctx_put(ctx, p, 2); lcbio_ctx_rwant(ctx, 24); return true; } bool SessionRequestImpl::update_errmap(const lcb::MemcachedResponse& resp) { // Get the error map object using lcb::errmap::ErrorMap; std::string errmsg; ErrorMap& mm = *settings->errmap; ErrorMap::ParseStatus status = mm.parse( resp.body(), resp.bodylen(), errmsg); if (status != ErrorMap::UPDATED && status != ErrorMap::NOT_UPDATED) { errmsg = "Couldn't update error map: " + errmsg; set_error(LCB_PROTOCOL_ERROR, errmsg.c_str()); return false; } return true; } // Returns true if sending the SELECT_BUCKET command, false otherwise. bool SessionRequestImpl::maybe_select_bucket() { // Only send a SELECT_BUCKET if we have the SELECT_BUCKET bit enabled. if (!info->has_feature(PROTOCOL_BINARY_FEATURE_SELECT_BUCKET)) { return false; } if (!settings->select_bucket) { lcb_log(LOGARGS(this, WARN), SESSREQ_LOGFMT "SELECT_BUCKET Disabled by application", SESSREQ_LOGID(this)); return false; } // send the SELECT_BUCKET command: lcb_log(LOGARGS(this, INFO), SESSREQ_LOGFMT "Sending SELECT_BUCKET", SESSREQ_LOGID(this)); lcb::MemcachedRequest req(PROTOCOL_BINARY_CMD_SELECT_BUCKET); req.sizes(0, strlen(settings->bucket), 0); lcbio_ctx_put(ctx, req.data(), req.size()); lcbio_ctx_put(ctx, settings->bucket, strlen(settings->bucket)); LCBIO_CTX_RSCHEDULE(ctx, 24); return true; } static bool isUnsupported(uint16_t status) { return status == PROTOCOL_BINARY_RESPONSE_NOT_SUPPORTED || status == PROTOCOL_BINARY_RESPONSE_UNKNOWN_COMMAND || status == PROTOCOL_BINARY_RESPONSE_EACCESS; } /** * It's assumed the server buffers will be reset upon close(), so we must make * sure to _not_ release the ringbuffer if that happens. */ void SessionRequestImpl::handle_read(lcbio_CTX *ioctx) { lcb::MemcachedResponse resp; unsigned required; bool completed = false; GT_NEXT_PACKET: if (!resp.load(ioctx, &required)) { LCBIO_CTX_RSCHEDULE(ioctx, required); return; } const uint16_t status = resp.status(); switch (resp.opcode()) { case PROTOCOL_BINARY_CMD_SASL_LIST_MECHS: { const char *mechlist_data; unsigned int nmechlist_data; std::string mechs(resp.body(), resp.bodylen()); MechStatus mechrc = set_chosen_mech(mechs, &mechlist_data, &nmechlist_data); if (mechrc == MECH_OK) { send_auth(mechlist_data, nmechlist_data); } else if (mechrc == MECH_UNAVAILABLE) { // Do nothing - error already set } else { completed = !maybe_select_bucket(); } break; } case PROTOCOL_BINARY_CMD_SASL_AUTH: { if (status == PROTOCOL_BINARY_RESPONSE_SUCCESS) { completed = !maybe_select_bucket(); break; } else if (status == PROTOCOL_BINARY_RESPONSE_AUTH_CONTINUE) { send_step(resp); } else { set_error(LCB_AUTH_ERROR, "SASL AUTH failed"); break; } break; } case PROTOCOL_BINARY_CMD_SASL_STEP: { if (status == PROTOCOL_BINARY_RESPONSE_SUCCESS) { completed = !maybe_select_bucket(); } else { lcb_log(LOGARGS(this, WARN), SESSREQ_LOGFMT "SASL auth failed with STATUS=0x%x", SESSREQ_LOGID(this), status); set_error(LCB_AUTH_ERROR, "SASL Step Failed"); } break; } case PROTOCOL_BINARY_CMD_HELLO: { if (status == PROTOCOL_BINARY_RESPONSE_SUCCESS) { if (!read_hello(resp)) { set_error(LCB_PROTOCOL_ERROR, "Couldn't parse HELLO"); break; } } else if (isUnsupported(status)) { lcb_log(LOGARGS(this, DEBUG), SESSREQ_LOGFMT "Server does not support HELLO", SESSREQ_LOGID(this)); } else { set_error(LCB_PROTOCOL_ERROR, "Hello response unexpected"); break; } if (info->has_feature(PROTOCOL_BINARY_FEATURE_XERROR)) { request_errmap(); } else { lcb_log(LOGARGS(this, TRACE), SESSREQ_LOGFMT "GET_ERRORMAP unsupported/disabled", SESSREQ_LOGID(this)); } // In any event, it's