require 'spec_helper_controllers' describe Gaku::Admin::CommuteMethodTypesController do let(:commute_method_type) { create(:commute_method_type) } let(:invalid_commute_method_type) { create(:invalid_commute_method_type) } context 'as student' do before { as :student } describe 'XHR #index' do before { gaku_js_get :index } it { should respond_with 302 } it('redirects') { redirect_to? gaku.root_path } it('sets unauthorized flash') { flash_unauthorized? } end end context 'as admin' do before { as :admin } context 'js' do describe 'XHR #index' do before do commute_method_type gaku_js_get :index end it { should respond_with 200 } it('assigns @commute_method_types') { expect(assigns(:commute_method_types)).to eq [commute_method_type] } it('assigns @count') { expect(assigns(:count)).to eq 1 } it('renders :index template') { template? :index } end describe 'XHR #new' do before { gaku_js_get :new } it { should respond_with 200 } it('assigns @commute_method_type') do expect(assigns(:commute_method_type)).to be_a_new(Gaku::CommuteMethodType) end it('renders the :new template') { template? :new } end describe 'POST #create' do context 'with valid attributes' do let(:valid_js_create) do gaku_js_post :create, commute_method_type: attributes_for(:commute_method_type) end it 'creates new commute_method_type' do expect do valid_js_create change(Gaku::CommuteMethodType, :count).by(1) end it 'renders flash' do valid_js_create flash_created? end it 'increments @count' do valid_js_create expect(assigns(:count)).to eq 1 end end context 'with invalid attributes' do let(:invalid_js_create) do gaku_js_post :create, commute_method_type: attributes_for(:invalid_commute_method_type) end it 'does not save the new commute_method_type' do expect do invalid_js_create end.to_not change(Gaku::CommuteMethodType, :count) end it 're-renders the new method' do invalid_js_create template? :create end it "doesn't increment @count" do invalid_js_create expect(assigns(:count)).to eq 0 end end end describe 'XHR #edit' do before { gaku_js_get :edit, id: commute_method_type } it { should respond_with 200 } it('assigns @commute_method_type') { expect(assigns(:commute_method_type)).to eq commute_method_type } it('renders the :edit template') { template? :edit } end describe 'PATCH #update' do context 'with valid attributes' do before do gaku_js_patch :update, id: commute_method_type, commute_method_type: attributes_for(:commute_method_type, name: 'new method') end it { should respond_with 200 } it('assigns @commute_method_type') { expect(assigns(:commute_method_type)).to eq commute_method_type } it('sets flash') { flash_updated? } it "changes commute_method_type's attributes" do commute_method_type.reload expect( eq 'new method' end end context 'with invalid attributes' do before do gaku_js_patch :update, id: commute_method_type, commute_method_type: attributes_for(:invalid_commute_method_type, name: '') end it { should respond_with 200 } it('assigns @commute_method_type') { expect(assigns(:commute_method_type)).to eq commute_method_type } it "does not change commute_method_type's attributes" do commute_method_type.reload expect( eq '' end end end describe 'XHR DELETE #destroy' do it 'deletes the commute_method_type' do commute_method_type expect do gaku_js_delete :destroy, id: commute_method_type change(Gaku::CommuteMethodType, :count).by(-1) end it 'decrements @count' do gaku_js_delete :destroy, id: commute_method_type expect(assigns(:count)).to eq 0 end it 'sets flash' do gaku_js_delete :destroy, id: commute_method_type flash_destroyed? end end end end end