module Vidibus module Permalink class Dispatcher class PathError < StandardError; end # Initialize a new Dispatcher instance. # Provide an absolute +path+ to be dispatched. def initialize(path, options = {}) self.path = path @scope = options[:scope] end # Returns the path to dispatch. def path @path end # Sets path to dispatch def path=(value) raise"Path must be absolute.") unless value.match(/^\//) @path = value end # Returns parts of the path. # Ignores file extension and request params def parts @parts ||= path.gsub(/(\.[^\/]+)?(\?.*)?$/, "").scan(/[^?\/]+/) end # Returns permalink objects matching the parts. def objects @objects ||= resolve_path end # Returns true if all parts could be resolved. def found? @is_found ||= begin !objects.include?(nil) end end # Returns true if any part does not reflect # the current permalink of the underlying linkable. def redirect? @is_redirect ||= begin return unless found? redirectables.any? end end # Returns the path to redirect to, if any. def redirect_path @redirect_path ||= begin return unless redirect? "/" << current_parts.join("/") end end private def resolve_path results = ::Permalink.for_scope(@scope).any_in(:value => parts) links = done = {} for result in results if i = parts.index(result.value) key = "#{result.linkable_class}##{result.linkable_uuid}" next if done[key] links[i] = result done[key] = true end end links end # Returns an array containing the current permalinks of all objects. def current_parts {|o| o.current.value} end def redirectables {|o| !o.current?} end end end end