also time to send the LIST_MECHS request lcb::MemcachedRequest req(PROTOCOL_BINARY_CMD_SASL_LIST_MECHS); lcbio_ctx_put(ctx, req.data(), req.size()); LCBIO_CTX_RSCHEDULE(ctx, 24); break; } case PROTOCOL_BINARY_CMD_GET_ERROR_MAP: { if (status == PROTOCOL_BINARY_RESPONSE_SUCCESS) { if (!update_errmap(resp)) { } } else if (isUnsupported(status)) { lcb_log(LOGARGS(this, DEBUG), SESSREQ_LOGFMT "Server does not support GET_ERRMAP (0x%x)", SESSREQ_LOGID(this), status); } else { lcb_log(LOGARGS(this, ERROR), SESSREQ_LOGFMT "Unexpected status 0x%x received for GET_ERRMAP", SESSREQ_LOGID(this), status); set_error(LCB_PROTOCOL_ERROR, "GET_ERRMAP response unexpected"); } // Note, there is no explicit state transition here. LIST_MECHS is // pipelined after this request. break; } case PROTOCOL_BINARY_CMD_SELECT_BUCKET: { if (status == PROTOCOL_BINARY_RESPONSE_SUCCESS) { completed = true; } else if (status == PROTOCOL_BINARY_RESPONSE_EACCESS) { set_error(LCB_AUTH_ERROR, "Provided credentials not allowed for bucket"); } else { lcb_log(LOGARGS(this, ERROR), SESSREQ_LOGFMT "Unexpected status 0x%x received for SELECT_BUCKET", SESSREQ_LOGID(this), status); set_error(LCB_PROTOCOL_ERROR, "Other auth error"); } break; } default: { lcb_log(LOGARGS(this, ERROR), SESSREQ_LOGFMT "Received unknown response. OP=0x%x. RC=0x%x", SESSREQ_LOGID(this), resp.opcode(), resp.status()); set_error(LCB_NOT_SUPPORTED, "Received unknown response"); break; } } // We need to release the packet's buffers before actually destroying the // underlying socket and/or buffers! resp.release(ioctx); // Once there is no more any dependencies on the buffers, we can succeed // or fail the request, potentially destroying the underlying connection if (has_error()) { fail(); } else if (completed) { success(); } else { goto GT_NEXT_PACKET; } } static void handle_ioerr(lcbio_CTX *ctx, lcb_error_t err) { SessionRequestImpl* sreq = SessionRequestImpl::get(lcbio_ctx_data(ctx)); sreq->fail(err, "IO Error"); } static void cleanup_negotiated(SessionInfo* ctx) { delete ctx; } void SessionRequestImpl::start(lcbio_SOCKET *sock) { info = new SessionInfo(); lcb_error_t err = lcbio_sslify_if_needed(sock, settings); if (err != LCB_SUCCESS) { set_error(err, "Couldn't initialized SSL on socket"); lcbio_async_signal(timer); return; } lcbio_CTXPROCS procs; procs.cb_err = ::handle_ioerr; procs.cb_read = ::handle_read; ctx = lcbio_ctx_new(sock, this, &procs); ctx->subsys = "sasl"; const lcb_host_t *curhost = lcbio_get_host(sock); lcbio_NAMEINFO nistrs; lcbio_get_nameinfo(sock, &nistrs); if (!setup(nistrs, *curhost, *settings->auth)) { set_error(LCB_EINTERNAL, "Couldn't start SASL client"); lcbio_async_signal(timer); return; } send_hello(); LCBIO_CTX_RSCHEDULE(ctx, 24); } SessionRequestImpl::~SessionRequestImpl() { if (info) { delete info; } if (timer) { lcbio_timer_destroy(timer); } if (ctx) { lcbio_ctx_close(ctx, NULL, NULL); } if (sasl_client) { cbsasl_dispose(&sasl_client); } } void lcb::sessreq_cancel(SessionRequest *sreq) { sreq->cancel(); } SessionRequest * SessionRequest::start(lcbio_SOCKET *sock, lcb_settings_st *settings, uint32_t tmo, lcbio_CONNDONE_cb callback, void *data) { SessionRequestImpl* sreq = new SessionRequestImpl(callback, data, tmo, sock->io, settings); sreq->start(sock); return sreq; } SessionInfo* SessionInfo::get(lcbio_SOCKET *sock) { return static_cast(lcbio_protoctx_get(sock, LCBIO_PROTOCTX_SESSINFO)); } bool SessionInfo::has_feature(uint16_t feature) const { return std::find(server_features.begin(), server_features.end(), feature) != server_features.end(); }