# SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 # # The OpenSearch Contributors require contributions made to # this file be licensed under the Apache-2.0 license or a # compatible open source license. # # Modifications Copyright OpenSearch Contributors. See # GitHub history for details. require_relative "../../../spec/opensearch_spec_helper" describe "Ingest pipeline execution behavior", :integration => true do subject! do require "logstash/outputs/opensearch" settings = { "hosts" => "#{get_host_port()}", "pipeline" => "apache-logs" } next LogStash::Outputs::OpenSearch.new(settings) end let(:http_client) { Manticore::Client.new } let(:ingest_url) { "http://#{get_host_port()}/_ingest/pipeline/apache-logs" } let(:apache_logs_pipeline) { ' { "description" : "Pipeline to parse Apache logs", "processors" : [ { "grok": { "field": "message", "patterns": ["%{COMBINEDAPACHELOG}"] } } ] }' } before :each do # Delete all templates first. require "elasticsearch" # Clean OpenSearch of data before we start. @client = get_client @client.indices.delete_template(:name => "*") # This can fail if there are no indexes, ignore failure. @client.indices.delete(:index => "*") rescue nil # delete existing ingest pipeline http_client.delete(ingest_url).call # register pipeline http_client.put(ingest_url, :body => apache_logs_pipeline, :headers => {"content-type" => "application/json" }).call #TODO: Use esclient #@client.ingest.put_pipeline :id => 'apache_pipeline', :body => pipeline_defintion subject.register subject.multi_receive([LogStash::Event.new("message" => ' - - [01/Jun/2015:18:00:00 +0000] "GET /scripts/netcat-webserver HTTP/1.1" 200 182 "-" "Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; EasouSpider; +http://www.easou.com/search/spider.html)"')]) @client.indices.refresh #Wait or fail until everything's indexed. Stud::try(10.times) do r = @client.search(index: 'logstash-*') expect(r).to have_hits(1) sleep(0.1) end end it "indexes using the proper pipeline" do results = @client.search(:index => 'logstash-*', :q => "message:\"netcat\"") expect(results).to have_hits(1) expect(results["hits"]["hits"][0]["_source"]["response"]).to eq("200") expect(results["hits"]["hits"][0]["_source"]["bytes"]).to eq("182") expect(results["hits"]["hits"][0]["_source"]["verb"]).to eq("GET") expect(results["hits"]["hits"][0]["_source"]["request"]).to eq("/scripts/netcat-webserver") expect(results["hits"]["hits"][0]["_source"]["auth"]).to eq("-") expect(results["hits"]["hits"][0]["_source"]["ident"]).to eq("-") expect(results["hits"]["hits"][0]["_source"]["clientip"]).to eq("") expect(results["hits"]["hits"][0]["_source"]["junkfieldaaaa"]).to eq(nil) end end